Need some VB or C++ programming help

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Need some VB or C++ programming help

Postby Aedes » Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:55 pm

I've searched and searched but I have yet to come across the answer....

I have a VB or C++ question....

anyone know the mmc.lib (I'm assuming the function I want is in here) function that I can use to programmatically select a recording control?

my plight....I load up Ventrilo and start up Battlefield 2. All the while I have Microphone selected in the Recording Control panel (the thing that shows up when you double click the speaker icon in the system tray). As soon as I join a server to play the game my system unchecks when I use my hotkey to talk nobody can hear me speaking. I have to Alt-Tab out of the game and reselect Microphone.

What I want to do is write a little program that looks at what Recording Control is currently selected like every 5 seconds....and if Microphone is not the current selection then reselect it. That way I don't have to Alt-Tab out of my game.

Anyone know how I can do this??

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