Reversed Vitality

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Reversed Vitality

Postby dhuz » Sat Feb 08, 2003 11:26 pm

Hey, I was just thinking - since we Clerics mainly have Healing and Reversed Healing spells, why not have a Reversed Vitality spell also? It could be called Lethargy or some such thing. Basically it would do what Vitality does just the exact opposite and would, of course, be cast on a non-friendly target, with the same duration as Vitality has. Either, however, it would have to be 6th circle (competing with harm & etc.) or 7th circle (competing with fheal/(un)holy word. It's just an idea, and I would not like to be the one to work out the specifics - I already see one problem. Should it be able to be cast multiple times in a fight, if it wears off - for example. What I mean is, Vitality not only raises your maxhp but it also heals a certain amount. Should Lethargy, then, not only lower the maxhp's of target but also do that amount of damage? Then again, don't most fight finish before Vitality has drained away?

-Dhuzakara, Uhmm... yeah, i'm still a nOOb!
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Postby Hyldryn » Sun Feb 09, 2003 2:55 am

Well there is an enchanter spell which sets a mobs constitution to 0 (enervate). So thats kinda like a reverse vit.

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