Fleshtrader in and delivory

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Zathep Barra'Chath
Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2003 9:55 pm
Location: California

Fleshtrader in and delivory

Postby Zathep Barra'Chath » Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:05 am

A story by: Zathep Barra'Chath
Edited by: Mynazzaraxxsyn
Special thanks to: all that where there

Zathep Barra'chath wandered the outer gate of the city watching the traders enter in and out of the city. The day had been peaceful and Zath wandered around looking for something to busy himself with. He had all his forces out scouting and longed to be out their, but his duty kept him out home.
With out being seen a young scout sneaks past the gate guards and to all except Zathep gets in without being seen. Sticking to the shadows he signs to his officer," Two humans on the bridge in the forest."
Zathep looks toward the small young scout and nods. Then signed back," Thank you young one, now return to your post and let me know if anything else enters." With that the scout nods and disappears back through the gates without being seen by anyone.
Zathep smiles and quickly heads to his comrade Mynazzaraxxsyn. A particularly power illithid.
Finding the illithid in his study meditating within his small room in the mage tower he quickly interrupts. "Cough.... Myn my scouts have spotted humans in the woods, let’s go."
Looking disgusted in being disturbed from his study Mynazzaraxxsyn stands and nods at the master scout. "Very well lets go." He projects into the scout’s keen mind.
Upon exiting the tower myn used his psionic power to call upon Nilan (the assassin), Zaerell (the rogue) and Yud (the mighty troll warrior). And upon arriving at the gates leading to the forest of Mir all three were assembled and ready.
Zathep comes to the gates guard and whispers something to him. At that the guard nods and leaves south into the city. "Come guys lets see what this is about." Zathep announces. He then glances at the assassin noticing him glaring at him. Zathep stares icily back.
They quickly make there way to the bridge running into a two cloaked humanoid figures, the smaller of the 2 could be smelled all the way across the forest and made the companions eyes water just to be around him. He looks to be decomposing.
Zathep calls out, "State your business fast Human you are on dangerous grounds!"
The Flesh merchant answers back calmly in a chilling matter, "these days we are always walking in dangerous grounds."
Zathep answers back, "I'm not here for small talk human, start explaining what you are doing here or be gone.”
A hooded flesh trader says in a disturbing whisper, " I come on a matter of business."
Frustrated Zathep looks at the merchant's companion. The humanoid was well surrounded in robes that covered him entirely. The humanoid stood motionless starring, and not moving. Zathep then glances back to the trader. "What is that business?" Zathep questioningly orders.
The Flesh merchant answers back calmly in a chilling matter, "I am seeking mercenaries."
Mynazzaraxxsyn steps in projecting," Then you have come to the right place."
Nilan interjects, " We don’t want any business with your kind, or your mage leader."
A hooded flesh trader says in a disturbing whisper." What do you speak of assassin?"
A breeze swifts through pushing more of the undead rotting stench Up Zath's nose nearly causing him to vomit.
Nilan answers back bluntly, "Trobriand."
A hooded flesh trader says in a disturbing whisper, "Trobriand, His knowledge of this is null, for we have not been able to locate him for quite some time."
Nilan upon hearing this gives a small evil grin, "Truly? And do you desire his err whereabouts?"
Zathep steps ending that conversation, "Back to business, what is it you need from the drow?"
"I need them to deliver a package, I'm sure they can handle that," whispers the merchant.
"That is it? Just deliver a package. Course they can handle that," projects Mynazzaraxxsyn adding, "hell even the trolls can handle that."
A rustle in the bushes to his right alerts Zathep to one of his hidden scouts. And another movement in the corner of his eye makes the second known to the drow master scout. The foul air has now started to make Zathep ill. Looking at the flesh trader he notices that the thing isn’t really breathing.
"Where Is this package headed," ask a visibly ill Zathep.
The flesh trader answers in his evil whisper, "To a cave in the top of skeldrich mountains, I must say that the package is to remain a mystery."
For the first time young Zaerell steps in his hands resting on his daggers and his cape flowing behind him, "Who is the recipient of such a mysterious package?"
"The recipient well make himself known when the time is right," the merchant answers coldly.
Mynazzaraxxsyn Projects, "What is the sum we are to be paid, we are not slavers we expect to be paid very handsomely."
Zaerell adds to that, " I may not seem busy at the moment but I assure you I’m not going to wait around a cave for days on end until a stranger arrives."
The hooded flesh merchant says in a disturbing manner, "Your job well be to deliver the package and leave, I well be watching from afar." Then adding says, "you well be paid upon your return to this spot, do not harm my package."
Nilan asks, " and if something should happen...like the package falls into the wrong hands?"
With an evil grin the merchant coldly answers, "Then and unfortunate accident shall befall you and your companions."
The whole group visibly shivers hearing this; even the assassin looks a little disturbed.
The merchant says coldly, "your payment shall be a tithe of two and half a thousand platinum coins."
Yud the troll puts in, "I spose Yud well have to carry dis package."
At that the other humanoid with the merchant moves forward and follows Mynazzaraxxsyn. The merchant says slowly and evil like, "Don’t harm that which is dear to me."
The flesh merchant turns and strides down the bridge toward the dark forest and away from the drow city. Zathep turns to the scout hiding in the wild life on his right and signs, "Follow him as long as you can, find out all you can. Come speak with me about it when you return."
The small scout nods and disappears into the woods, soon after then the second scout is out of sight as well.
The group turns to the motionless silent figure they are to deliver. The figure stands completely still next to Mynazzaraxxsyn not even acknowledging the five gazing upon it.
Mynazzaraxxsyn projects into the minds of the small group, "come now lets make haste and get moving."
The group made its way east back into the city picking up a few more mercenaries including the great ranger and tracker Kosaj the orc, The mighty troll warrior Torv Be Good, and Rihesesassixiz The young apprentice Illithid.
Before leaving the city the group made a trip to Vhaeraun's temple calling upon its priest.
Clearly disturbed and frustrated The high priest steps out of the temple, "why have you disturbed my prayers?"
"We are sorry to disturb you but we seek your and Vhaeraun’s council high one." Nilan apologizes.
"What is it you seek chosen assassin?" Asks the priest directing the question to Nilan.
Nilan answers, "We have been hired to deliver this humanoid to a cave way to the north."
The priest walks over to the golem getting a close look. "Interesting," he says as he touches and inspects the golem.
The priest starts to cast a spell upon the golem and upon the release nothing happens,
"He is well protected from magic," the priest announces.
Mynazzaraxxsyn squints at the humanoid trying to read his mind with psionic power. "Nothing..." the illithid announces.
"What shall we do with it priest?" asks the assassin.
The priest gives a visible shrug. "Id say deliver it, I see no harm in this," answers the High priest of Vhaeraun.
The group nods and the high priest disappears back into the temple.
The group made its way out through the under dark traveling non stop for two days until arriving at Goortok the guard of the caves and tunnels in skeldrick mountains. The ogre stood tall and nodded at the group as they entered immediately knowing this group not to be a threat. The ogre was guarding a large stone door about 7 feet tall.
Goortok puts his finger to his mouth to and says, "SHHUUUSHHHHH! Elfies on other side of door. Goortok guard! Goortok no let elfies come past!”
Kosaj says to the ogre, "Goortok help us fight elfies?"
Goortok answers, "Goortok guards! Elfies no come here, Kosaj go kill elfs Goortok will stay and guard!"
Mynazzaraxxsyn projects to Goortok, "I’m sure Goortok guards well."
Goortok nods to the illithid and then starts weaving a spell casting magic protections upon the small group.
Tapping into the magic powers of his crown Zathep peers through the solid door seeing ten surface elfs all armed and ready for combat. One elf fires an arrow through the door with a note attached. The note read "GO AWAY".
Mynazzaraxxsyn projects through the caverns beyond the door, "let us speak with your leader, We do not want a fight."
Through the great caves the shout of an elf could be heard, "come defend the door!"
Zathep draws his twin shadowy blades and says to the group, "looks like we are in for a fight."
With that said Yud and Torv fly through the door shouting a huge two-troll war cry and crashing through the elven defenses. Kosaj enters the door immediately letting three arrows fly and killing both of the group’s visible clerics. A dagger flies from the shadows scoring a hit on Torv. Seeing this Nilan races into the shadows after the spy.
Zathep enters through the door along with Zaerell both letting poisoned throwing daggers fly into three of the five elven warriors blinding them. Zathep breaks into a roll dodging the swing of one warrior’s to scimitars and leaps out dodging and arrow. Zaerell jumps out piercing the archer square chest with his blades and knocking it to the ground dead. Zathep rolls outward slashing one warrior’s throat before the other Slices him across the back. Zathep falls to the ground in pain but before the warrior can finish him off Torv charges slashing across the elf’s neck from behind and cutting it clean. In a spurt of blood the dead elf falls to his knees.
"Thanks troll," Zathep says to Torv who answers back, "Don mention it dark elfie."
A large lightning bolt flies in from the north blasting right in between Torv and Zathep sending them both flying. Seeing this kosaj turns and lets an arrow fly north which after leaving his magic bow lights a flame and blasts as it hits the elf mage in the chests leaving a smoldering pile of elf.
Mynazzaraxxsyn Reaches into the mind of the remaining elf hitting it with a huge mind blast leaving a motionless dead elf upon the ground.
Nilan emerges from the shadows carrying the corpse of and elf spy.
Rih stands from the corpse of a dead Elf releasing its tentacles from the elf’s head. "Indeed," he announces.
Zathep gives a little chuckle and retrieves his daggers from the warriors.
Yud says, "that was easy for Yud." but ascends after finishing that the second group of elf’s bend the corner.
About thirty seconds of pure madness as spells fly and arrows soar and the whole thing ends, a bloody pile of elf’s lie across the cave. Torv and Nilan both suffer grave arrow wounds and Kosaj seemed to be badly wounded by a small fireball.
The group moves quickly despite their injures through the maze of caves and caverns arriving at a second door and passing through it. After a few turns the group hears a third band of elves.
Zathep whispers to Mynazzaraxxsyn, "I think there well be a better way around the elves then fighting, we cant take much more of this."
The illithid nods agreeing and Zathep slips into the shadows making his way toward the even larger band of elves. He slips easily undetected by the very aware elves and makes his way up to the surface. The cool night air felt nice on Zathep’s skin as he emerged into the mountains. Making his way up a climb. He soon found the cave and with a small grin sat and rested. He knew that in moments the group would be coming to him.
A Psionic rift opens next to Zathep and out steps the whole party. Kosaj had tended to most of the party’s wounds and upon coming out of the rift began to bandage up Zathep’s.
"Thanks old friend," Zathep thanked the orc.
Kosaj nodded at him and continued work.
The golem suddenly moves south through the cave deeper into it. The group all stands and follows it in.
Outside in the night a band of ten elf scouts follow a blood trail leading up to the caves. A great shout rings outside the caves; "we have the trapped in, Lets get them." And a second party runs up to the cave joining the first.
Zathep says to the group, "our job is done here, now would be a good time to leave!"
Mynazzaraxxsyn opens another mental rift connecting with the plane of smoke.
"Enter it quick!" projects the illithid to the group.
Zathep takes a cloak of wings from his bag and throws it around his shoulder as he jumps through the rift. All others follow through. Looking back through the rift he see to his horror Nilan stabbing his daggers into the golem's back. Zathep quickly spins about and with a fast strike of his wings he jets toward the rift flying straight through it as it disappears and tumbles wildly through the smoke.
"No!" he shouts, "That bastard!"
The group gathered in the town, failing at what they sent out, and contemplating the lost and prize. The assassin had betrayed all of them; Nilan had been there friend and was trusted by them. But this time he had gone too far. Why had he struck at them? What foolish actions were these? Only the assassin knew. Sadly Zathep bowed to the band and made his way back into the city and straight for his office in the scout’s barracks.
A pile of reports from his scouts lies on his desk. With a sigh he went to work going through them.
The door to his office suddenly busted open. And the scout who had followed the flesh trader walked in.
"I followed the merchant to the north, up to the hills where you delivered the package. After you left and before I came back. I saw the great silver dragon flying through the mountains toward the cave." The scout reports.
"Excellent work, now leave me I have much work," Zathep says grinning. Then looks back into his pile of paper work.
"Umm one last thing Sir," the scout puts in. Zathep looks up at him. "Nilan was seen entering the city, we followed him to the temple."
Zathep reaches into his pocket pulling out a small bag of coins, which he tosses to the scout. Then stands and walks for the door.
"Excellent, I want your men out looking for the flesh merchant, I want to know where he is now." Zathep orders as he walks out the door.
Zathep makes his way out of the barracks and openly through the street straight for the temple. The temple guard holds out his hand calling Zathep to a halt. Ignoring this Zathep flashes his deadly blades and says move aside guard unless you want to find the ends of these. The guards reluctantly move aside and Zathep enters into the temple.
In the back at the altar Nilan, Vhaerauns chosen assassin, kneels praying to his lord.
Zathep walks straight pasts the priest and up to the deadly assassin.
Without looking up Nilan whispers quietly, "scout...."
Zathep comes to a halt behind the Assassin.
Zathep whispers back, "assassin."
Zathep says quietly, "The silver dragon was seen in the mountains soon after we left." Then adding Zathep says, "the question is...what happened after I left?"
Nilan without looking up says, "what do you mean scout?"
"You know very well what I mean," Zathep speaks boldly.
"The elves retrieved it, you know they would have had it any other way. I just tried to prevent that," Nilan says humbly.
"You fool, you cost us greatly!" Zathep says aloud.
With this several priest stand up watching the two, another priest leaves up a stairway to the high priests chambers.
Nilan counters saying, "if they were meant to get it why attack us? Why not just pick it up?"
Zathep answers angrily," Because, like us, the elves don’t know the truth!"
"Indeed...Thus my reaction… I...I did what I thought was best...scout," Nilan says calmly.
Zathep says, "You don’t not know that it was best, you took a huge risk, you risked a lot tonight assassin"
Nilan says coldly, "I...I risked a lot...I just didn’t believe the surface should possess it."
Nilan's hand comes to grip hold of his lovely blade shadow at the same time Zathep stands with his hand behind his back and his cape hiding his already drawn dagger.
Nilan asks, "what did I risk scout?"
"You risked making us another large enemy, that flesh traitor is not someone to mess with I’m sure." Zathep says also adding in, "And. you cost us lives without payment, next time assassin I WILL have you arrested for such foolish and stupid actions."
Calmly and coolly Nilan says, "I don’t not doubt your words assassin."
Zathep adds in, "The only reason I did not have you bound and caged is do to my respect for you assassin."
Nilan says sarcastically, "I'm...Touched."
"Don’t be!" Zathep booms.
Nilan tells the scout, "Vhaerauns justice...I will face."
"The next time you betray your kin ill see that you are eating rothe jerky and water behind bars for the rest of your days." Zathep announces and then adds, "and just remember not all of us share that belief you have in Vhaeraun slave."
Nilan says defensively, "Vhaeraun runs this city...it is his justice that rules here."
Out from the entrance to the upper part of the city walks the Temples high priest. He walks toward Zathep in an angry march calling for this commotion to come to a halt.
"Yes but there are other cages throughout this world other then this cities." Zathep says aloud so all can hear then adding says in a whisper to the assassin, "and I’m sure some surface cities would love to get hold of you assassin."
With that said Zathep turns to the priest as says IM finished here out of my way. Zathep makes his way out of the temple with no resistance with a wide grin upon his face.
He walked away with his pride and was able to see the great assassin visibly shiver under his armor even though he would have never admitted to it. Yes this pleased the scout greatly...
Azerost (H) NHC: 'I cut my unit trimming yesterday, I hope I didn't get herpies'

Totogimup says 'ok i'm gonna stay out of it, arguing on the mud is like winning the special olympics..even though you win you still a retard'
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Postby Sesexe » Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:48 am

I'd like to offer my services as an editor for higher. Here's an example of your first page Sesexified!


Zathep Barra'chath stalked the outer city gates of Dobluth Kyor, casting a watchful eye on the various merchants and slave traders traveling in and out of his dark domain. The high sun hours had been relatively peaceful and Zath, as he was sometimes called, wandered around looking for something interesting to occupy his time while he waited for any of his servants to return with news. He had dispatched all forces under his temporary command to scout the surrounding landscape. Zathep sighed deeply as he longed to be out prowling the countryside with his dark brethren, but his current duty kept him within the confines of the city proper.

Not alerting the gate guardsmen to his passing, a young scout slipped unnoticed like a shadow to all save the keen eyes of Zathep. Emerging from the gloom briefly, he quickly bowed before his sire and informed him in the dexterous hand language of the Drow, “Our eyes have spied two wretched humans on the bridge with in the forest or Mir. They appear to be holding their current position my lord."

Looking over the lesser juvenile, Zathep responded with a curt nod. He replied back with equal deftness in the intricate hand code "You have served me well. Now return to your post and continue to do so." With that the scout nodded and began to once again disappear in to the shadows and back out through the city gates, but not before catching one final hand gesture from Zathep. A term spoken often among the dark elves and held close to their callous evil hearts, “Failure is death.”

With that, Zathep smiled to himself with grim satisfaction and immediately headed off to find his comrade Mynazzaraxxsyn, a particularly powerful illithid. He headed directly to the Mage Tower to promptly find the mind flayer inside a study room meditating. Daring to flex the limits of his temporary station, and having no care for his friend’s meditative state, Zathep quickly interrupted him with a cough to clear his throat, "My scouts report there are humans in the forest of Mir. It is time to attend to our affairs."

His tentacles flaring angrily at being disturbed from his deep contemplation, Mynazzaraxxsyn projected his words telepathically into the mind of the master scout forcefully, “Many things there are. Time for them all, not always is there” while accompanied by a jumble of disturbing images of extreme torture. The images and painful sensations temporarily brought unbalance to the drow’s mind, causing him to physically steady himself. Mynazzaraxxsyn’s message was venomously clear as it intimately reminded Zathep to pay heed to the illithid’s state before disturbing him again. As quickly as the mental attack began, it ended, and Mynazzaraxxsyn levitated to a standing position inches above the ground. With a nod from his squid-like head, he informed the master scout of his readiness. "Let us go."

Moments after exiting the Mage Tower, Zathep snapped angrily, “Inform the others, to meet us at the agreed location.” With that Mynazzaraxxsyn used his vast telepathic powers to relay a mental summons across the city to; Nilan, a most deadly assassin; Zaerell, a rogue; and Yud, a mighty troll warrior. Upon arriving at the northern city gates once more, the gathering had already assembled and was at the ready.


This month we have a special low low low rate for evils. Come on down today!
Asup group-says 'who needs sex ed when you got sesexe.'
Targsk group-says 'sexedse'
mount dragon
You climb on and ride Tocx'enth'orix, the elder black dragon.
You have learned something new about mount!
Zathep Barra'Chath
Posts: 22
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Location: California

Postby Zathep Barra'Chath » Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:19 am

Ses, you can sesexfy me any day...or my stories
Azerost (H) NHC: 'I cut my unit trimming yesterday, I hope I didn't get herpies'

Totogimup says 'ok i'm gonna stay out of it, arguing on the mud is like winning the special olympics..even though you win you still a retard'
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Postby Gura » Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:52 am

editor for higher?
Dornax says 'And for the right amount of information ye might get some nookie out of Nokie..'

Nokie wiggles his bottom.
Teba tells you 'let me do my job you volo twinker!'
Bobidibble GCC: 'yeah i admit gura is a better warrior then i am, no shame in it... perhaps someday i shall be as pimp'
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Postby mynazzaraxxsyn » Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:21 am

Yeah I edited that, basically I took it from snipets of mud log and turned it into a story, he wanted it quick so i didn't do a full edit on it. if i had known it was going to be months till it got posted i would've fixed more.
Lilithelle stops using a softly throbbing piece of flesh.
Gura group-says 'ill go solo the biznatch, just don't tell Stamm'
Kossuth responds to your petition with 'is it bad that the two words i think of when i see yer title are hottub and cthulhu? :('

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