T:Con/E:Con/Rescue/looter/splitter/guage/buttons on and off

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T:Con/E:Con/Rescue/looter/splitter/guage/buttons on and off

Postby Acej » Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:40 pm

#CLASS {triggers}
#ALIAS st {stand}
#ALIAS stb {stand;bash}
#ALIAS od {open door}
#ALIAS ds {open doors}
#ALIAS om {open marble}
#ALIAS ot {open trapdoor}
#ALIAS og {open gate}
#ALIAS zs {open gates}
#ALIAS os {open secret}
#ALIAS fs {open flap}
#ALIAS ps {open panel}
#ALIAS vs {open vegetation}
#ALIAS gs {open overgrowth}
#ALIAS ws {open wall}
#ALIAS dz {open double}
#ALIAS cz {open curtain}
#ALIAS cc {unlock cell;open cell}
#ALIAS sx {open steel}
#ALIAS pl {say please;open gates}
#ALIAS mh {stand}
#ALIAS stx {stand}
#ALIAS ws {gsay I am being SUMMONED!}
#ALIAS rl {gsay *-- LEVEL!--*----> Hoot! *-@name -*}
#ALIAS poi {gsay >-- Poisoned!--> *-@name-*}
#ALIAS pa {gsay >------ITS!-----------> *-PARALYZED-*}
#ALIAS un {unbind}
#ALIAS ms {gsay >-- Energy Shield --> Gone! *-@name-*}
#ALIAS zm {gsay >-- Detect Magic --> Gone! *-@name-*}
#ALIAS ag {gsay >-- Armor --> Gone! *-@name-*}
#ALIAS bg {gsay >-- Bless --> Gone! *-@name-*}
#ALIAS ho {gsay >-- Haste --> Gone! *-@name-*}
#ALIAS sg {gsay >-- Stone-Skin --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS vo {gsay >-- Vitality --> Gone! *-@name-*}
#ALIAS sf {gsay >-- Levitation --> Gone! *-@name-*}
#ALIAS bo {gsay >-- Barkskin --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS ap {gsay >-- Phantom Armor --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS gg {gsay >-- Globe --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS wb {gsay >-- My GILLS are Gone!--> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS di {gsay >-- Detect Ivis --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS sb {gsay >-- BLUrR --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS df {gsay >-- Displacement --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS dm {gsay >-- Dragon Scales --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS bb {gsay >-- I am no longer Nondetected --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS rn {gsay >-- Greater Realm --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS eb {gsay >-- EnlargeMent --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS ee {gsay >-- Elemental Embodiment --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS ew {gsay >-- Elemental Ward --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS io {gsay >-- Invisible Disappeared --> Gone! *- @name-*}
#ALIAS ga {get @w1;wield @w1;get @w2;wield @w2}
#TRIGGER {*%s(%d)/(%d)%shit,%s%d/%d%smove,%s%d/%d%spsp (%*)$} {#MATH groupstatus ((%1*10)/%2);#IF (@groupstatus<1) {#VA groupstatus 1};#IF (@groupstatus>10) {#VA groupstatus 10};#IF (@groupstatus>7) {#SUB {%line %ansi( green)%repeat( "•", @groupstatus)%ansi( black)%repeat( "•", %eval( 10 - @groupstatus))}} {#NOOP};#IF (@groupstatus<=7) {#SUB {%line %ansi( yellow)%repeat( "•", @groupstatus)%ansi( black)%repeat( "•", %eval( 10 - @groupstatus))}} {#NOOP};#IF (@groupstatus<=3) {#SUB {%line %ansi( red)%repeat( "•", @groupstatus)%ansi( black)%repeat( "•", %eval( 10 - @groupstatus))}} {#NOOP}}
#VAR groupstatus {}
#VAR {triggers} {}
#action {sends you sprawling} {st}
#action {avoids your bash} {stb}
#action {The door seems} {od}
#action {The doors seems} {ds}
#action {The marble seems} {om}
#action {The trapdoor seems} {ot}
#action {The gate seems} {og}
#action {The gates seems} {zs}
#action {The secret seems} {os}
#action {The flap seems} {fs}
#action {The panel seems} {ps}
#action {The vegetation seems} {vs}
#action {The overgrowth seems} {gs}
#action {The wall seems} {ws}
#action {The double seems} {dz}
#action {The curtain seems} {cz}
#action {The cell seems} {cc}
#action {The steel seems} {sx}
#action {Before the Magic Gates} {pl}
#action {You raise a level} {rl}
#action {You hang on as your mount} {mh}
#action {You stop riding} {stx}
#action {tail slams with full force} {st}
#action {lightning speed at YOU} {poi}
#action {and fall to your knees!} {st}
#action {You fall and injure yourself!} {st}
#action {sends you crashing to the ground} {st}
#action {tripping you} {st}
#action {You are knocked off your feet.} {st}
#action {You stagger about, then fall sprawling} {st}
#action {still and lifeless} {pa}
#action {knocks you down and ties you up} {un}
#action {quickly ties you up} {un}
#action {You try to slip your bonds, but fail} {un}
#action {The magical side of things is less visible} {zm}
#action {Your magic armor fades away} {ag}
#action {You feel less blessed} {bg}
#action {The world speeds up around you} {ho}
#action {Your flesh loses its stony texture} {sg}
#action {Your vitality drains away} {vo}
#action {You stop floating} {sf}
#action {You feel less wooden} {bo}
#action {Your shadowy scale armor disappates into nothingness} {ap}
#action {Your globe shimmers, and fades into the air} {gg}
#action {Your gills disappear} {wb}
#action {Invisible things vanish again} {di}
#action {Your form stops blurring} {sb}
#action {Your displaced form} {df}
#action {Your dragon scales melt} {dm}
#action {Your mental barrier blinks} {bb}
#action {Your image is no longer displaced} {df}
#action {Your magical shield shudders and vanishes} {ms}
#action {You feel less base} {rn}
#action {Your body returns to its normal size} {eb}
#action {elemental form, returning to normal} {ee}
#action {The elemental ward protecting you} {ew}
#action {You feel less transparent} {io}
#action {You swing} {ga}
#action {You feel a wretching sensation} {ws}
#BUTTON 1 {Econd:ON} {eon} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {10} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 2 {Econd:OFF} {eoff} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {27} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 3 {TankC:ON} {ton} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {10} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 4 {TankC:OFF} {toff} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {27} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 5 {Resc:ON} {autoron} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {10} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 6 {Resc:OFF} {autoroff} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {27} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 7 {Loot:ON} {coinon} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {10} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 8 {Loot:OFF} {coinoff} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {27} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 9 {Trig:ON} {trigon} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {10} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 10 {Trig:OFF} {trigoff} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {27} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 11 {SplitON} {spliton} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {10} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 12 {SplitOFF} {splitoff} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {27} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#CLASS {names}
#ALIAS {addname} {name=%additem( %1, @name); #ECHO %1 Added to Trigger Variables}
#ALIAS {delname} {name=%delitem( %1, @name); #ECHO %1 Deleted from Trigger Variables}
#ALIAS {listname} {#say @name}
#VAR {name}
#ALIAS {addw1} {w1=%additem( %1, @w1); #ECHO %1 Added to Trigger Variables}
#ALIAS {delw1} {w1=%delitem( %1, @w1); #ECHO %1 Deleted from Trigger Variables}
#ALIAS {listw1} {#say @w1}
#VAR {w1}
#ALIAS {addw2} {w2=%additem( %1, @w2); #ECHO %1 Added to Trigger Variables}
#ALIAS {delw2} {w2=%delitem( %1, @w2); #ECHO %1 Deleted from Trigger Variables}
#ALIAS {listw2} {#say @w2}
#VAR {w2}
#ALIAS {addbag} {container=%additem( %1, @container); #ECHO %1 Added to Bag Variables}
#ALIAS {delbag} {container=%delitem( %1, @container); #ECHO %1 Deleted from Bag Variables}
#ALIAS {listbag} {#say @container}
#VAR {container}
#CLASS {loot2}
#ALIAS ggc {get all corpse}
#TRIGGER {You receive your share of experience.} {ggc}
#TRIGGER {There were* (%d) platinum} {put %1 p @container}
#TRIGGER {There were* (%d) gold} {put %1 g @container}
#TRIGGER {There were* (%d) silver} {put %1 s @container}
#TRIGGER {There were* (%d) copper} {put %1 c @container}
#CLASS {loot3}
#TRIGGER {Coins carried* (%d) platinum} {split %1 p}
#TRIGGER {Coins carried* (%d) gold} {split %1 g}
#TRIGGER {Coins carried* (%d) silver} {split %1 s}
#TRIGGER {Coins carried* (%d) copper} {split %1 c}
#ALIAS {addgroup} {#T+ Add_Group; group}
#ALIAS {addtank} {#VAR tanklist %additem( %1, @tanklist); #SA %1 ADDED TO TANK LIST}
#ALIAS {addres} {#VAR rescuelist %additem( %1, @rescuelist); #SA %1 ADDED TO RESCUE LIST}
#ALIAS {clearres} {rescuelist = ""; #echo Rescue list - Cleared.}
#ALIAS {cleartanks} {tanklist = ""; #echo Tank list - Cleared.}
#ALIAS {delres} {#var rescuelist %delitem( %1, @rescuelist); #SA %1 REMOVED FROM RESCUE LIST}
#ALIAS {deltank} {#var tanklist %delitem( %1, @tanklist); #SA %1 REMOVED FROM TANK LIST}
#ALIAS {displist} {#SA CURRENT RESCUE LIST:; #forall {@rescuelist} {#SA %{i}}}
#ALIAS {disptanks} {#SA CURRENT TANK LIST:; #forall {@tanklist} {#sa %{i}}}
#ALIAS {autoron} {#T+ autorescue; #ST Autorescue is ON}
#alias {autoroff} {#T- autorescue; #ST Autorescue is OFF}
#action {* fighting *({@rescuelist})*} {rescue %1} {autorescue}
#action {p/} {#T- Add_Group; #sa Group Add Off} {Add_Group}
#TRIGGER {psp %1} {#IF (%ismember( %1, @tanklist|@rescuelist)) {} {addres %1}}
#TRIGGER {(%W) tugs on your sleeve hoing for your attention.} {rescue %1}
#action {switches targets} {l}
#action {You fail} {l}
#action {* {hits|slashes|punches|crushes|misses|whips|pierces|smashes|sting|stings|drains|strikes|pummels|pummel|strike|slash|pierce|whip|drain|smash|crush|pound|pounds|hit|claw|claws|touch|touches} *({@rescuelist})*} {rescue %1} {autorescue}
#TRIGGER {E: (%w) EC: awful} {gsay %1 is Awful!;#T- ENasty;#T- EPhurt;#T- EAwful} "EAwful" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {T: (%w) TC: awful} {gsay Tank %1 is at AWFUL! Heal %1 FAST!;#T- TNasty;#T- TPhurt;#T- TAwful} "TAwful" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {E: (%w) EC: pretty hurt} {gsay %1 is Pretty Hurt!;#T- ENasty;#T- EPhurt} "EPhurt" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {T: (%w) TC: pretty hurt} {gsay Tank %1 is at Pretty Hurt! HEAL %1 QUICKLY!!;#T- TNasty;#T- TPhurt} "TPhurt" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {E: (%w) EC: nasty wounds} {gsay %1 is Nasty!;#T- ENasty} "ENasty" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {T: (%w) TC: nasty wounds} {gsay Tank %1 is at Nasty!;#T- TNasty} "TNasty" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {You receive your share of experience.} {#T+ ENasty;#T+ EPhurt;#T+ EAwful} "EnemyCond" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {You receive your share of experience.} {#T+ TFwounds;#T+ TNasty;#T+ TPhurt;#T+ TAwful} "TankCond" {notrig}
#ALIAS eon {#T+ EnemyCond;#SA Now reporting enemy conditions!;#T+ ENasty;#T+ EPhurt;#T+ EAwful;#VAR ECond ON}
#ALIAS eoff {#T- EnemyCond;#SA No longer reporting enemy conditions!;#T- ENasty;#T- EPhurt;#T- EAwful;#VAR ECond OFF}
#ALIAS ton {#T+ TankCond;#SA Now reporting tank conditions!;#T+ FWounds;#T+ TNasty;#T+ TPhurt;#T+ TAwful;#VAR TCond ON}
#ALIAS toff {#T- TankCond;#SA No longer reporting tank conditions!;#T- FWounds;#T- TNasty;#T- TPhurt;#T- TAwful;#VAR TCond OFF}
#ALIAS {autoron} {#SA Autorescue On!;#T+ autorescue;#VAR Rcond ON}
#ALIAS {autoroff} {#SA Autorescue Off!;#T- autorescue;#VAR Rcond OFF}
#ALIAS {coinon} {#SA Auto Looter On!;#T+ loot2;#VAR Lcond ON}
#ALIAS {coinoff} {#SA Auto Looter Off!;#T- loot2;#VAR Lcond OFF}
#ALIAS {trigon} {#SA Triggers On!;#T+ triggers;#VAR Trigs ON}
#ALIAS {trigoff} {#SA Triggers Off!;#T- triggers;#VAR Trigs OFF}
#ALIAS {spliton} {#SA Auto Splitter On!;#T+ loot3;#VAR Divide ON}
#ALIAS {splitoff} {#SA Auto Splitter Off!;#T- loot3;#VAR Divide OFF}
#VAR TCond {OFF}
#VAR ECond {OFF}
#VAR Rcond {OFF}
#VAR Lcond {OFF}
#VAR Trigs {OFF}
#VAR Divide {OFF}
#STAT {E:Con is @ECond | T:Con is @TCond | Rescue is @Rcond | Looter is @Lcond | Trig is @Trigs | Split is @Divide}

Note delete Instructions Below:
Name Variable:

-addname (you)
-delname (you)
-listname (you)

Weapon Variable 1:

-addw1 (weapons pickup name)
-delw1 (weapons pickup name)
-listw1 (lists weapon name)

Weapon Variable 2:

-addw2 (weapons pickup name)
-delw2 (weapons pickup name)
-listw2 (lists weapon name)

Bag Variable:

-addbag (bag name)
-delbag (bag name)
-listbag (bagname)

Rescue Variable:

-addgroup (adds all in group but bards have to be addres seperately)
-addtank (adds tank name)
-addres (adds pc)
-clearres (clears rescue list)
-cleartanks (clears tank list)
-delres (deletes pc)
-deltank (deletes tank pc)
-displist (displays rescue list)
-disptanks (displays tank list)

To loot the variable gets all corpse and put all in sacks etc. to use the splitter
you must turn off looter then gget coins sack etc and then type score.

thats it so far :) acej Ps: try to delete as much as possible before instaling this
Sorry just in health guage from the bbs so i added healthgauge *author Kuurg* nice
feature Kuurg thx*
type group to see who's hurt
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Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2002 6:01 am

Postby Alomlim » Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:28 pm

You feel a wretching sensation?
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon May 17, 2004 12:20 am

Postby Axater » Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:49 pm

that would be someone trying to summon you :shock:
Posts: 413
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Postby Nekelet » Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:12 am

look a little closer Ax.

That would be your lunch attempting to exit.
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Postby Ambar » Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:13 pm

Nekelet wrote:look a little closer Ax.

That would be your lunch attempting to exit.


yeah its WRENCH

but ... hahahahahahahahahahaha

few other typos too

*tugs on your sleeves HOING for ...*

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