Wintin Rescue Scripts - Updated

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Wintin Rescue Scripts - Updated

Postby Gizep » Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:47 pm

I had to give the whole script, because it was unstable without some variables. Wintin users give it a shot and gimme some feedback.

The other guy has some stuff In there that I might wanna talk to him about, but this is rather formitable:

This set uses condensed mode, tog condensed melee_high and let it rip.

mmail gizep afu or digun for questions about this script, or to complain about how much i have been updating it.

adds a person to the rescue list
deletes a person from the rescue list
attempts a rescue on every person on the rescue list.
says the rescue list.
enables autobashing
disables autobash
sets the tank, if it's not you, even if it is, it's a good idea to tank Self
adds someone to group list
removes someone from group

creates the stat report windows...
resets the stat counters

Fixed a few bugs, thats why i updated again...

The rest of the aliases are used by the triggers, they can be used with a name arguement, but the res alias is case sensitive.

#defgroup {Buffs}
#action {Your magic armor fades away.} {#if $potions=1 {pot} else {gsa armor out}} {G|Buffs}
#alias {pot} {get potion bag;quaff potion} {G|Buffs}
#variable {potions} {1} {G|Buffs}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Time}
#action {Current time is: %1 %2 %3 %4:%5:%6 %7 (%8)} {#var wday %1;#var month %2;#var day %3;#var hour %4;#var min %5;#var sec %6;#var year %7;#var tzone %8;#if $begin=1 {#var begin 0;#var shour %%4;#var smin %%5;#var ssec %%6;};#if $end=1 {#var end 0;#var ehour %%4;#var emin %%5;#var esec %%6;pkill};} {G|Time}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Autoassist}
#action {You receive your share of experience.} {att;score;#var conned 0;gget coins corpse;kills;#var end 1;time;#var fighting 0;#var lrounds $rounds;#var rounds 0;#var rque 0;#enable PH;#enable AF;#enable NA;#var bashing 1;#var rattempt 0;#var needsbash 1;#var bashattempt 0} {G|Autoassist}
#alias {ass} {#var begin 1;time;assist $tank} {G|Autoassist}
#variable {autoassist} {1} {G|Autoassist}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Rescue}
#action {You fail the rescue.} {#var rque 1;#var rattempt 0;fres} {G|Rescue}
#action {switches targets.} {#var rque 1;look;#var rattempt 0} {G|Rescue}
#action {Banzai! To the rescue...} {sres;#var rque 0;#var rattempt 0;#var bashing 1;b} {G|Rescue}
#action {here, fighting %1.} {rcheck %1} {G|Rescue}
#action {%0 attempts to flee.} {#var rque 0;#var bashing 1;#var rattempt 0} {G|Rescue}
#action {Who do you want to rescue?} {#var rque 0;#var bashing 1;#var rattempt 0} {G|Rescue}
#action {heroically rescues} {#var rque 0;#var rattempt 0;#var bashing 1} {G|Rescue}
#action {rescued by} {#var needsbash 1;#var fighting 0;#var rattempt 0;#var rque 0} {G|Rescue}
#alias {rcheck} {#loop {$rlist} {#if [%0]=[%%1] {#var rque 1;#var rtarget %%0;}}} {G|Rescue}
#alias {res} {#if $rattempt=0&$rque=1 {r}} {G|Rescue}
#alias {radd} {#push rlist %1} {G|Rescue}
#alias {rdel} {#remove rlist %1} {G|Rescue}
#alias {rshow} {#showme $rlist} {G|Rescue}
#alias {r} {rescue $rtarget;#var rattempt 1;#var bashing 0} {G|Rescue}
#variable {rtarget} {Someguy} {G|Rescue}
#variable {rattempt} {0} {G|Rescue}
#variable {rlist} {Someguy} {G|Rescue}
#variable {rque} {0} {G|Rescue}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Utility}
#action {%1 is dead! R.I.P.} {check %1} {G|Utility}
#action {%1 has left the group.} {gdel %1} {G|Utility}
#action {Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .} {#unpath} {G|Utility}
#action {The %1 seems to be closed.} {#unpath} {G|Utility}
#action {Maybe you should get up off your knees first?} {st} {G|Utility}
#action {%0 has just given you %1 consent.} {group %0 KILL - KILL - KILL} {G|Utility}
#action {%0 starts following you.} {group %0 KILL - KILL - KILL} {G|Utility}
#action {You do not seem to have the 'great'.} {get axe;wield axe} {G|Utility}
#action {[RETURN for more, q to quit]} {#cr} {G|Utility}
#action {< P: %0 (AFK) >} {look} {G|Utility}
#alias {check} {#loop {$glist} {#if [%0]=[%%1] gsa %%1 is dead omg!!}} {G|Utility}
#alias {gdel} {#remove glist %1} {G|Utility}
#alias {gadd} {#push glist %1} {G|Utility}
#alias {gshow} {#showme glist:$glist} {G|Utility}
#alias {sword} {rem shield;rem hammer;rem axe;get sword bag;wield sword;put hammer bag;put shield bag;put axe bag} {G|Utility}
#alias {hammer} {rem axe;rem sword;get shield bag;get hammer bag;wear shield;wield hammer;put axe bag;put sword bag} {G|Utility}
#alias {boots} {get boots bag;rem boots;wear;put boots bag} {G|Utility}
#alias {windows} {#htmlpopup Last;#htmlpopup Group;#htmlpopup Overall;#popup Chat {OOC:|group-|LFGC:|responds to your petition|tells you|You tell}} {G|Utility}
#alias {Overall} {#sendtowin Overall {#table 50 2};#var Overall Kills:, $tkills,Procs:,$tprocs,Missed Bash:,$tmbash,Sucessful Bash:,$tsbash,Attempted Bash:,$tabash,Failed Rescue:,$tfres,Successful Rescue:,$tsres,Attempted Rescue:,$tares,My Hits:,$thits,Mob Hits:,$tmhits,Critical Hits:,$tcrits,Combat Rounds:,$trounds,Damage Taken:,$tdam,HP Healed:,$thea,Exp Gained:,$ggain,Skillups:,$tskup} {G|Utility}
#alias {Group} {#sendtowin Group {#table 50 2};#var Group Kills:, $gkills,Procs:,$gprocs,Missed Bash:,$gmbash,Successful Bash:,$gsbash,Attempted Bash:,$gabash,Failed Rescue:,$gfres,Sucessful Rescue:,$gsres,Attempted Rescue:,$gares,My Hits:,$ghits,Mob Hits:,$gmhits,Critical Hits:,$gcrits,Combat Rounds:,$grounds,Damage Taken:,$gdam,Exp Gained:,$ggai,HP Healed:,$ghea,Exp Gained:, $ggain,Skillups:,$gskup} {G|Utility}
#alias {populate} {#sendtowin Last {#fill $Last};#sendtowin Group {#fill $Group};#sendtowin Overall {#fill $Overall}} {G|Utility}
#alias {Last} {#sendtowin Last {#table 50 2};#var Last Missed Bash:,$mbash,Fumbles:,$fumbles,Kills:,$kills,Hiits:,$hits,Procs:,$procs,Missed Bash:,$mbash,Successful Bash:,$sbash,Attempted Bash:,$abash,Failed Rescue:,$fres,Succesful Rescue:,$sres,Attempted Rescue:,$ares,My Hits:,$hits,Mob Hits:,$mhits,Critical Hits:,$crits,Combat Rounds:,$lrounds,Damage Taken:,$dam,HP Healed:,$hea,Expgain:,$egain,Skillups:,$skup} {G|Utility}
#alias {rGroup} {#var gkills 0;#var gprocs 0;#var gmbash 0;#var gsbash 0;#var gabash 0;#var gfres 0;#var gsres 0;#var gares 0;#var ghits 0;#var gmhits 0;#var gcrits 0;#var grounds 0;#var gdam 0;#var ggai 0;#var ghea 0;#var ggain 0;#var tgain 0;#var gskup 0} {G|Utility}
#alias {rLast} {#var mbash 0;#var fumbles 0;#var kills 0;#var shour 0;#var smin 0;#var ssec 0;#var ehour 0;#var emin 0;#var esec 0;#var hits 0;#var procs 0;#var mbash 0;#var sbash 0;#var abash 0;#var fres 0;#var sres 0;#var ares 0;#var hits 0;#var mhits 0;#var crits 0;#var lrounds 0;#var dam 0;#var gai 0;#var hea 0;#var egain 0;#var skup 0} {G|Utility}
#alias {rOverall} {#var tkills 0;#var tprocs 0;#var tmbash 0;#var tsbash 0;#var tabash 0;#var tfres 0;#var tsres 0;#var tares 0;#var thits 0;#var tmhits 0;#var tcrits 0;#var trounds 0;#var tdam 0;#var tgai 0;#var thea 0;#var tegain 0;#var ggain 0;#var tskup 0} {G|Utility}
#alias {pkill} {Last;Group;Overall;populate;rLast} {G|Utility}
#alias {resetall} {rLast;rGroup;rOverall} {G|Utility}
#alias {resetpath} {#loop {$path} {#unpath}} {G|Utility}
#alias {axe} {rem sword;rem hammer;rem shield;get axe bag;wield axe;put all bag} {G|Utility}
#alias {delpath} {#loop {$path} {#unpath %0}} {G|Utility}
#alias {condon} {#var condcaller 1} {G|Utility}
#alias {condoff} {#var condcaller 0} {G|Utility}
#alias {autoassoff} {#var autoassist 0} {G|Utility}
#alias {autoasson} {#var autoassist 1} {G|Utility}

#variable {path} {0} {G|Utility}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {RP}
#action {The sun rises over the eastern horizon.} {stretch} {G|RP}
#action {Better get inside - this is too cold for man or -most- beasts.} {shiver} {G|RP}
#action {It's really c-c-c-cold!!} {cough} {G|RP}
#action {An unusually large crow flies overhead, croaking loudly, 'Caw! Caw!'} {em throws a rock at the crow, knocking it out of the air.} {G|RP}
#action {The town crier shouts 'Bars are open all night boys!'} {beer} {G|RP}
#action {The sun vanishes below the western horizon.} {yawn} {G|RP}
#action {The first rays of sunlight signal the approaching day.} {yawn} {G|RP}
#action {The snow is coming down faster now.} {em catches a snowflake on his tongue.} {G|RP}
#action {%0 tries to exchange some coins with the banker.} {laugh %0} {G|RP}
#action {You are slapped by %0, OUCH!} {punch %0} {G|RP}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {AF}
#action {< T: %0 TC: %1 E: %2 EC: awful P: %3 >} {#if $condcaller=1 {gsa Enemy: $ene is awful!!;#disable AF}} {G|AF}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Report}
#variable {Overall} {0} {G|Report}
#variable {Group} {0} {G|Report}
#variable {Last} {0} {G|Report}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {NA}
#action {< T: %1 TC: %2 E: %3 EC: nasty wounds P: %4 >} {#if $condcaller=1 {gsa Enemy: $ene is nasty wounds!!;#disable NA}} {G|NA}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {PH}
#action {< T: %0 TC: %1 E: %2 EC: pretty hurt P: %3 >} {#if $condcaller=1 {gsa Enemy: $ene is pretty hurt!!!;#disable PH}} {G|PH}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Bash}
#action {%0 avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground.} {needbash %0;mbash;#var bashattempt 0} {G|Bash}
#action {You dodge a bash from %0, who loses his balance and falls.} {checkbashed %0} {G|Bash}
#action {%1 sends %0 sprawling with a powerful bash.} {checkbashed %0} {G|Bash}
#action {%1 avoids being bashed by %0, who loses his balance and falls.} {checkbashed %0} {G|Bash}
#action {Your bash at %0 sends %1 sprawling.} {checkbashed %0;#var bashattempt 0} {G|Bash}
#action {%0 rises to his feet.} {needbash %0} {G|Bash}
#action {%0 clambers to his feet.} {needbash %0} {G|Bash}
#action {%0 sends you sprawling.} {needbash %0;stand;#disable Bashed} {G|Bash}
#action {%0 avoids being bashed by %1, who loses his balance and falls.} {checkbash %0} {G|Bash}
#action {You haven't reoriented yourself yet enough for another bash!} {#var bashattempt 0} {G|Bash}
#alias {checkbashed} {#if {[%%0]==[$ene]} {#var needsbash 0;#var bashattempt 0}} {G|Bash}
#alias {needsbash} {#if {[%%0]==[$ene]} {#var needsbash 1}} {G|Bash}
#alias {b} {#if $needsbash=1&$bashing=1&$standing=1&$rque=0&$rattempt=0&$bashenabled=1&$bashattempt=0 {bash %%0;#var bashattempt 1}} {G|Bash}
#alias {needbash} {#if {[%%0]==[$en]} {#var needsbash 1}} {G|Bash}
#alias {checkbash} {#if {[%%0]==[$en]} {#var needsbash 0;#var bashattempt 0}} {G|Bash}
#variable {needsbash} {1} {G|Bash}
#variable {bashenabled} {1} {G|Bash}
#variable {standing} {1} {G|Bash}
#variable {bashattempt} {0} {G|Bash}
#variable {en} {Someguy} {G|Bash}
#variable {ene} {Someguy} {G|Bash}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Assist}
#action {%0 sends %1 sprawling with a powerful bash.} {#if [$tank]=[%%0]&$autoassist=1&$fighting=0 ass} {G|Assist}
#action {%0 attacks %1,} {#if [$tank]=[%%0]&$autoassist=1&$fighting=0 ass} {G|Assist}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Counters}
#action {Your bash at %1 sends %2 sprawling.} {sbash} {G|Counters}
#action {%1 attacks %2,} {rcheck %2;#if $roundcounted=0 {#var roundcounted 1;rounds};#if $fighting=0 ass} {G|Counters}
#action {< T: %1 TC: %2 E: %3 EC: %4 P: %5 >} {#var roundcounted 0;res;#if $conned=0 con %3;#var conned 1} {G|Counters}
#action {You attack %1,} {#if $roundcounted=0 {#var roundcounted 1;rounds}} {G|Counters}
#action {Your flamberge is engulfed} {procs} {G|Counters}
#action {With a mighty swing, you send ice shards flying off your axe} {procs} {G|Counters}
#action {The runes on your gleaming warhammer begin to glow a frosty blue.} {procs} {G|Counters}
#action {You score a CRITICAL HIT!} {crits} {G|Counters}
#action {^< %1h/%2H } {damage %1 %2} {G|Counters}
#action {Experience Progress: %1 % } {expgain %1} {G|Counters}
#action {You would need some luck!} {#var econ You would need some luck!} {G|Counters}
#action {Are you mad!?} {#var econ Are you mad?} {G|Counters}
#action {You ARE mad!} {#var econ You ARE mad!} {G|Counters}
#action {Fairly easy.} {#var econ Fairly easy.} {G|Counters}
#action {Would you like to borrow a cross and a shovel?} {#var econ Would you like to borrow a cross and a shovel?} {G|Counters}
#action {You would need a lot of luck and great equipment!} {#var econ You would need a lot of luck and great equipment!} {G|Counters}
#action {You have learned something new about %0!} {skillup} {G|Counters}
#action {Do you feel lucky, punk?} {#var econ Do you feel lucky, punk?} {G|Counters}
#action {The perfect match!} {#var econ The perfect match!} {G|Counters}
#action {Easy.} {#var econ Easy.} {G|Counters}
#action {You could do it with a needle!} {#var econ You could do it with a needle!} {G|Counters}
#action {That creature appears to be no match for you!} {#var econ That creature appears to be no match for you!} {G|Counters}
#alias {procs} {#math procs {$procs+1};#math gprocs {$gprocs+1};#math tprocs {$tprocs+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {mbash} {abash;#math mbash {$mbash+1};#math gmbash {$gmbash+1};#math tmbash {$tmbash+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {sbash} {abash;#math sbash {$sbash+1};#math gsbash {$gsbash+1};#math tsbash {$tsbash+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {abash} {#math abash {$abash+1};#math gabash {$gabash+1};#math tabash {$tabash+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {ares} {#math ares {$ares+1};#math gares {$gares+1};#math tares {$tares+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {sres} {ares;#math sres {$sres+1};#math gsres {$gsres+1};#math tsres {$tsres+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {fres} {ares;#math fres {$fres+1};#math gfres {$gfres+1};#math tfres {$tfres+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {hits} {#math hits {$hits+1};#math ghits {$ghits+1};#math thits {$thits}} {G|Counters}
#alias {mhits} {#math mhits {$mhits+1};#math gmhits {$gmhits+1};#math tmhits {$tmhits}} {G|Counters}
#alias {crits} {#math crits {$crits+1};#math gcrits {$gcrits+1};#math tcrits {$tcrits+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {damage} {heal $heal;hurt $damage;gain $hpgain;#var hpgain 0;#var heal 0;#var damage 0;{#if %%2>$tmaxhp #math hpgain %%2-$tmaxhp};{#if %%1<$thp #math damage $thp-%%1};{#if %%1>$thp #math heal %%1-$thp};#var tmaxhp %2;#var thp %1} {G|Counters}
#alias {heal} {#math hea {$hea+%%0};#math ghea {$ghea+%%0};#math thea {$thea+%%0}} {G|Counters}
#alias {hurt} {#math dam {$dam+%%0};#math gdam {$gdam+%%0};#math tdam {$tdam+%%0}} {G|Counters}
#alias {gain} {#math gai {$gai+%%0};#math ggai {$ggai+%%0};#math tgai {$tgai+%%0}} {G|Counters}
#alias {exp} {#math egain {%%0-$tmpexp};#math ggain {$ggain+%%0-$tmpexp};#math tgain {$tgain+%%0-$tmpexp}} {G|Counters}
#alias {expgain} {{#if %%0>$tmpexp exp %%0};{#if %%0<$tmpexp lexp %%0};#var tmpexp %0} {G|Counters}
#alias {lexp} {#math egain {100+%%0-$tmpexp};#math ggain {$ggain+{100+%%0-$tmpexp}};#math tgain {$tgain+{100+%%0-$tmpexp}}} {G|Counters}
#alias {kills} {#math kills {$kills+1};#math gkills {$gkills+1};#math tkills {$tkills+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {skillup} {#math skup {$skup+1};#math gskup {$gskup+1};#math tskup {$tskup+1}} {G|Counters}
#alias {rounds} {#math rounds {$rounds+1};#math grounds {$grounds+1};#math trounds {$trounds+1}} {G|Counters}
#variable {pos} {std} {G|Counters}
#variable {bashing} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {fighting} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {mbash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {wday} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {month} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {day} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {hour} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {min} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {sec} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {year} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tzone} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {fumbles} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tank} {Someguy} {G|Counters}
#variable {kills} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {begin} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {shour} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {smin} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ssec} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {end} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ehour} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {emin} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {esec} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {hits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {rounds} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {roundcounted} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {lrounds} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {glist} {Someguy} {G|Counters}
#variable {sbash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {bashenable} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {procs} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gprocs} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tprocs} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gmbash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tmbash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gsbash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tsbash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gabash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tabash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {fres} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gfres} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tfres} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {sres} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gsres} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tsres} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ares} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gares} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tares} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {abash} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ghits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {thits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {mhits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gmhits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tmhits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {crits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gcrits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tcrits} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {test} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tmaxhp} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {hpgain} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {grounds} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {trounds} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {thp} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {damage} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {heal} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {dam} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gdam} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tdam} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gai} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ggai} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tgai} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {hea} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ghea} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {thea} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {egain} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gegain} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tegain} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {lastexp} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ediff} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tmpexp} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tgain} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {ggain} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {conned} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {econ} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tskup} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {skup} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {tkills} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gskup} {0} {G|Counters}
#variable {gkills} {0} {G|Counters}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Bashed}
#action {EC: %1 P: sit >} {st;#var standing 0} {G|Bashed}
#action {EC: %1 P: knl >} {st;#var standing 0} {G|Bashed}
#action {EC: %1 P: rcl >} {st;#var standing 0} {G|Bashed}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {General}
#action {P: std >} {#enable Bashed;#var standing 1} {G|General}
#action {P: %1 >} {#var pos %1} {G|General}
#action {You rise to your feet.} {#enable Bashed} {G|General}
#action {You clamber to your feet.} {#enable Bashed} {G|General}
#action {You scramble madly to your feet!} {#enable Bashed} {G|General}
#action {You swing _really_ badly, sending your %0 %1 %2 flying!} {st;get %1;wield %1;#math fumbles {$fumbles+1}} {G|General}
#action {T: %1 TC:} {b;#var fighting 1;rcheck %1} {G|General}
#action {You flee} {#var fighting 0;#var rque 0;#var rattempt 0} {G|General}
#alias {bashon} {#var bashing 1;#var bashenable 1} {G|General}
#alias {bashoff} {#var bashing 0;#var bashenable 0} {G|General}
#alias {st} {#if [$pos]!=[std] {#disable Bashed;stand}} {G|General}
#alias {tank} {#var tank %1} {G|General}
#alias {fight} {say $lrounds Rounds - Fight Begin: $shour:$smin:$sec Fight End: $ehour:$emin:$esec} {G|General}
#alias {k} {#if $fighting=0&$standing=1&$bashenabled=0 {begin;kill %%1};#if $fighting=0&$standing=1&$bashenabled=1 {begin;bash %%1}} {G|General}
#alias {begin} {#if {$fighting=0} {#var begin 1;time}} {G|General}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {Rounds}
#action {You attack %0, landing three hits.} {hits;hits;hits;#var ene %0} {G|Rounds}
#action {You attack %0, landing two hits.} {hits;hits;#var ene %0} {G|Rounds}
#action {You attack %0, landing a single hit.} {hits;#var ene %0} {G|Rounds}
#action {%0 attacks you, landing a single hit.} {mhits;#var en %0} {G|Rounds}
#action {%0 attacks you, landing two hits.} {mhits;mhits;#var en %0} {G|Rounds}
#action {%0 attacks you, landing three hits.} {mhits;mhits;mhits;#var en %0} {G|Rounds}
#defgroup {}


#defgroup {}

#speedwalk on
#message off
#ignore off
#togglesubs off
#presub off
#tinchar #
Posts: 1597
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2001 6:01 am
Location: Lake Stevens, WA, USA

Postby Yasden » Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:23 am

FYI, that "other guy" would be me (Targsk), your former guildleader. :)

Drop me an mmail on either Targsk or Aristan.

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