The Sermon That Wasn't

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The Sermon That Wasn't

Postby Gurns » Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:13 am

The rumors had been flying wildly for weeks. Did you hear them all? No? Well, think up any story, any story at all, and there was a rumor! There was the rumor that Lord Piergeiron had been replaced by a demon. No, no, it was Dlavizz Rhe-Shashal who was replaced by a demon! No, no, Dlavizz was himself, but had secretly backed out of the Alliance. No, no, it wasn't the drow who had backed out, it was the grey elves. Not only backed out, but had joined Auzorm'tvorl and were about to invade the mainland!

I believed those about as much as I believed the dwarf who claimed he hadn't had a drink in a week.

Then there were the usual rumors about traitors and spies, and who was working for whom, and who was trying to fool who about what. I listened to those, but as far as I could tell, no one really knew anything. And those few that might know something were being deliberately contradictory.

But there were two rumors that seemed more solid. One was that the Tvorlites were hunting for Lintral. Of course, they always were, him being the Seeker and all, but it sounded like it was getting more serious. I trusted this rumor, because Lintral told me so himself, and he's not one to jump at shadows. He's more likely to try to command them!

The other rumor was that Auzorm'tvorl's priest was going to be speaking at a certain place and time. I'd been trying to learn what he was preaching, learn his arguments. It had been suggested that someone should try to counter his arguments, but we couldn't very well do that without knowing what they were! But as for the details of these persuasive arguments that had seemingly convinced many including four people that I knew myself... Well, no one could, or would, tell me. "He talks about Balance." An interesting balance, that -- everything else I've heard says that Auzorm'tvorl is out to destroy the world. While some say we're all equal beyond the grave, though I doubt it, that's not a balance I wish to achieve!

So, it seemed that someone would have to listen to his preaching, and then take apart his arguments. Someone versed in words, and who better than a bard? And since I didn't trust anyone else as much as I trusted myself, I decided I would go hear the priest speak.

I thought of disguising myself. After all, the Tvorlites did have some interest in me. But I decided against it. I doubted I'd be in much danger during the sermon. The Tvorlites were clearly spreading the word about the occasion, so it probably would be public enough that no one would try anything against me. And as for my way there, and back? Well, the road has plenty of dangers already, what's one more?

I did stop off at...where Lintral was hiding, to leave the amulet with him. It wouldn't do to put that at any risk. I might have left it with Teej, but she was off doing Strike Force things, with unknown people in unknown places.

When I got to the monolith, the priest was already there, talking to Sonon, Lorsalian, Lahgen, Teflor, Lilira, and Ayra. I was rather surprised to see Lahgen there. Well, perhaps not, but surprised to see him there and not fighting anyone, he's been quite agitated about Tvorlites and traitors lately.

I seemed to be just in time, for the priest was saying "Yes, but let us move. There is a sinister spirit who lingers near the monoliths, I do not wish to rile her."

A nice touch. Noloth'e is hardly sinister, though certainly opposed to Auzorm'tvorl. But the priest had just cast a subtle doubt on her. And while it wasn't likely she'd make an appearance - as Auzorm'tvorl has grown in power, it's been harder and harder for her to appear – by moving away from the monolith, he could guarantee she wouldn't interrupt.

We moved south.

"Good morning," I said, to one and all.

The priest bowed to me. Naturally, I returned it.

I carefully looked around the room, without appearing to. Everyone was a little on edge but trying to look calm. Teflor, Lilira, and Ayra were staying near the priest, that made sense. Lorsalian and Lahgen were staying away, naturally. Sonon was neither near nor far. I was far enough away that I could see everything. And try to watch around me, just because I didn't expect a Tvorlite attack didn't mean I wasn't going to be prepared if it happened.

The priest said, "What a pleasure it is indeed to meet the Bearer. Greetings, your fame has preceded you."

Recognized already. I can think of worse things. "Thank you, sir!," I said. "I'd rather you'd heard of me by my songs, but fame is fame, is it not?"

The priest smiled around the room, and said, "A pleasure to meet each of you."

We chatted about the weather and the swamps a bit.

Then Lahgen said, "Too bad Lirela can't be here."

The priest agreed. "Yes, I would much like to meet the renowned Weaver. Her talents seem to have arisen from nowhere."

I shrugged and disagreed. "They say there are half a dozen in every generation. So it's not
extraordinarily difficult to find one."

The priest looked at me carefully. "Indeed? I had thought there was but one."

I shook my head. "Oh, no, no, I'm told there are several known, and there are expected to be several still unknown."

The priest chuckled politely. "A lifetime spent in religious lore, and yet there are surprises everywhere."

I'm not sure whether he believed me or not, but I hoped it would make things a little safer for Lirela.

I said, "Ah, there are always surprises. No life could be long enough to discover them all!"

Duna walked in just then, and we all greeted her.

Lahgen leaned over and whispered to me. "Well, this is nice...we now outnumber the Tvorlites."

I whispered back. "Assuming they don't have an army hidden in the swamp."

The priest returned to the conversation. "Indeed, particularly when the Balance is maintained appropriately.

"Ah, the Balance. I hear you preach the Balance," I said. Hint, hint.

The priest nodded. Lahgen took a breath and opened his mouth, but then shut it again.

Just then Lirela joined us. We all greeted her. It was nice to see her, but since she's somewhat less dispensible than I, I had to wonder at the wisdom of her showing up.

The priest said, with what seemed like pleasant surprise, "My goodness, there is just one of the Three who is not present..."

"Yes, well, he's probably out Seeking or something," I said casually.

I walked over and whispered to Lirela. "I told them there are at least several Weavers. Hopefully, that will lessen your danger." I rather hoped she took the hint that she was in danger.

She whispered back, "That's not entirely false."

Of course it's not entirely false, the best lies never are. But it's not so true that we want to risk Lirela.

The priest took a moment to pull his feet out of the muck. Stand there too long, and the swamp can swallow you. He said, "The monoliths themselves show the blessings upon them, if they don't sink into this slime."

"The monoliths show blessings?" I inquired. While I wanted to hear his usual preaching, he might say something interesting about this, too.

"They bear the great Prophesies as set forth by the great goddess Selune, and they show no damage from their time in the muck, in the sand, or underwater."

I nodded. "Ah, indeed, indeed. I suppose if one is a god, or god-empowered, one can do such things."

Lirela said, a little pointedly, "Except for the damage inflicted by Tvorlites attacking them."

The priest shook his head. "My dear lady, there were no Tvorlites present at those unfortunate incidents. The time of which you speak was early in our recruiting. There was simply no opportunity to send anyone out to perform such a horrific act, even if we'd wished to do so."

Lahgen objected. "But...these people still did it for the sake of the Vile One."

The priest stood up a little straighter, "Now then, my friends, you must hear the truth of things. For only then can you make your own decisions."

Lahgen nodded. Sonon said, "That makes sense." Of course it makes sense. It's also a line commonly used by people trying to sell you "magic potions" that end up being worthless, or "magic swords" whose secret special feature, the one that's so powerful it can't be mentioned aloud, is to cast ventriloquate on your opponent.

The priest continued. "Concerning the attacks upon the lady Selune's monoliths, might I remind you of one important fact... Auzorm'tvorl would give much to find and destroy the remaining essence of the mage called Trobriand."

Yes, and Trobriand had been the one to arrange the attacks, so the priest is trying to suggest that it's all Trobriand's fault. Of course, what the priest didn't mention was that, as best we can tell, Trobriand had been Auzorm'tvorl's at that time, body and soul. Well, at least the "soul" part, since Auzorm'tvorl didn't have a body and didn't use Trobriand's.

Lahgen nodded, but said "And Trobriand wishes to do likewise to your master. What's the difference?"

The priest repeated his point. "Some were indicating that Trobriand was acting with His blessings when he arranged for the attacks upon the monoliths."

Lirela said, "Perhaps that's because Trobriand realized the truth behind your master, and betrayed him to do what was right."

That made no sense to me. In fact, wouldn't that suggest...

The priest picked up on it quickly. "My dear, you could be on the right track. Perhaps that is why he chose to destroy those vessels bearing your beloved goddess Selune's prophesy?"

Oh, nicely done, priest. If Trobriand was betraying Auzorm'tvorl by trying to destroy the monuments, then Auzrom'tvorl must have wanted the monuments to survive. Except it makes a lot more sense if you remember that, as far as we know, Trobriand was Auzrom'tvorl's until he died. It's only afterwards that things are confused about just what Trobriand wants. And Trobriand was alive when he tried to have the monoliths destroyed. So it makes a lot more sense that Auzorm'tvorl wanted the monoliths destroyed, Trobriand tried and failed, and the priest is lying about it now.

Duna asked, "Are you suggesting the monoliths are untruthful?"

Hmm? Oh, yes, the priest said he wanted us to hear the truth. And had followed it with a well-done lie.

"The Prophecies within the monoliths are indeed accurate, dear lady," the priest replied.

Sonon left us at that point, perhaps to go read prophecy.

I wanted to get that clarified. "The Prophecies? Do you refer to the runes or to the visions, oh priest?"

The priest smiled benignly at me, and said "The Prophesies are the runes which grace the Monolith. Notice their moonlit gleam?" And he smile more broadly at Lirela. "You must be particularly drawn to them, blessed Weaver."

Lirela stuck to her point, stubbornly. "All I know is that when we killed Trobriand in Undermountain ages ago, he practically thanked us for freeing him from Auzorm'tvorl"

The priest looked mildly astonished. "I did not know he spoke at the time. Could you please share his words, dear lady?"

I hadn't know he had spoken at the time, either, although he had left a note. But this was getting me no closer to hearing the priest's message. Still, patience, patience, he'll get to it eventually, and I'm already learning how quickly and cleverly he can twist arguments.

Except that was all I would learn that night, for Teflor suddenly attacked the priest!

And missed his bash. Ayra immediately started casting spells, causing Teflor and Lilira to move with great speed. Lilira gasped in astonishment.

For an old fellow, the priest was doing very well. He managed to dodge several of Teflor's bashes. Silenced Ayra and Lilira. And his spells were hurting Teflor more than Teflor was hurting him.

The rest of us stayed out of it. We had to dodge around a bit, sometimes, but I certainly wasn't going to join in. I'd no reason to support either side. I suspect Lorsalian, Lahgen, and Duna felt the same.

I didn't see that the priest was in any danger, but after a short fight, he spoke a powerful word, and vanished.

Teflor said urgently, "Follow me. We are to hunt him."

Ayra began following him. Lilira still looked at him blankly, astonished.

Lorsalian asked "Attempting to clear out an employment?" It sounded like he was as suspicious as I.

Ayra said "No." For what that's worth. The priest had just shown how well Tvorlites could lie.

Teflor said, "Let's go. Lilira?" She began following him, and they left.

Lahgen said, "What the Nine Hells just happened?"

This proved to be too much of an entry line for Cirath, who stopped hiding and said, "I imagine you and your rabble mucked things up again."

Nobody jumped, I suppose we'd all half expected SOMEthing to show up out of the swamp.

I chuckled, and said, "Not us, Cirath. Teflor attacked the priest."

Which I assumed he knew already.

He said, "Oh, of course it was." Which pretty much confirmed my suspicion that he'd been there for some time. I really need to start remembering to check these things.

Lahgen said, nonchalantly, "I listened quietly, for once."

Cirath smirked (of course), and said, "I wasn't aware you were capable of restraint."

I was suspicious about the whole thing. "If he meant to kill him, he couldn't pull it off. And if he meant to convince us of something....I don't buy it."

Duna nodded. Lorsalian repeated, "I think he was attempting to clear out an employment ..." Unlikely, but in the Church of Auzorm'tvorl, who knows how priests get promoted?

Lahgen added, "And what are you doing here, anyway?"

Duna giggled, and said, "Cirath is always lurking around."

Cirath said, "Listening, watching, learning"

Lorsalian added "Spreading negativity and doubt..."

Cirath grinned, but said "I prefer to think of it as lending an alternative view."

Just then we heard a shout. It sounded like the priest. "All shall know of your treachery!"

Duna mused, "Wonder what that means?"

I think I spoke for everyone there. "It means either Teflor betrayed the priest, or they want us to think he betrayed the priest. So, it means very little."

Lahgen added, "Or that the priest uses Teflor's attack as a means to say propaganda against the rest of us."

Whatever it meant, though, it was time to leave. "I would suggest we move, in case there is an army of Tvorlites hidden in the swamp."

As we quickly got ready...for some reason they chose to follow me... Duna looked to the north, towards the monolith. "Thanatar!"

We all looked. Indeed there was, and the thanatar was fighting Teflor, Ayra, and Lilira.

Making a quick leaderly decision, I boldly stated, "Then we go south."

We detoured south, then headed east and north, dodging a few trolls. Then on to Waterdeep.

We spoke for some time. Around in circles, mostly. Was the attack real, or staged? If it was real, how come it had been so unsuccessful? Which argued that it had been staged. Except if it was staged, shouldn't it have looked more real? Look at how many bashes he missed. Even a ranger wasn't that bad, normally.

Duna had noticed something else, too. "It did seem awkward though, that as we were starting to get a bit of answers from the priest, Teflor decided to attack him."

Yes, awkward was one word. Suspicious was another.

We talked some more, but really, that was all there was to be said.
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Postby Deshana » Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:35 am

Ayra was tense, her shoulders felt as if hot irons seared into the muscle.
They'd come to the swamp to meet the priest, Ayra had devised a spell to keep him dry in this wet environment. The old man was sick, badly sick, and she felt somewhat sorry for him, as he coughed up blood. Just a harmless old man.

Ayra shuddered at a memory and heard the others arrive.. then Gurns, Lorsalian, Duna, Lahgen, and Sonon. Gurns... mmm the ante was upped.
Tef looked relaxed as usual, even in a potentially hostile crowd. Ayra found herself admonishing the other ranger to remember this was a peaceful meeting. Peaceful... right. A memory flask, cold malevolence.

She stood listening intently... hearing Lirelas name. Just the night before she'd delivered a threat to the cleric, found wandering far from her home.
Nostrils flaring a moment, she forced herself to be calm, watching Teflor.

Lirela then appeared as if her name had summoned her like some ill omen. Lirela and Gurns.. the opportunity was simply too good to pass up.

Gold flecked blue eyes met Teflors, a silent message flashing between the two... and chaos erupted.

Lilira was taken totally by suprise, having no warning of this sudden attack, Both mage and bard were silenced early in the battle, and Teflor... Tef displaced far far more mud then priestly body. Mystras eyes I'd TOLD him to wear a good shield... bloody rangers.

The priest naturally worded to whatever base he called his sactuary, and Tef snapped an order that enchanter and very confused bard followed.

Tef ran to the last place the priest had used as base.. then charged headlessly back towards the monolith.. Never follow a frantic ranger thats not thinking straight.. Metallic jaws snapped, and Lilira screamed.. briefly. very briefly.. Ayra swore.. and found herself loosing a battle of her own in short order.

Well.. Chaos is as chaos does I suppose..

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