Glorishan's Res Tracker

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Glorishan's Res Tracker

Postby Glorishan » Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:13 am

Have had a few requests for this, so making it available here. Essentially it's a basic res tracker that tracks the following information:


If you decide to import it, you'll want to do 2 things. 1st, run the alias called cleartracker. That will clear all current data with one exception. You'll also want to change the date in the res alias from january 25th to whatever the current date is.

It comes with 3 other alias'. First is rescheck - it'll do a check of the stats and report it through a say. Second is rescheckm - it'll do a check of the stats and report it via a local echo to your window. 3rd is res - you must cast your resses using this alias or it won't track anything.

Code: Select all

#CLASS {restracker}
#ALIAS rescheck {#if (@successfailure = 1) {say <color #33FF00>Current streak: @resstreaksuccess successful resses in a row starting on @successstreakstart with %proper(@successstreakstartperson.)</color><color blue> Last success streak was @streakend resses.</color>} {say <color red>Current streak: @resstreakfailure failures in a row starting on @failurestreakstart with %proper(@failurestreakstartperson.)</color><color yellow> Last success streak was @streakend resses.</color>}
say <color cyan>Last successful res was on %proper(@ress) on @successtime.</color>  Last failure was on %proper(@resf) on @failuretime.<color #009999>  The longest streak of successes is @streaklongest.</color>
say <color #CC66CC>As of 1/25/06 my success rate is</color><color red> %format( 2, %eval( %float( @ressuccesstotal*100)/@restotal))~%</color><color #CC66CC> out of </color><color red>@restotal</color><color #CC66CC> attempts.</color><color #FF0066> Last dunce to forget to consent me was %proper(@resconsent.)</color>}
#ALIAS rescheckm {#if (@successfailure = 1) {#echo <color #33FF00>Current streak: @resstreaksuccess successful resses in a row starting on @successstreakstart with %proper(@successstreakstartperson.)</color><color blue> Last success streak was @streakend resses.</color>} {#echo <color red>Current streak: @resstreakfailure failures in a row starting on @failurestreakstart with %proper(@failurestreakstartperson.)</color><color yellow> Last success streak was @streakend resses.</color>}
#echo {}
#echo <color cyan>Last successful res was on %proper(@ress) on @successtime.</color>  Last failure was on %proper(@resf) on @failuretime.<color #009999>  The longest streak of successes is @streaklongest.</color>
#echo {}
#echo <color #CC66CC>As of 1/25/06 my success rate is</color><color red> %format( 2, %eval( %float( @ressuccesstotal*100)/@restotal))~%</color><color #CC66CC> out of </color><color red>@restotal</color><color #CC66CC> attempts.</color><color #FF0066> Last dunce to forget to consent me was %proper(@resconsent.)</color>}
#ALIAS cleartracker {#var ress 0;#var resf 0;#var resstreaksuccess 0;#var resstreakfailure 0;#var successfailure 1;#var resconsent 0;#var successtime 0;#var failuretime 0;#var successstreakstart 0;#var failurestreakstart 0;#var successstreakstartperson 0;#var failurestreakstartperson 0;#var streakend 0;#var streaklongest 0;#var restotal 0.0;#var ressuccesstotal 0.0;#unalias cleartracker}
#ALIAS res {#var restarg %1
#t+ {restracker|rescast}
#if (@successfailure = 1) {say <color #33FF00>Current streak: @resstreaksuccess successful resses in a row starting on @successstreakstart with %proper(@successstreakstartperson.)</color><color blue> Last success streak was @streakend resses.</color>} {say <color red>Current streak: @resstreakfailure failures in a row starting on @failurestreakstart with %proper(@failurestreakstartperson.)</color><color yellow> Last success streak was @streakend resses.</color>}
say <color cyan>Last successful res was on %proper(@ress) on @successtime.</color>  Last failure was on %proper(@resf) on @failuretime.<color #009999>  The longest streak of successes is @streaklongest.</color>
say <color #CC66CC>As of 1/25/06 my success rate is</color><color red> %format( 2, %eval( %float( @ressuccesstotal*100)/@restotal))~%</color><color #CC66CC> out of </color><color red>@restotal</color><color #CC66CC> attempts.</color><color #FF0066> Last dunce to forget to consent me was %proper(@resconsent.)</color> Now ressing %proper(@restarg.)
c 'resurr' @restarg}
#VAR ress {piy}
#VAR ressuccesstotal {59}
#VAR restotal {63}
#VAR resf {avran}
#VAR resstreaksuccess {2}
#VAR resstreakfailure {1}
#VAR successfailure {1}
#VAR resconsent {llorin}
#VAR successtime {Monday February 20, 2006 5:28:49 pm}
#VAR failuretime {Monday February 20, 2006 5:11:45 pm}
#VAR successstreakstart {Monday February 20, 2006 5:12:17 pm}
#VAR failurestreakstart {Monday February 20, 2006 5:11:45 pm}
#VAR successstreakstartperson {daniv}
#VAR failurestreakstartperson {avran}
#VAR streakend {14}
#VAR streaklongest {32}
#CLASS {restracker|rescast} {disable}
#TRIGGER {You can't do this sitting!} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Your spell fails as you do not have * consent.} {#var resconsent @restarg}
#TRIGGER {You don't have that spell memorized.} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {In your dreams, or what?} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Maybe you should get up off your knees first?} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {You abort your prayer before it's done!} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Sorry, you can't do that while laying around.} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Nobody here by that name.} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {No-one by that name here...} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Hell, you cannot see your own nose in the dark, you dare not do anything;offensive!} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Impossible! You can't concentrate enough!} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {You daren't spellcast in this cramped room! Spell might hit wrong target.} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {You can't! You're paralyzed to the bone.} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Your lips move, but no sound comes forth!} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Your thoughts are too hazy,*} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {Being knocked unconscious strictly limits what you can do.} {#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {your deity. Your vision swims as you see your deity's divine} {#ad ressuccesstotal 1;#ad restotal 1;#if (@successfailure = 0) {#var resstreaksuccess 0;#var successstreakstart %time;#var successstreakstartperson @restarg};#ad resstreaksuccess 1;#var ress @restarg;#var successtime %time;#var successfailure 1;#t- {restracker|rescast}}
#TRIGGER {moment, your deity withdraws their touch and you sense vague disapproval} {#ad restotal 1.0;#if (@successfailure = 1) {#var resstreakfailure 0;#if (@resstreaksuccess > @streaklongest) {#var streaklongest @resstreaksuccess};#var streakend @resstreaksuccess;#var failurestreakstart %time;#var failurestreakstartperson @restarg};#ad resstreakfailure 1;#var resf @restarg;#var failuretime %time;#var successfailure 0;#t- {restracker|rescast}}
Touk says 'ac > glorishan > mr > touk > hps'
Siamorphe OOC: 'If AFKing is the devil, then Corth is the Antichrist and Glorishan is the False Prophet who supports him.'
Referring to the guild on 8/28/06: Oghma responds to your petition with 'your leadership team averages 280 days MIA :('

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