Trends in object changes...

A forum for discussion of the object thread per item please. Read the first post!
Delmair Aamoren
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Trends in object changes...

Postby Delmair Aamoren » Sat Nov 08, 2003 5:40 pm

Just a few trends i've noticed:

First and foremost, why do rings hold all the power?

For the mostpart, rings have more +hp than you will find on any other
slot of equipment. Why is this? Wouldn't it make more sense to average things out and make them on the same plane as everything else? I am confused as to why a non-rare, non-quest ring can have +2 dam +20 hp, and some quest armor involving rares and even a mini quest inside the quest can't have comparable stats.

Like everyone else has already pointed out, hit/dam overall seems to have gone down.

In addition, i've seen a number of hitters that have lost just as many hp as casters, if not more! I don't think the idea behind all of this was to rape melee, but now i hit like a girl. that sucks =P

In addition to the hit/dam aspect, armor class has also taken a hit.

I've noticed a reduction in ac on a lot of items by 25% or more. in some cases even a 50% drop has been noted. Even with the extra bonus the armor spell gives my anti, i'm below -100. Albeit only by 5 points, but w/o armor that puts me at -65 ac? lame! In light of all of this, it seems all that was done was narrowing the gap between the ac on the warrior/hitter type items and the magely items. For the mostpart my elementalists ac was unaffected. This also seems to be a hindrance to the melee classes of the mud.

In the defense of the persons whos job it was to make these changes, a LOT of them are good. it's just the few that don't make sense, especially those revolving around quests for some of the higher end stuff, that make little or no sense to myself, and i'd imagine a lot of others.

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