4 years out of game, I feel new again.. lol help

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4 years out of game, I feel new again.. lol help

Postby Teklar » Tue May 19, 2009 9:06 am

It's been 4 years since I played last.. my characters are still here, but alot of things have been forgotten as my mind grew some cobwebs..

First off, the total newbie question.. how again do we get out of scardale? for my little alt Paladin.

And second, where did I put that change of underwear for my main?
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Re: 4 years out of game, I feel new again.. lol help

Postby amena wolfsnarl » Tue May 19, 2009 3:35 pm

when in scardale you can type recall anytime and that will put you in the room of the beginings where u start the game at. you can than type enter toril to get to the rest of the world.

Your underwear was getting a little moldy so the innkeeper threw it out people were starting to complain, she said there were just too many skidmarks to bother keeping
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Re: 4 years out of game, I feel new again.. lol help

Postby Teklar » Wed May 20, 2009 2:16 am

Lol thanks for the reply.. now I feel old and with Alzheimers.. sheesh. Figured it was something simple my brain wasn't picking up on.. Too long a stretch without gaming.

As for the underwear... it was how I liked it, camo for the wilds.
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4 years out of game I feel new again lol help

Postby Timothynor » Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:21 am

Are card dealers in Splint Shield still good exp for around that level?

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