Here is something for them casters..

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Here is something for them casters..

Postby Klurg » Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:56 am

Usage :
setlearn to grab your memorized spells once you have them all.
resetlearn to clear all the variables in case you want to setlearn again
relearn to deathpray your last setup captured from setlearn

Make sure u resetlearn before attempting to setlearn or u will double yer list. Adjust triggers if u are a memorization class, this is set up for a praying one.

#ALIAS relearn {rest;#forall {@spell_list} {#repeat (%item( @spell_num, %ismember( %i, @spell_list))) {pray %i}}}
#ALIAS resetlearn {#VAR spell_list %null;#VAR spell_num %null;#say {Relearn Variables have been reset.}}
#ALIAS setlearn {tog paging;#t+ spellcaptureprep;pray}
#VAR spell_num {1|1|3|3|3|3|1|2|2|4|1|5|6}
#VAR spell_list {heal|holy shroud|destroy undead|dispel magic|ward undead|cure critic|remove poison|protection from evil|remove curse|create food|cure serious|armor|bless}
#VAR spellname {bless}

#CLASS {spellcapture}
#TRIGGER {(%d) - &spellname$} {spell_num=%additem( %1, @spell_num);spell_list=%additem( %2, @spell_list)}
#TRIGGER {You can pray no more spells.} {#t- spellcapture;#t- spellcaptureprep;tog paging}

#CLASS {spellcaptureprep}
#TRIGGER {You have memorized the following spells:} {#T+ spellcapture}

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