Shaman-Ranger skill

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Lolok Frozencrow
Posts: 33
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2001 6:01 am
Location: CANADA

Shaman-Ranger skill

Postby Lolok Frozencrow » Sat Jun 23, 2001 11:39 pm

It was while I was grouped with a shaman that it came to me that they have a spell called totem darts. Would it not be cool if those darts were say twice as powerfull if some freshly carved animals(ala ranger innate carve skill) lay opon the ground when the spell was cast. would add some much needed use for our carve skill, and would make the totem spell alot more usefull Imageand it would just be neat Image

L ImageL ImageK --Pimnn

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