Silver and Shadow

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Silver and Shadow

Postby Deshana » Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:41 am

OOC- be warned its long.. and heavily edited.

The druid moved silently through the trees of the ancient forest. her bare feet made no trace on the soft moss as she moved, ghostly pale in the darkness. An owl called, its cry haunting in the shadowed forest. a bat winged overhead, its high pitched squeek counterpoint to its leathery wingbeats. The moths were juicy tonight. She paused in a patch of moonlight, bending to breath the scent of night blooming Jasmine when the accented voice came from the darkest heart of the shadows. "Have you seen my wife?"

Wary, she froze, fingers curling around the hilt of the night dark scimitar at her hip. Deshana peered into the darkness, barely able to make out a form there. The man that spoke was as silent in the forest as she. A flash of white teeth, a red glint to his eyes, and a suggestion of shadow.
She stood in uncertain silence for a breathless moment. "Y.. Your wife sir?" The shadow stepped a bit closer to the moonlight, silvery light gleaming on ebon skin.

"Indeed. My Wife. I believe you and she are guild mates." The elegant drow frowned, his words dripping like ice down her spine. "Do you find my being wed to a grey elf repulsive?" Long dexterous fingers rested easily on the hilt of his wicked daggers.

"G..Grey Elf? What Grey elf? Of.. Of whom do you speak?" Deshanas mouth was dry from fear, her voice rasping out. She trembled a moment, waiting for the drow to strike. Her eyes met his and she sensed his impatience building.

"The Lady Elisten, of course. My wife" His words were clipped, and he eyed her with some undefinable emotion. Hate? She didn't know. She wasn't sure she wanted to learn either. "Elisten is married?!" She was unable to stifle her shock at this news, her friend had never told her. She clapped her hand over her mouth, agast at her outburst. "I... I didn't know." She sensed his disbelief, saw his fingers tighten on the hilt of his blade.

Steeling herself she moved her hand away from her own weapon. "I'm pleased to meet you. If Elisten is your wife, then it is doubly an honour." She was pleased by how steady her voice sounded. "She is at the temple, going about her duties.. I would be glad to carry a message." She watched his expression change from wary menance to stark disbelief.

"Y.. You are not offended? It does not disgust you to see a drow wedded a priestess?" The uncertainty in his tone amazed her. This fearsome, terrible killer was acctually nervous about her reaction? It couldn't be so, but all her senses told her it was.

"I must assume, knowing Elisten, that you are a rather extraordinary drow. She would not wed one without honour." Deshana managed a small smile. "Have you a message?" She took a single step towards the Drow, who backed away a little.

"Tell her I miss her, and I love her. That is all the message" The drow crossed his arms and bowed to her, and seemed litterally to blend and warp into the shadowed forest. Deshana hesitated then cried, "wait! What's your name?"


Seasons passed, with few signs of the shadow in the forest crossing her path. More and more her business found her in the heart of the Human city of Waterdeep. Occassionally the drow called Nilan crept up, always out of weapons range, to ask her to pass a message to his wife. She never saw him clearly, for he hid himself naturally in the shadows. His voice, though, she learned, cold as adamantium, yet gloved in velvet. It etched itself into her mind. Even when his messages were simple, scrawled notes, she almost heard that voice in his writing.

"Desh, come on, they're waiting." The human invoker broke through the druids thoughts, tugging at her hand. Jenera was always impatient, always rushing. Deshana often wondered if she noticed anything beyond her books. She snatched her hand away from the mage's and stood, smoothing her robes. "I don't see whats so importent, Jenera. Who is it you want me to meet?"

"I can't tell you, you'll have to see when we get there," the mage was evasive, not meeting the druids sea green eyes. "Dranix is waiting to take us there." Rolling her eyes skywards the druid followed, wondering what this new day would bring. The one eyed half elf smiled as she stepped into the sunlight. With a nod to Jenera, Dranix began calling on the power of Silvanus, to open the moonwell. Deshana watched him closely, he seemed to need many more gestures then she. Then again, Sylvanus was a god of the wood, not the moon, as was her own Maiden. Perhaps that was the difference. The pool opened near her feet and she stepped through.


Darkness. The room was in pitch black, two red shapes stumbbling in behind her, three already there. A voice from the tallest of the shapes rang with cool, too silky assurance. "Oh good, you brought her." A candle was lit, and the room slowly came into view. A cave of some kind. The speaker with the somewhat slimy voice she recognized as Gantoris, a rogue known to Jenera and Dranix. A tall, poisonously beautiful woman stood beside Gantoris, quickly introduced as Nitania, Gantoris's wife. Dagger like scarlet finger nails rested against Gantoris' arm possessivly.

The thrid figure, remained cloaked in shadow, watching these introductions. Finally it stepped forward. "And how is my wife today, Druid?" Cold, sharp adamantium, soft rough velvet. in the light the drow called Nilan was as beautiful as he was deadly. He tossed a neat white braid over his shoulder and watched her like a hawk watches a mouse its thinking of stooping upon.
His eyes glinted red a moment, then he stepped back into the shadow.

Gantoris cleared his throat importantly, "Yes, well I see you two have met." Deshana could only stammer an affirmative. "Good then, to business." Gantoris puffed himself up like a strutting grouse. "We asked you here because Jenera and Dranix believe you will be of aid to us. You see, we are a.. I suppose, and organization for the betterment of the realms." Nilan gave a sardonic snort, so quiet that it may have been only her sharper ears that heard. Gantoris certainly gave no evidence of hearing it. "We're investigating some missing persons. Children. We also wish you to join our ranks." Gantoris paused, raising an eyebrow as if waiting for her to gush with gratitude at such an honour. When she said nothing, only motioning him to continue, Gantoris looked basffled a moment. "At any rate, we call ourselves the conspirators. We work with the Harpers to protect Toril, and gather information for them. We just use different tactics." Gantoris and Nitania both bore deadly sleek blades, the weapons of assassins, the same sort that Nilan sported.

"I see." Her voice rumbled slightly, a rasping growl betraying her nervousness. "And the missing children?" Gantoris nodded, and motioned to Nilan. the elegant drow moved forward cautiously. His accent was odd, but musical, and he spoke with a great deal of feeling.

"I first learned of the missing children when a drow child vanished from her noble house. My questions in the underdark were ignored, so I took my search to the surface. No one cared about a missing drow child, but I learned of many other disaperances, children all. Including the daughter of the Lord of Waterdeep." Nilan looked grim, but also strangly saddened. "Those I asked believed I wanted the children for some dark purpose. I wish only to find my kinswoman. As well, they do not take these vanishings seriously. That, I fear is a grave error."

Deshana listened intently as the drow outlined what he had learned so far. Gantoris looked sleepy, Nitania seemed bored, Jenera and Dranix seemed indifferent. Something about the passion in that velvet voice touched a chord within her, and she found herself slipping down to a more instinct driven level of Sight. She opened her eyes again, and met Nilans eyes. She couldn't tell the colour, but they gleamed red as he scaned the room, noting the indifference of the other occupants.
She looked deeper, daring to gaze into the soul of a reputed killer.. an assassin.

Pure raging flames leapt out at her, embracing her spirit. Cold he may have seemed but his emotions ran hot. Light surrounded her, fighting back the shadows of reality. She witnessed brief glimpses of horrors, the life of a drow male. She caught a flash of Elisten, and the light around her grew warm, an impression of trust, and Dranix's scared face.. Shaken she brought herself back to reality, with the drows eyes fixed curiously on her face. "I need help, to find them." was all he said.

"So," Gantoris intrupted her confused thoughts. "Will you join us, Druid?" He sounded bored, lazy. Without dropping her gaze from that of the drow, Deshana found herself agreeing.


Weeks, months passed, as she worked with the conspirators. Rarely did she see the enigmatic drow. Gantoris and his business, and that of Jenera and her older brother, Lazus became embroilled in a shadowy struggle. All of Vermillion Shadow and her Allies found their assets seized, Gantoris and Nitania found themselves hunted for treason against the Lord of Waterdeep.

Both Deshana, and the half elf Dranix found themselves acting as the only agents still free to move about the human city. They worked together, trying to stem the flow of lifeblood from the two businesses as the reputations of those agents openly involved became destroyed. One evening found the two discussing the standing of matters in a small tent. Both druids were at a loss, and trying to come up with some new stratagy, when a shadow fell over them.

"Abbil, Lady Druid. If I may speak a moment?" The shadow detached from the gloom of night, lithe and deadly. Nilan took a seat beside Dranix. "The humans don't care to believe my report. Perhaps you will hear my words, and heed them." Deshana watched as Dranix stood and greeted the drow as a brother, embracing him. More amazing still was that the assassin seemed to return the friendship of the one eyed druid.

"Nilan, certainly we will hear your words, Silvanus knows we're at a loss." Dranix returned to his seat, motioning Nilan to speak. Deshana managed a small, shy smile at him, still dazed by this new insight. Nilan leaned forward and spoke, his tone low and earnest. She listened as he explained that the Lord of Waterdeep was relying heavily on the advice of a single general. he said that it was this general, General Alsup, that brought the accusations against Vermillion Shadow, and in turn, Twilight Raven. The drow took a deep breath, then said simply, "I believe the general has been replaced with a demon. I have watched, and I have lived as a human. The signs are there."

Nilan met their eyes in turn. He hesitated, then said softly, 'I'm not mad.. I think this may be what has happened within the human city. Please," his voice was soft, pleading. "Believe me, I am not crazy, I truely believe this is what has happened." Both druids stared at him, in a state of shock, uncertain what to think or do. Finally Dranix nodded.

"I have never known you to lie my friend, I believe you. I'll make certain the others listen to this as well." Dranix smiled, clapping the slender drow on the shoulder reassuringly. Unfathomable eyes met hers, and she nodded mutely, confirming her acceptance of his words. Satisfied, Nilan nodded, then engaged in a lighter conversation with Dranix, their manner easy, that of two very old friends. Excluded from the banter, Deshana retreated to consider Nilans words. She felt odd, a little light headed, when in his presence. Fear? Maybe..

Between them they managed to convince the others of the danger, but too late, the web had caught them. Alsup escaped, and Gantoris was taken by parties unknown. Nitania was distraught, the first time the druid had seen her show an emotion other then distaste, or boredom. The conspirators gathered, trying to learn who had captured the old rogue Gantoris.

A shimmer in the air was all the warning they got. a window opened, Gantoris clearly visible, bound to a chair. a faceless figure standing near him. The group watched, numb as the ransom demand was given in a toneless voice... just before they started breaking Gantoris's fingers, one bone at a time. The window closed mid scream, and left Deshana pale, shaking, her stomach was in knots with fear. Nitania was openly weeping, vowing to save her husband. Nilan stood still as a statue, just watching... then vanished on his own search.

Deshana followed Nitania on her search for the items the kidnappers demanded. The window occasionally opening before them, as new tortures were inflicted on Gantoris. Sickened, the druid sought to help the female killer cope, but found herself agast at the glee the woman slaughtered those that had held the "ransom" items.

Four people arrived at the drop point. Nitania and Deshana, and Nilan and Dranix. Items gathered they awaited contact. It came in a blinding flash and the sudden, paniced realization that she couldn't move. Deshana felt a hand tangle in her silver hair, felt her head forced back, and long fingers touching her throat in a threatening caress. She tried to growl, but barely managed a pathetic whimper. An icy voice near her ear chuckled, and a man stepped into veiw, cloaked and hooded.

"Excellent, all the players are here." Ice cold, with a familiar accent, the figure spoke. He was slender, and moved like a dancer, or an assassin. He darted around the room, relieving each of them of their burdens, taking only the demanded ransom. From the corner of her eye she saw Nitanias head jerked back the same way, and ebon fingers stroking the beautiful rogues jaw. Cold laughter filled the room as the figure stood once more before them, this time with all his prizes.

"Kinsman, you travel in strange company this night." The figure pulled back his hood, revealing the sharp, proud features of a drow man. Nilan was barely visible to her, but it seemed he became even more tense with rage. His eyes flashed to a deep crimson that frightened her more then her immobility, or the deadly promise of the fingers that had touched her throat. The assassins hands had been frozen a scant inch from the hilts of his daggers, and she felt Nilans anger like a blow to the gut. The strange drow continued, but she found if hard to pay attention to what sounded like a typical, "foolish creatures, you fell right into my trap" monologue. She began trying to break the magics that held her.

The stranger must have felt her struggles, for his hand tangled once more in her hair, and he ordered her to cease, or Gantoris would suffer more. Deshana's skin crawled as he ran a hand down her left arm, then the drow froze, his eyes locked on her wrist, and the tattoo just revealed by his hand on her sleeve. The strangers hands dropped from her has if he'd been singed, and he went back to his monologue, finally warping the very air painfully... and the four conspirators buckled as the paralsis vanished.. a bloody, broken Gantoris in the place the strange drow had held.

Deshana stayed silent, in a dazed state, for the rest of that day. Her mind numb, it took time to register the old hermit Sarrons claim that the whole ordeal had been a test of the conspirators abilities. Numb and chilled her mind swimming in confusion, she'd registered only one thing. the Drow that had held them was named Molentar, and he was kin of some kind to Nilan. They knew eachother well. Confusing, upsetting, the ordeal made little sense to the druidess.

One night her hunting led her to the Free City of Balders Gate. She prowled its streets, getting thoroughly lost, when a velvet voice hailed her.

"Deshana? Please... I need to speak with you." Nilans voice was hesitent, soft. "Its about the children..." There was that odd hesitence.. that fear she had first detected. She nodded and followed him into a warehouse, alert for a trap, but curious.

Nilan described a tower with a mad man, an army of summoned creatures.. and a link. He told her he needed something from the mad man that caused the infestation of elementals. Nilan described his raiding party, and that they had recovered one of the two items. Then he admitted that the raiders had refused to go into the Tower iteself. Finally he met her wary, sea green eyes and asked for her help. His eye colour still a mystery of shifting red and darkness. And fear. More certain then ever of his fear that she'd turn away, because he was drow.. or a killer. But the fear was there. She dropped into her deeper vision, Soul Sight, she called it, if only to herself.. and the light was there, and the shadows of rejection. Deshana found herself pledging to bring him what he needed. He seemed suprised, and warily grateful.

Less then a week later she brought him his prize, she asked nothing of him in return. And he explained why he had needed it. He smiled at her.. the first real smile he had worn in her company. Deshana felt her heart squeeze almost painfully and blushed, looking away. She had lived as an elf long enough now to recognized attraction, but sternly denied it. He was the husband of her friend, She respected him, and liked him, and that was all it could be.

She found herself more and more in the company of the drow. Nilan, in his turn, finally seemed to accept that the elven woman accepted who, and amazingly to him, what he was without question. She even arranged meetings with Elisten, so the two could be together, as was so rare since they had wed. Dranix, the one Nilan called 'abbil', or friend in the drow tongue, was beset by siezures, dreadful pain...dreadful memories. The one-eye'd druid began savage hunts, slaughtering Formian giants where ever they could be found... always seeking one named Ghind.

Deshana and Nilan met often to try to find ways to help Dranix and his ages old heartache, to heal him. Finally they tracked Ghind, and the assassin elected to scout. Deep into the heart of Zhentil Keep, in the dank sewers, the truth was found. Wounded, scorched, the drow stumbled into the tent where Deshana was trying to convince Dranix not to hunt the formian alone. Collapsing into her arms Nilan gasped out the truth, Ghind was a demon.

Deshana found herself tending the drows wounds with a tenderness she had never before felt. He had nearly died to prevent a friend from walking unknowingly into the arms of a demon. he had come straight to them, though daylight blinded his last steps.. and he still sought the children. Nilan looked up at her after she finished binding his wounds, and smiled. His eyes were clear, and lucid, despite his pain, and he spoke one simple word, that sent her heart soaring. "Abbil." Exhausted, he fell into a deep slumber, unknowing as the druid cradled him, smoothing his silky white hair with a soothing hand.

Days and weeks passed, and two humans courted the silver haired elf. Deshana cared for all who treated her without malice, but had been badly used by another with such intentions in her distant past. Both men claimed to love her, niether knowing the truth of what she was. Kyrend, an aged rogue, who needed her healing touch, and forgiving spirit to perhaps bring meaning into his life, beyond the blood that soaked his hands, and his history. And Lazus, strong, moral, a true priest of Lathander, His heart open to all who dwell in the sun. Lazus glowed like sunlight to her inner eyes, his shadows in his fear of his own youth, and his hatred of what had occured in his sisters past. He was also a conspiritor, joining at the urging of his younger sister, Jenera.

She never wondered, never wanted to examine why, when the moon was bright in the sky, she used her magics to speed her to the southlands, to speak to the drow assassin. Yet night after night she found herself in his company, relaxed, and a growing friendship between them. It seemed nothing could shatter the peace. She told him of her origins, and he had smiled and embraced her. Accepting what she was without qualm.

Then the rings surfaced. Shadows crawled thickly on the ground where they passed. Men of sound and even temper turned paranoid, hating, mistrusting all around them. The rings were felt like an icy grip on the soul, and Deshana mistrusted them. So it seemed, did Nilan. He finally told her what he had learned from the tower, and the children, even producing a page from the diary of the missing drow girl, found, he explained, in the seams of the bag she herself had aquired for him.

With growing alarm, the two realized that the rings and children were closely connected. Unfortunatly no one else believed them. More and more she found herself with the assassin, as they tried to find ways to make people believe what they had learned. Finally she began bringing to him, those that worried over the meaning fo the rings, in hopes of convincing them, so they could carry the tale to others. Many nights found her embracing Nilan as he railed in frustration at the fools, in both his world and her own, that believed the rings were the key to power.

A hopeful meeting with the Fire Giant, Ladak, had just wraped up. The giant agreed and believed their theories, and promised to help. After he went on his way for the night the two conspirators felt, briefly a sense of the burden then had taken lightening. Then the very air warped wildly, and a mage of Nilan's people stood before them. Sesexe was beautiful, as lovely as any elven woman could be. Tall, long legged and exquisite, the mage smiled sensually. Deshana found herself charmed by the smile, and the clear emerald eyes of the woman. No real malice was in the stranger mage, but a great deal of.. lowered.. inhibitions.

Sesexe circled the pair, running her hands gently over Nilan as if he was a prize stud. The assassin held himself tense, eyes downcast. "What do you want magi?" His tone was wary. Sesexe ignored him, turning to the Grey elf druid. "Fine, fine man you have, May I borrow him?" Full red lips curled in a seductive smile, her incisor teeth a shade too long and sharp. Deshana made a strangling sound, trying not to choke, and Nilans eyes flashed red.

"You want to what?" Deshana knew her voice cracked on the last word from shock. Sesexe tossed her hair back, falling in sinuous, pristine white waves to her perfectly formed bottom. Deshana then laughed as she realized something. Sesexe thought she was Elisten! Deshana thought quickly as Nilan alternatly burned with embaressment and anger over the womans agressive bargaining.. for him! "I'm afraid I don't share." The words fell easily from her lips, and Deshana was somewhat amazed by her silky tone.

"Oh come now, I promise I won't damage him. Just a little taste?" Jade green eyes sparkled with devilry as Sesexe pressed her pursuit. Nilans ears burned and the floor looked very facsinating, anything to take his attention off the two women that seemed to be bargaining for his body. Sesexe ran her hands down his chest, pouting. "Its a shame to hoard him all to yourself" Sesexe's lips grazed his earlobe before Deshana slide herself between them.

"I'm afraid I haven't finished with him yet." Deshana assumed a haughty facade, falling easily into the role she played. Nilan was blushing hard enough for her to feel the heat of his body, and Deshana felt a powerful urge to protect him from this predator, as gorgeous as she was. She felt Nilan's amazment at her sudden change in behaviour and chuckled to herself as she launched into an act to do any drow woman proud. "No, its out of the question I'm afraid. he is mine, and I don't share what is mine until I tire of him"

Sesexe pouted playfully, seeming to enjoy the byplay. "So fine a man, is he as good as he looks?" The mage reached out to caress Nilan, but found the druid blocking her. Deshana laughed softly. "Thats for me to know. Dreadfully sorry, but there you have it. he's mine for now." Oh blessed Goddess, she'd have some explaining to do on this one.

The drow accepted her defeat with another playful pout, fingers snakeing around to fondle Nilan's tensed bottom before she opened a gate, and took her leave of the two. As soon as the gate closed Deshana collapsed, her facade melting under her laughter. "Oh Goddess, She thought I was Elisten!" Nilan watched in bemusment as his abbil laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks. "It was the only ruse I could think of to chase her off, I hope I didn't offend you." He chuckled finally, helping her get to her feet. He watched her expression go blank a moment. "Oh dear, now I have to explain to Elisten why a drow thinks you're mine!" He joined her in laughter, knowing his elven wife would understand. And so she did.

Nilan called her "Abbil" now, and her body warmed each time he said it. Dranix had become involved with the red mage Jenera, and seemingly paid no attention to the world beyond. One night Nilan made her swear to tell no one what they discused. Deshana swore on their friendship, which satisfied him. Although the druidess was being courted by humans, she spent nearly every night in his company. Bracing himself for her reaction, Nilan produced one of the 12 soul rings.

Horrified, she waited for his explaination, and he did explain quickly. He believed the rings were tied to the souls of the missing children. Deshana listened, and finally nodded. His possession of a ring gave him some control of the fate of the rings. Three who had born them had gone insane and vanished, their rings resurfacing to poison other bearers.

Under oath to tell no one, Deshana was at a loss when an Arch Druid, one of her teachers asked her to bear his burden. He handed her one of the cold, black rings, and she felt its shadow invade her spirit. Kyrend ferreted out the ring when snooping through her belongings. He had ferreted out her nature as well, but had never used it against her. She begged the old rogue to keep her ring a secret, and he agreed. She hid it also from Lazus, though she had shown Nilan the night it came to her.

Hunters came, seeking the rings, and the power they promised in dark whispers on the soul
Jenera and Dranix had fallen in love, and heedless of the chaos, or, perhaps because of it, the two chose to wed. Deshana attended Jenera as she prepared, Nilan stood as Best man, and Lazus would perform the ceremony. The wedding party gathered to be sure everything was perfect. The tree home of the dryads, defensible, but beautiful, formed of magic and of nature. Food was prepared, outfits chosen, decorations hung, and they awaited the guests. A low snarling sounded from the trunk, startling the party. Suddenly hoards of hobgoblins decended upon the shocked party, howling and tearing as the group mustered a defence. Wave upon wave of monster, then, howling, wingged, a demon flew at the druidess from the stairwell, followed by others, she screamed as claws rent her flesh, and Lazus despretly tried to heal. The world was bathed in red as she lost conciousness.

Deshana woke to Nilan kneeling over her, and Lazus looking pale. a Light, they said, had burst around her, reviving her of mortal wounds. sounds of battle still rang around them and Deshana struggled to her feet to rejoin the fray, Lazus and Nilan both watching her worriedly. Nilan muttered a thanks to Vhaeraun that Elisten had not yet arrived, and Deshana realized the elven priestess was late. Just as that thought flashed across her mind a black portal opened, and she was dragged through. The portal snapped shut so fast it took the toe of her boot, and Deshana found herself shackled to a table.

Evil magic arched over her body and she screamed. Her mind was assaulted by visions or death, chaos, the utter destruction of the balance itself. She saw 12 rings, and a great holocaust, she saw souls ripped to shreds. The pain of a thousand lives slammed into her, causing her to arch her back off the table, her screams silent now as fear and horror froze her breath. It seemed an eternity of visions and agony, she felt the skin flayed from her body, she saw each of her friends murdered, her heart convulsed at a vision of Nilan on an altar of Lloth, screaming as he was sacrificed. Three times she blacked out, never seeing her captors, only to have water thrown over her, and the ordeal begin again. Again and again nightmare images burned into her mind, and illusionary agony wracked her.

Finally there was silence, and she found she could move. Deshana found no physical evidence of her torture, beyond the muscles that had torn in her agonized convulsions. Staggering, she sought an exit, finally stumbling out a rift in space, tumbled at the foot of the tree. The battle still raged, and she used magic to carry her into the fray as the last demons were defeated. She collapsed, weak, but unable to say where she had been. Soon they learned that Elisten had undergone a more physical version of the same treatment. Nilans rage knew no bounds, Lazus was stricken into silence, and Jenera raged that her wedding was ruined. Deshana picked herself up, and forced the terror out of her mind. She righted the altar and began cleaning the mess. All the while she told Jenera not to let this ruin her day, it was over, and a new beginning.

Ceremony complete, Elisten plead weariness, and returned to Evermeet. The druid knew she had her own hurts to deal with. The halfling bard, Birile bravely struck up a dance tune to lighten the mood, not entirely successfully. Nilan watched the druid a moment, as she leaned against the living wood. Her eyes haunted, scared. She mustered a smile when she noticed him watching her, and finally he approached, asking her to dance. She hesitated, uncertain, then accepted his hand. His arms wrapped around her as they danced to a slow, cheerful melody. Nilan bent slightly to whisper in her sensitive ear, his voice a little husky. "When you vanished.. I was afraid I'd lost you. Abbil" His strong arms tightened around her, and he said no more when he saw the terror lurking in her eyes. Deshana rested her cheek against his chest as they danced, his heartbeat reassuring under her ear.

Time passed, and slowly the rings began to work at the two elves, light and dark. She became irritable, impatient, he became more wary, paranoid, accusing her of betrayal. Each accusation caused a pain in her soul she was afraid to examine, and finally one night in a wayhouse, she drew a dagger and slashed her left palm, deep, splattering the floor with her blood. There she swore an oath to bind her to him, never to betray him, so long as his purpose brought no harm to the elven people as a whole. She swore it on her blood, her love for the one she had come to think of in her mind as brother, and on the goddess Eilistraee, a drow goddess. The holy symbol on her wrist gleamed as she swore the oath, sealing it. Satisfied he nodded, and there was peace for a short time.

To her shock, two other men were speaking to Nilan when she met him one night a week or so later. They were earnestly discussing some findings, some new information. A necromancer was claiming that the rings were the key to bringing back Myrkul, the dead god of well.. the dead. Kyrend and Dranix were deep in discussion about bringing the necromancer in on what they knew of the rings thus far.

It took a while for the sense of the words to reach her. a necromancer, a friend of Dranix's....and the man so long ago, who had convinced her that the heart should never be heeded. Arilin, Memories washed over her of nightmare arguments, jealous rages, then, as darkness over came him, Arilins attempts to draw her away from the magic of life, and into decay. When she refused, revolted, he had turned on her, screaming that she wasn't worthy anyways, that she was not even worth the air she inhaled, that her master was better of dead, so he couldn't see the failure he'd created.. and utterly destroying the fragile peace she had forged in her own soul.

"Yes, Arilin, Desh, can you bring him here please?" Kyrends voice cut through her frantic thoughts. Her reaction was defensive, instinctual. "NO!" Kyrend and Dranix both argued with her, Nilan stayed silent, watching her composure crumble like walls built of loose sand. Kyrend grabbed her arm, voice raised, and she jerked away from him and fled the three males, cowering in the stables as she fought to regain control.

A pair of hands grabbed her, bringing forth memories of the nightmare in the ruins. Kyrend spun her to face him, intent on continuing his argument. "Tell me whats wrong!" His voice demanding, loud, with a violent edge that frightened her.

"I..I can't.. not now..." her voice rasped, choked by sobs. Kyrend raised his voice and shook her violently, ordering her to control herself. When she shook her head and struggled to escape his bruising grip he struck her hard across the face, hoping to shock her out of her hysterics. His hands on her shoulders kept her upright, but not for long. Writhing and twisting violently she shifted, blurring into a large cat, and bolting into the grasslands.

She sought refuge in the boughs of an enormous oak, one used by dryads as a home. She crouched, and trembled, still shapechanged. Too much, too many memories... Sounds on the trunk alarmed her, as the three men entered the room. Kyrend still seemed angry, and she shrunk away from him. Dranix seemed puzzled, and said only "If it upsets you that much then we shall not mention it again." Kyrend tried to catch her, but she dodged him, hiding in the foliage.

"Abbil," his voice like a soothing hand on her fur. "Abbil, no one will harm you. I promise." Ebon hands reached down, gathering her resisting feline body against his chest. Something deep within her refused to permit her to use claws to free herself. Nilan stroked her fur and talked softly to her, moving slowly, gently. The other two left on other business, Kyrend still growling about her attitude. Nilan stayed, his hands soothing against her fur, his voice a balm to the wounds on her soul. Finally she changed back to elven form, resting against Nilan, his arms around her.

They talked for hours that night, ending with his urging that, on return to the northern lands, she choose "The Priest" as he refered to Lazus. He claimed the human cleric would love her, did love her, and urged that she wed him. If confused her heart, to be wrapped in the drows embrace, as he urged her to wed another man. Her mind refused to analyze her feelings, grasping at the solution offered. The violence Kyrend had shown that night had shattered her faith in her own choices, and she was willing to listen to her wise friend. His hand stroked her hair, relaxing her, and she finally slept, half in the assassins lap.

She was wed in the tree that she had fled to that night. The wedding was small, and performed by Elisten, Nilans elusive wife. She danced with him for the first time in their long marriage, and the small group enjoyed their friendships. She loved Lazus dearly as a friend, and yes, loved him as a man as well. There was an innocence there, however, that remained inviolate.
Deshana and Lazus found themselves living apart, and contrary to the assassins fears, the druid found herself in his company as often as before. The wedded couple was openly affectionate, yet never returned to the same home, a strange beginning for wedded life.

It was a pattern the drow knew well. Nilan and Elisten also lived apart, and, one vulnrable night, the assassin had confessed that he had never made love to his wife. He had feared the reception of their offspring, and also feared the cild would hate him. Thus was Nilan's marriage as barren as her own.

Deshana still feared that most would declare her a monster.. or an animal if they knew her origin. She hid it, and her goddess from the eyes of the surface world, fearing the shame it would bring to her husband, and few friends. Lazus knew, for she told him the truth long before considering wedding him. Nilan knew, because she trusted him, she dared not analyze further.. Dranix knew, for she had confided her fear of being no more then a beast. And Kyrend.. her mind shuddered at the thought.

Other ringbearers had surfaced, and one, self proclaimed king of the dark dwarves, had demanded her presence. Wearily she gathered herself and presented herself to him. Artikerus leered at the elven woman, his comments lewd, bordering on pornographic. Impatient, she told him bluntly to get to the point of the meeting.

"Simple. I know what you are. If you don't want me to tell the world, you will give me what I want." the Kings voice was clipped, icy cool. What he wanted was evidenced by the look in his eyes as they traveled up and down her slender body. "The offer is good for three days. Come to my bed before they are up, or I tell all of Faerun that the druid priestess nothing but a well trained feline."

Deshana stumbled away in a daze, her mind took a full day to grasp what he was asking.. that she give him her body to use, will she nil she, in exchange for his silence. She hadn't even shared a bed with her husband since they had wed. The idea repulsed her, but was overwhelmed by the terror of being hunted as a beast. An abomination.

Finally though, the druid presented herelf to the despot king. He looked her over lustfully, but saw the trauma in her eyes. Remorse flooded him for an instant, and he sought a way to salvage the situation, leaving his womanizing reputation intact.. along with the elven maidens chastity. He perched on the bed he had intended to use her on and said instead, "Dance for me. Dance for me like you do for your goddess in hidden glades. That is my price." He looked her over, his eyes settling on her left wrist. "Yes I know about that too, get ye naked lass, Dance!" He saw her flinch back, then turned his back while she disrobed. he heartily wished this deal he had made to the bleakest hells, but it was done, and if he wasn't to loose face, he'd have to see it through.

Her voice drifted over to him, hesitent, mortified. "I'm ready.. " Artikerus turned and looked over her slender body. She was a prize, despite the scars she bore. He couldn't help but notice the pink flush that covered her head to toe, and he took amusment in that. Bruskly the king ordered her to dance, and dance she did, leaping and twirling, her long silver hair flying like a silken banner. Her movements were stiff and stilted however, not the smooth flowing dance of one that takes joy in the movement. Finally he could stand it no longer and dismissed her with a heartless, "Get yer clothes on girl, I'm done with ye."

As Deshana gathered her clothing he paused and rumbled, "And be sure ye know I could have had ye here, I didn't, because I respect yer brother. If I didn't I'd have taken ye. have no doubt." unstatisfied the dark dwarf stomped out, heading towards the tent. Deshana pulled on her clothing and stumbled out of the farmhouse, her feet automatically heading to where Nilan would be by this time. The tent.

She reached it to find the drow and dwarf glaring at eachother. Nilan rounded on her accusingly. "Just what did you pay this dwarf for his silence, Abbil? How could you give into him?" Shame burned on her cheeks, and she dropped her gaze, unable to speak. A howl of outrage brought her head back up in time to see the lithe assassin launch himself at Artikerus, bare handed. He gave no thought to his deadly daggers, only to physically beating the dwarf to a pulp. Shock rooted her where she stood as the two males grappled, Artikerus shouting that he hadn't laid a finger on the druids body, causing the fingers at his throat to loosen momentarily, "But I could have had 'er!" brought another snarl of rage, and the tightening of the drows hands. Artikerus realized he might be in real danger and summoned the great strength of his kind, brutally slamming his forhead into the drows face with an audible crunch. Nilan staggered back dazed, before dropping unconcious at Deshana's feet.

"I told ye I didnae touch her." the king spat, then prepared a healing spell, enough to bring the drow awake. Nilan woke wrapped protectivly against Deshana, her arms cradling him. The king roughly grasped the drows nose and with another crunch alligned it, before adding another healing spell. "I swear I didnae touch her.. Ask her."

Still deeply mortified the druid confirmed the kings words, whispering that all he had required was a dance. Nilan snorted in disbelief, then winced as agony shot through his broken nose again. "You danced a sacred dance of your goddess for the perverted pleasure of THAT?" Disgust oozed from Nilans voice, flaying her spirit. Artikerus grumbled, and vanished, leaving the two alone. "How could you?"

Haltingly, she explained that Artikerus had threatened to expose her origin to the world. Nilans disgust rubed like salt against her wounds and she believed she had lost something in his eyes. Crushed and deafeated, she whispered an apology, only to feel his fingers on her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes, the red of anger fading away, leaving a soft, beautiful grey.

"Abbil, I thought.... I thought he'd raped you. I'd have killed him for forcing you. I still might." Red flashed in his eyes, but seeing her fear he held her in his arms. "Shh, Abbil, I'm not angry with you. Its that damned dwarf" gentle fingers wiped away crystal tears as she wept. Nilan cradled her until she had cried herself out, then bent his head slightly, kissing her lips tenderly. She responded by leaning into his kiss, but he pulled back. "A..Abbil, I'm sorry.. I had no right."

Nilan looked so uncertain, his grey eyes confused, his poor, battered nose swollen to twice its normal size. She held a finger against his lips, stilling his apologies, and kissed him softly. "You have every right, V'danre."

No more was said of the kiss, or the feelings it had stirred. More and more rings were found, then an open accusation of treason greeted the druid. Lies flew like wildfire, all pertaining and useing her close friendship with a drow as the only evidence. Deshana faced the charges sure in the knowlege that without any basis in fact, they would see the truth. She turned herself in, and brought her goddess openly into the light. The date of her trial came, and the assassin insisted on speaking.
She begged him not to expose himself, but he was adament. He would speak on her behalf.

The nightmare was realized, as she stood on the stand to defend herself. Lazus spoke of her willingness to help, but could not bring himself to meet her eyes, he was ashamed that his wife could be accused of such. The queen was unmoved, her mind made up long before, the priests had already destroyed the girls soul as punishment. The queen spoke, begining her verdict, then a hooded man pushed his way forward. Deshana watched in horror as a spider crept up the arm of the hooded man. His voice impassioned he spoke of the good she did, his words falling on deaf ears. The queen ordered him siezed, and told him with icy mockery, that his accent betrayed him.
She ordered him held, then turned to the druid on the stand. Loudly she proclaimed the drows very presence to be evidence, and banished the druid from Evermeets shores. She heard nilans anguished "NO!" before the queens magic hurtled her far from her homelands.

Desperate she cast the magic that allowed her to travel with ease, stepping back into the courtroom defiantly... to see the wounded, broken body of her oath brother, the queen being tended by the priest that had destroyed her soul. Lazus still refused to look at her, and returned to Waterdeep. The elves turned their backs from her, and she gathered the drows broken body.. wisking him back to the tent. then she fled, greiving and in shock to cower far from others. Her soul destroyed and her spirit broken.

Composed at last, or perhaps dead inside, she crawled back to the tent. Nilan was huddled, in the throes of his own greif and failure. Haltingly the drow explained that his god had punished him for failure to kill the queen of evermeet. Nilan claimed Vhaeraun had taken the soul ring as punishment, and rather then destroying it, had given the evil thing to Elisten. Pure innocent Elisten under the curse of the evil rings.

Seasons passed, as Nilan struggled to regain his gods failure. He railed against the surface, often accusing the druid of betrayal. She called him stubborn, foolish and heartless. Her world crumbled away. She had never lived with her husband, but now she never saw him, save in passing. She was shunned, Outcast, and it had nothing to do with her origins, only the crime she had been accused of.

Deshana pulled away from the world, huddled and hurting. Each meeting with the drow for whom she had risked everything devolved into accusations of betrayal. The last ring was uncovered, and the sage was raised, and it was time to destroy the rings. She stood to the side, with niether the side of good, nor evil. He redeemed himself and his ring was returned, He was the one who went to Hell to retrieve the sage, and two other bodies. He protected the remains of the two children, one drow, one human, and held them safe for ressurection.

The lord of waterdeep learned Nilan held the remains of his daughter, Aleena Paladinstar. The human paladin descended upon a meeting of the bearers, rage making a mask of his features. He demanded his daughter be returned to him, raising his blade in threat. Nilan defied him and the paladin made to run the unarmed drow through, only to find a slender form hanging from his arm.
Deshana hung from the arm of the human and pleaded with him to listen. She took him aside, and explained the entire situation, ending with a promise of peace from the paladin. She belived him, and when an anxious hawk flew to her demanding her return to one of her forests, she left, trusting a paladin to keep his word.

Trust can be foolish when given to a Zeolot. The scene in the farmhouse turned ugly, as elf, human and drow discused the rings, the Lord again demanded his daughter, Nilan again refused, and both he and his kinsman Jaznolg were bound, helpless by the magics of Khelban, the lords pet sorcerer. Nilan watched helpless as jaznolg was slain as an example, his hatred burning darker then ever. Then the lord turned his blade on the assassin, to the jeers of the others, and he knew no more.

Nilan trusted no one after that, and that added strain to the friendship. Her ring urged her to flee, to hide, and her imaptience and irritability came stronger then ever. Each night they spoke they fought, and Druid and Assassin each felt the other had begun to hate. She found reasons not to see him, and He belived rumors that she hated him, believing him at fault for his actions at the trial.

The time came to destroy the rings, and the parties gathered. Their greetings cool, and the tensions high, they wtepped into the abyss to the Forge. In a circle they gathered, and the ritual began. Deshana wove a chant to support the casting, and the rings were placed, one by one into the forge.

Nilans velvet voice rang out over the murmur, warning against the destruction, and in her pain and exasperation she hissed, "Not now Nilan!" Stricken the drow fell silent, and in his turn put the ring he bore again into the forge. A dark dwarf held a blade to his back, lest he hesitate, and Deshana felt her fingers curling around four acorns in her beltpouch. Nilan saw her movement, and wondered a moment if the seeds were for him. Then felt a spark of warmth as he realized, even now she sought to protect him. Her eyes were locked not on him, but on the dark dwarf whos blade rested on his back in threat.

Demonic laughter echo'd and those assembled found themselved tricked by a demon. Fear and magic froze them, as the demon general of Orcus boasted on his trickery. He was cut short as Orcus emerged, and rid himself of this general. The mortals were flung free of the abyss, wounded and drained. Shock decended, and Nilan simply nodded.

Orcus was raised, as Nilan had asserted, and a town destroyed. Without the hatred of the ring driving her she felt her emotions flowing clean again. Overwhelmed by remorse she went to the drow, and apologized to him for her harsh words. Tears ran down her cheeks and she was unable to raise her eyes. Strong fingers lifted her chin, gentle hands wiped her tears from her cheeks. The drow looked at her silently, then gathered her into his arms. "What happened, what Orcus did, what we did in failing was horrible. Horrible.. but I cannot help but feel joy as well. For it has brought back my Abbil to me." Nilan bent and kissed her cheeks and eyelids, then smiled, grey eyes warm. "So we fight this together. As it should be."

The forces of the surface and underdark gathered to destroy the evil they had unwittingly unleashed, Druid and Assassin once again working in tandem. By now the outcast had gained a reputation for fairness in her dealings with the people of the underdark races. The assassin was seen as a drow first, and few of the surface were able to see past that. Wary, Nilan worried often that the surface would be rid of him when they no longer needed him. One night as they rested in the midst of preparation she held him in her arms, vowing that he would walk away, no matter what. Deshana extracted a promise from him, that he would walk away and not look back, understanding that if he was attacked, the slender druid would hold the attackers. Come what may, he was not to look back. Nilan caressed her cheek, looking into green eyes that had lost most of the life that had once blazed in them. Not trusting his voice, he nodded, then embraced her tightly.

Nilan knew that she'd sacrifice herself to save him. Her eyes had held a gleam of the fey since her outcasting. He knew her husband had not touched her since. They learned that they had to kill the demon that ravenged Bloodstone in order to free the souls of the two children Nilan still held safe. The surface world learned he held the daughter of the Lord of Waterdeep. When that worthy had confronted the drow, Nilan held firm. To raise one without the other would likely result in both souls being irretrevable. Nilan had watched bound and helpless as the mighty paladin tortured and slew his helpless kinsman, then felt the bloody sword end his own life. Through a miracle of Vhaeraun he had revived, but now trusted no one with the remains.

Deshana accepted this fact after offering to hold the remained and recieving his abject refusal. She knew then that he still did not trust her. Well, she couldn't blame him. She had earned his mistrust in so many ways. They worked together to gather an army to defeat Orcus, but it seemed there was still a rift in their friendship. As the day of the counterstrike neared, they sat discussing stratagy. She leaned forward to make a mark on the rough drawing of Bloodstone, her cheek bushing his shoulder in a cat-like gesture as she moved. He smiled, knowing the gesture as her way of showing deep affection, and as he continued the discussion Nilan's hand came up, playing with the lock of silver hair that draped over his shoulder.

As night deepened in the forest their discussion turned to other things. Nilan was worried about Elisten, and her safety, but also vowed to see the druids soul restored. Deshana soothed him as best she could, Elisten was safe. As to her soul.. that was gone, and nothing short of a god would bring it back. Nilans hand still caressed her hair, twining the lock around his ebon fingers. She sensed he blamed himself for her outcasting, but deeper, he feared she blamed him. "You tried to help me V'danre. If blame is to be laid, lay it at the feet of my accuser." Deshana's voice was soft, but her tone firm. Nilan argued that attacking the queen as he had made it worse. Silence lay over them for a long moment, then she met his eyes.

"The queen had made up her mind. You had given your word there would be no violence. I think you would have kept it but for one tiny thing." Pale, gentle fingers caressed his ebony cheek. "I saw the spider.. and I saw your turmoil." Deshana's eyes showed a brief spark of life as she held his gaze. "I know the spider forced the issue. I never blamed you, in'she'lenya. Never." The word was in sylvan, it meant, from what she had told him, Loved one. Nilan watched her gaze soften, and didn't pull away when she kissed his lips softly. When she pulled away from him, she smiled apologetically, saying only, "I never stopped loving you v'danre, in all our time apart. I could never blame you."

Two armys formed to battle Orcus, each filled with powerful mages and warriors. Nilan took his group, and Deshana her's, vowing to meet at the mines themselves. Splitting, two armies worked to clean Orcus and his undead and demons from the ruins of the city. Weary and bloodied, the two forces converged. Her heart leapt when she saw Nilan, bruised yet still able to fight. His eyes lit on her face and he too looked relieved, catching her up in a quick embrace, before once more joining the fray. Deadly dagger and night black scimitar flashed in the torchlight, the world narrowed to fight and defense, her voice hoarse from chanting her natures spells, stealing the demon Prince's very breath from his throat each time he recovered. Orcus gave a horrible squetching bellow, and crumpled, his body on this prime destroyed, banished for a century. Her eyes met Nilans over the corpse as the drow wrenched his dagger from the beasts heart. She started to smile, when a roar of evil magic threw her back against the wall of the cavern, stunning her.

When she regained her senses she saw the twin armies once again battling Orcus. She snarled, feeling the beast overtake the woman for a moment before hurling another breath stealing spell, silencing the demon as he cast. Waves of evil magic rocked them, and the fighters fell, one by one, new ones stepping forward to take their place, Finally the dwarven warrior Trogar slammed his blade home, and Orcus fell, once and for all. Perhaps only she saw the shimmer of two small lights, rising from the remains. Perhaps only she knew what they meant. A smile crossed her face briefly, before the dark reality reasserted itself. This was the holocaust of her visions. So then, were her other visions true? Her eyes sought Nilans, but he was deep in conversation with his allies.

Thirty beings, male and female stood in the aftermath, the clerics raising the dead, and the mages being certain the demon was gone. Deshana stood in the wreckage, and wept. An entire city had been lost, for wont of listening to one mans words. So many lives. Her heart sore, she walked the streets, blessing the corpses in hopes their spirits could find peace. Tommorow they would try to raise the children.

Druid and assassin met at dawn, in the tent so many of thier meetings had taken place. Welkenazus joined them, knowing ahead of time their intentions. Deshana had sought him out, explaining their need. The returned sage agreed eagerly, saying he would need to prepare. Now he stopped in the tent to inform them that his preperations would be completed by full dark. The sage left the two alone for the first time since the attacks. Deshana hesitated only a moment before flinging herself into the drows arms, looking him over with hands and eyes both, assuring herself he was intact and not seriously damaged. Nilan laughed at her concern, but his own ebon hands performed the same search for hidden injuries on her pale flesh. They spent the day talking, reaffirming their friendship. Much of their talking was done curled in eachothers arms like lovers, each taking comfort in the embrace.

Night fell and the sage sent a message that he needed a place of power with a direct link to the planes. He would meet them in the ruins south of Waterdeep. Nilan eyed her in concern, the only safe way for him to go was through a treacherous trail of carniverous vines. What was safe for him, with his perfect night vision, was not safe for the slender druid. He started to suggest something, then stopped, as she looked at him. "They can't see in total darkness right?" Nilan shook his head, wondering what she was getting at. She wouldn't see clearly in darkness either.

"Well then.." The druid removed any light scources from view, stifling them in the bag she carried. "Will you guide me?" Nilan blinked at this show of trust, then nodded, taking her hand and leading her out into the embrace of the inky night. They traveled swiftly, the druid was sure footed and graceful, even when her vision was limited. The two passed through the vines unhindered, and emerged in the ruins. She took the lead again, guiding him to a room under the remains of an altar. There the sage waited.

"Have you brought the remains?" The sage looked tired, his preparations having taken the entire day. Deshana felt a twinge of guilt for lazing about in the drows embrace, and wove a strengthening spell for the sage. He smiled in gratitude and asked Nilan to lay one of the sets of remains on the altar, and began his chant. To raise a soul so bound and tormented is a task of incredible magnitude, no cleric of this age could have managed. Deshana wove her supporting spells, spending her strength to strengthen the sage, and the drow child slowly reformed, bones knitting, flesh and organs returning, skin and hair growing, then a gasp, and the girl awoke, her eyes lighting first on the human sage, then the grey elven druid, finally resting on Nilan. Words were exchanged, and Nilan reassured her that she was free. The druid quietly handed her a dress to cover her body, and the girl stammered a wary thanks.

A noise on the stairs alerted them, and the lord of Rillan'tyr, the girls father charged it, magically aware of the ressurection. Nilan and he exchanged many handsignals, and the drow lord whisked his daughter away into the night, even embracing the child tightly, as any father would.
Nilan smiled brightly, telling her the lord had offered him a position in his household as a reward. Nilan was of no house, his own having been destroyed, and the patronage of one of the four great lords meant alot.

One father had come, would the other? Nilan laid the human childs remains out, and the weary sage chanted again. Deshana paused in her own spellweaving to whisper to Nilan to stand on the far side of the room. Her own slight body blocking the stairs. There would be no repeat of the slaughter months earlier. Nilan knew what she was doing, and his smile warmed as he gazed into her eyes. The body on the table reformed as the drow girls had, and finally Aleena took a deep breath. Her eyes snapped open to Nilans gentle smile and she yelped, backing away. Deshana was once again there with clothing for the girl, and the situation was explained. Deshana indicated that Nilan was the one that had ultimately saved her, and returned her. Aleena nodded her understanding as mailed boots sounded on the stairs, and the Lord entered.

Deshana blocked his path a moment, her gaze challenging, then stepped back, keeping herself between Nilan and the Paladin. "Your daughter sir, as we promised." Aleena ran to her father joyfully and explained what had happened. The girl pointed out that the drow could have left her in Bels hall, but instead brought her home, and protected her so that she could be freed, and raised. Finally the lord nodded, and reluctantly apologized. his words were forced, and dislike gleamed in the humans eyes, but he bowed, and finally thanked Nilan for his efforts. With that he wisked Aleena away to her home.

Nilan sagged against the wall in relief, the sage collapsed in exhaustion. The druid gave the sage water, then smiled at Nilan. "At least he apologized.. sort of." Nilan managed a weary smile. Welkanezus smiled tiredly and took his leave, pleased with this nights work. Nilan slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close. She marveled for a moment, at how good his arms felt, and closed her eyes in his embrace.

"You're always trying to protect me, Abbil." His voice, soft as velvet to her ears, brought a strange warmth to her heart. He was teasing her, she opened her eyes to see his slow smile. Deshana felt her own lips curving in response and impulsivly kissed him. Nilan tensed a moment, and she started to pull away. His arms tightened around her and he kissed her deeply, as if he had lost a battle within himself. Deshana was breathless and a little dazed after what seemed like an eternity in his embrace, when he stepped back. This time he offered no apology, just another smile, and the two set out for the tent once more.

Within the safety of the tent they spoke of common things, then of the daughters being raised. She found herself cuddling him again, as he was lost in memories of the prior meeting with the Waterdeep lord. Deshana felt a subtle change in the air, or in her heart, as murmured reassurances became soft kisses, and the two finally slept in eachothers arms, lulled by caressing hands.

Night after night the two slept, twined together for comfort. Many dawns brought her awake, body heated in a way that had nothing to with the weather. Their affection for eachother showed openly, and finally she admitted her love to herself. Deshana knew she had feelings she should never explore for her best friend, her oath brother. Over the past months she had spoken to Elisten often about her barren marriage, and Elisten had perhaps known the druids heart long since.

For weeks she agonized over telling him her heart. He'd be disgusted, surely. They were both wed, though neither ever saw their spouse. Nilans marriage at least held love. Finally t'was another drow who gave her the confidence to face him. Kesena pointed out that not telling him would cause less pain, but was also a lie. And the druid had promised never to lie to Nilan. She gathered her courage, and, looking as if she was going to her death, told the assassin that she must tell him something.

Nilan watched her in concern, she looked fragile, so vulnrable. Dread gripped his heart, had she decided to leave his side? Worse, Had the gods forbidden her? His own defensive walls came up around his heart, his tone decidedly cool as he urged her to speak. He held himself stiffly, and her trembling increased. "I.... I know.. we are both.. wed to others.. I.. I.." She fell silent, trembling. Nilan braced himself for her next words. The words that he was certain would tear her from him.

"I...I love you." Her words poured out in a rush, and she begged forgivness. Nilan felt the icy fist that gripped his heart unclench, and felt like laughing. She loved him. Him, assassin, Drow, the blood of hundreds, maybe thousands stained his hands. He had seen the signs, in her touch, her eyes. He scarly believed she would admit her heart so openly. Nilan managed a small, gentle smile, and pulled the shaking elf into his arms.

"I know," he soothed her, stroking her silver hair. "Abbil.. I have known a long time.." He felt her hot blush and nearly chuckled, but sensed she might hit him if he laughed. She did anyways, the side of her nervous fist glancing lightly off his armor, no force behind it. Her voice held weeks of pent up emotion, and she managed a strangled, "What do you MEAN, 'I know'?"
He couldn't help it, he held her tightly against him and laughed at her frustration.

An easy peace settled between them, as they basked in the calm between storms. A calm it was, only, for they both felt that the events they had just survived were merely a taste of what was comming. Nilan still railed at her outcasting, but in his company she felt as if a small measure of herself was returned. Evermeet no longer was her home, nor did it call to her as this neglected forest, so close to the Drow outpost. Nor did the Isle of the Elven people hold half the attraction of the man that smiled his rare smile when he found her near his homelands.

One morning a ranger hailed her, claiming a dragon named Tsakchanar wanted to speak to the druid. She thanked him, distantly wary. Elves made her nervous since her outcasting. She was a tale spinner, and collected lore. Deshana figured the dragon had information on the ancient war that so many troubles seemed to echo. Nilan too hoped to learn more, but was concerned when Tsakchanar required the druid to bring two companions. He bade her to be wary, and watched as she left for the southlands that the dragon called home.
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Postby Deshana » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:42 am

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Joined: Mon May 06, 2002 5:01 am
Location: BC

Postby Deshana » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:49 am

Deshana arrived at the meeting place, but only one of the two companions made it. The dragon landed, flexing gleaming silver wings. "You will want an elf with you, Druid." The dragons voice rumbled deeply, and Feldyn, the human that came with her looked scared. After a long search a young priestess was found, and the dragon bade the trio to come under the shelter of her great wings. Curious, for nothing had been said of purpose, Deshana held her tongue and let the dragon take them. A blinding flash, and the three found themselves in a glade so beautiful it defied mortal words.

Deshana closed her eyes and breathed air free of any taint, sunshine like liquid honey pouring over her. The Dragon rumbled behind the three people who stood in awe, and said, "He comes. Plead your case well Druid, and you may yet regain freedom, and this place." With that the dragon took off, vanishing abruptly. Stunned, Deshana knew where she stood. The borders of Arvendor. Home to the Seldrine, the elven Heaven. Striding towards them was a tall, golden male elf, regal, proud, and seemingly glowing from within. Deshanas breath caught, and she droped to her knees.

"Corellon," her voice a whisper. The God-King of the Elves of Evermeet, Corellon bestowed a stern, but approving look at the druids recognition. Feldyn and the young cleric gaped, then they too fell to their knees.

"A friend has asked me to hear your story Druid." The Elven God crossed his arms over his chest. "Consorting with drow, and the creatures of the darkness. Explain yourself!" His voice was like the crack of lightning, and the slim druid trembled. Haltingly she explained the rings, and the missing children, her voice soft, barely above a whisper. She described how the Drow had been the first to see the signs, and then explained the trickery that caused Orcus to rise again. Corellons royal brow furrowed. "I felt the rise of Orcus, then soon after, his return to the abyss by force. Explain."

Deshana described the meetings, the careful diplomacy, and the final effort to oust the demon. Finally she describes the battle that ended the terror. Corellon looked at her thoughtfully.
"Who had the audacity to arrange such a war party?" She trembled, sure he would condemn her.

"O..Oosh lead the evil war party, hes an ogre Shaman.." her words were rushed, breathless. "Trogar lead the army of the surface, A dwarven warrior." She paled as Corellon frowned.

"I believe my question was, Who had the audacity to ARRANGE this attack." The god frowned down upon her, and her disembling crumpled. "I did.." her voice nearly inaudible. Corellon smiled slightly, then spoke again, His voice like the ringing of golden bells from far off. "You take much upon yourself Druid, tread more carefully in the future." He stepped towards her again. "Druid, you were accused of teason, you befriended a drow. Explain."

Her voice firm, Deshana explained her actions with conviction, ending with the simple words, "And Nilan is honourable, and I love him." Sea green eyes dared to challenge the golden gaze of Corellon. "I will not apologize for my heart, nor have I ever caused, nor intended harm to any of the elven island. I love him. And I love my people, Dark and Light, equally well."

For scant moments the Elven God seemed taken aback, then slowly nodded. "My daughter is well served. So Druid, is it your wish to be returned to the elven lands?" Deshana sucked in a breath, then met Corellons glowing eyes.

"Lord Corellon, You know what I am. I have no right to elven lands nor elven afterlife. All I desire is my soul, and my freedom. I have felt empty, since Ashemiem performed his rite. And also, I desire to be free to help where tis needed, not slain by a guard too lazy to aid a youngling." Deshana paused, gaze challenging. "I have always desired to help the people."

Corellon stood silent, thinking, for what seemed an eternity. Finally he nodded. "I shall have priests inform the queen that you are no longer Outcast, Druid. Your spirit will again be bound to Evermeet." The god then pressed a leaf into her hand, golden, warm and vibrant, still alive despite being detached from the tree. The maple leaf bore a crescent moon, Corellons symbol. "Your soul, and proof of innocence, Druid. You may need it to prove your standing. This leaf is the one that was burned, reconsctructed and given life once more." Corellon smiled slightly, awaiting the question that blazed in her eyes.

"And the price?" Deshana knew her words could tear her soul from her forever. "I still intend to serve the Drow and show them the Light path, lest I betray Eilistraee." She bit her lip. "I cannot give up Nilan, nor can I give up Her." Deshana raised her chin proudly and awaited the blow.

Corellon sighed. "Very well, your soul will come to Arvendor. But you must promise me that you will never aid a drow to get to Evermeet." Reluctantly, Deshana swore the oath, and Corellon smiled. "My daughter made you an elf, perhaps, Daughter of my Daughter, you are more elven then some. I will be watching, both you and the Lady Elisten as well. This drow seems to have a strange ability to gain the affections of elven women."

His words, and Arvendor faded into a swirling golden haze, and the three found themselves kneeling on the hard earth near the Tree Deshana had lived in during her exile. A ringing voice spoke to the three who knelt. "Tell one and all, Deshana is not guilty, and is freed"

That night Deshana ran on feet that were fueled by joy. Her love for the assassin was redoubled, as her soul again filled her. The only mark of grief in her was that she had to break a promise to Nilan. Her steps slowed, and the sadness crashed over her. Deshana had promised to take Nilan to her grove, and perhaps dance for him there. Her steps lost the bounce, and she made her way to Mir, shoulders stooped with sadness.

When she finally reached the forest of Mir, she found Nilan deep in conversation with Zathep and Kesena, two younger drow that often aided him. Nilan looked at her, his warm smile of welcome fading when he saw her misery. "Abbil, what is wrong? Did the dragon harm you?" Strong arms embraced her, and she felt a wave of concern flowing from him.

"T.. The dragon.. didn't want to talk of history. She.. took me to a new trial." Deshana looked up at Nilan, a light in her eyes that spoke of life. "She took me to Corellon, to plead my case. In the end, he declared my innocence.. he reforged my soul." She solomly held up the embossed maple leaf, it shimmered in the moonlight.

Nilan felt a moments elation, his abbil was restored, but the greif in her clear green eyes disturbed him. "What.. what is it? What are you not telling me, abbil?" He brushed a lock of silver hair from her eyes, bracing himself.

Deshana bit her lip, then blurted, "there was a price, for my freedom." Her voice caught, and she whispered, "I have to break a promise to you, Corellon demanded it." Ice gripped his heart, and his arms tightened around her slight frame. The druid gazed up at him with tear filled eyes. "I had to promise to never aid a drow to get to Evermeet. Any drow.. I cannot take you to my grove." Her lips brushed his ear as she embraced him. "Goddess, I'm so sorry love, I wanted to dance for you."

As he held her he considered her words. "So, the Elf god seeks to forbid us the surface, even now. My kin will reclaim our lands, I swear it by Vhaeraun." Nilan spit over his shoulder in contempt. "And you, did he forbid you to see me? Tell me the truth, Abbil." There was an edge of pain in his voice, under the anger. Deshana pulled away from his hard, tensed body and met his red burning gaze.

"No.. In fact, he agreed that I should continue my work here. I.." Pale, moon white skin heated in a rosy blush. "I told Corellon I was in love with you. That I wouldn't abandon you. Not even for my soul." Her eyes locked with his as she willed him to believe her, and finally she felt the tensed muscles relax beneath her fingers. "I'm sorry that I cannot take you to my grove, now. Will you forgive me?"

The younger drow excused themselves, knowing the deep affection that linked assassin and druid. This was their hurdle to overcome. Nilan railed at the elven god, damning Corellon for wronging the drow again with his choice. Deshana spent hours soothing him, swearing she would not leave his side. Finally the assassin's murderous rage calmed. He saw the strength of her heart in her eyes, and felt her love in the way her hands soothed him. Exhasted, the two fell asleep, nestled together. Deshana found herself pulled tightly against Nilan as he slept, as if he was afraid she would vanish, despite her words.

An ill wind blew in the forest of Evermeet, and the exiled woman heard the cries of her animal and plant friends long before the first Elf reached her hidden abode on the mainland. Out of breath, Glandriel blurted that she was needed by Laralyn. The druids heart was hard, but she headed down the trunk of her tree home, and cast the magic to carry her into Laralyn. Elven faces averted as the traitor strode over the rope bridges, but evidence of an attack littered the treetop bridges of the small settlement in the Sylvan lands. Elven warriors, still clutching weapons, sprawled in pools of their own blood. Whomever had hit this place had hit it hard. Glandriel and a gathering of young elves stood speaking to the village Elder, and the druid met the old mans eyes challengingly. Challenge my rights to be here, said the cold look in her eyes. The elder bowed slightly to the dead-eyed druid.

"They came just before dawn, slaughtering any that resisted and taking the townsfolk. Black robed men who spoke little, They had fighters as well as mages. There was little we could do. I.." the old man paused, shame pinching his face. "I hid, in hopes I could summon help." The younger elves agreed readily to find the missing townsfolk. Glandriel urged the nervous druid forward, and asked her to help as well. To protect the younger elves.

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