Tinyfugue macros

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Tinyfugue macros

Postby Sarvis » Mon Jan 29, 2001 9:44 pm

Bleh... I'm trying to bind some macros here and getting it all messed up. Anyone know how I could bind like 8 on the numpad to north? I'd like to leave the normal arrow keys as they are though... like I know I could just look up the current bindings on those keys and redefine them, but I'd rather keep those for repeating commands and use the numpad separately. I'm pretty sure the numpad sends in a different code or something from the keyboard than the arrow keys do... just not sure what it is.

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Postby Nokie » Tue Jan 30, 2001 2:53 am

I'm working on that right now actually.
I figured out how to bind the 'regular' arrow keys to north, south, etc. I'll let you know if I find a way to do the numpad instead.
It all boils down to the question if tinyfugue sees the 'arrow up' as a difference key than the 'numpad up'.

Nokie Quickfingers!
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Postby Tilandal » Tue Jan 30, 2001 4:19 am

You can bid numpad keys in Zmud. Just make sure numlock is on when you press the key.

If it is KEY8 will come up in the button field.
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Postby Sarvis » Tue Jan 30, 2001 4:23 am

Heh... if Zmud ran on unix I wouldn't have bothered with downloading Tinyfugue.

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Postby Tilandal » Tue Jan 30, 2001 6:19 am

:P sorry, didn't read the title I guess.
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Postby Shevarash » Tue Jan 30, 2001 6:29 am

I used tf for a number of years. The thing I liked best about it was "hooks". Why? Cause you could make auto-spelling corrections!

My favorite (heh) :

/hook -replace "jsut" "just"

(syntax is horribly wrong, but you get the idea!)

-- Shevy the off-topic
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Postby Nokie » Tue Jan 30, 2001 1:38 pm

Ok I figured out how to do this.
Now one caveat. I use SecureCRT and I use the vt200-linux keymap, so my results may be different than yours.

My terminal program (SecureSRC) sends a "VT-CURUP" string whenever I hit the 'up arrow' key on my little keypad (not the numpad).
This equates to ^[OA as far as tinyfugue is concerned with respect to bindings.

SecureCRT sends "VT-NUMPAD-8" whenever I hit the up arrow on the numpad.
This equates to ^[Ox as far as tinyfugue is concerned with respect to bindings.

Since I want to use the little arrowpad for history navigation (i.e. hitting the up-arrow to go to the last command, etc), I can use the keypad arrows to bind to directional keys for going north, south, east, west.

Do to this, I put the following commands in my bind.tf file:

/bind ^[Ox = /send north %; /echo north
/bind ^[Or = /send south %; /echo south
/bind ^[Ov = /send east %; /echo east
/bind ^[Ot = /send west %; /echo west

The reason I have the /echo command in there is because I can't figure out any way to get the /send command to echo back what it's sending to the mud, and I would like to be able to 'see' what direction I'm telling the mud I'm going.

I hope this helps! I'll be posting more examples as I go along. Now that I'm a k-rad 3133+3 object oriented developer (sarcasm), I'm re-writing all my old tinyfugue stuff 'correctly'

Nokie Quickfingers!
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Postby Wyrel » Tue Jan 30, 2001 10:55 pm

What follows is my old TF trigger set for a paladin. It was adapted from a more universal set, so it works on variables that are set each time you load up. Use it for ideas or parts, etc..

I hope it displays properly.

;;;AFK Proc

/def -p1 -mglob -F -t'*tells you*' tell_page = \
/if /test "%tell_page"=~"on"%; \
/then \
tell %1 %playername is afk, I'm paging him now.%; \
/beep%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {afk}*' afk_alias = \
/set afk=on%; \
/set tell_page=on%; \
tog afk
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {back}*' back_alias = \
/set afk=off%; \
/set tell_page=off%; \
tog afk%;
/def -p1 -mglob -t'*AFK toggled on*' afk_proc = \
/if /test "%afk" =~ "on"%; \
/then sc%; \
/repeat -30 1 /afk_proc%; \

;;;Food Macros (seperate listing in case of future auto eat/drink setup)

/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {food}' food_alias = drink%; eat
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {drink}' drink_alias = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then \
rem sack%; get flagon sack%; drink flagon%; !%; \
put flagon sack%; wear sack%; /else get flagon sack%; \
drink flagon%; drink flagon%; put flagon sack%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {eat}' eat_alias = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then \
rem sack%; get bbq sack%; eat bbq%; \
put partial sack%; wear sack%; \
/else \
get bbq sack%; eat bbq%; put partial sack%; \

;;;Spell Out Alerts

/def -p1 -mglob -t'*You feel less wooden*' bark_out = \
/beep%; \
/echo -aCbgyellow Bark out!%; emote has lost his wooden feeling.
/def -p1 -mglob -t'*Evil things appear more threatening*' protevil_out = \
/beep%; \
/echo -aCbgyellow Protection from evil is out!
/def -p1 -mglob -t'*Your magic armor fades away*' armor_out = \
/beep%; \
/echo -aCbgyellow Armor is out!
/def -p1 -mglob -t'*You feel less blessed*' bless_out = \
/beep%; \
/echo -aCbgyellow Bless is out!

;;;Spellcast Macros

/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {cc} *' curecritic_alias = cas 'cure c' %2
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {bless} *' bless_alias = cas 'bless' %2
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {armor} *' armor_alias = cas 'armor' %2
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {prot} *' protevil_alias = cas 'prot' %2

;;;Weapon Macros

/def -p1 -mglob -t'*You swing _really_ badly, sending your*' fumble_trig = \
get %current_weapon%; save%; wield %current_weapon
/def set1h = /set oneh_weapon=%1
/def set2h = /set twoh_weapon=%1
/def set2h2 = /set twohtwo_weapon=%1
/def setwater = /set water_weapon=%1
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {1h}' 1h_alias = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"2h"%; \
/then /2h_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"2h2"%; \
/then /2h2_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"water"%; \
/then /water_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {2h}' 2h_alias = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"1h"%; \
/then /1h_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"2h2"%; \
/then /2h2_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"water"%; \
/then /water_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {2h2}' 2h2_alias = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"1h"%; \
/then /1h_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"2h"%; \
/then /2h_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"water"%; \
/then /water_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {water}' water_alias = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"1h"%; \
/then /1h_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"2h"%; \
/then /2h_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%weapon_type"=~"2h2"%; \
/then /2h2_remove%; \
/endif%; \
/def 1h_wield = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/set current_weapon=%oneh_weapon%; \
/set weapon_type=1h%; \
get %current_weapon sack%; \
wield %current_weapon%; \
get shield sack%; \
wear shield
/def 2h_wield = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/set current_weapon=%twoh_weapon%; \
/set weapon_type=2h%; \
get %current_weapon sack%; \
wield %current_weapon
/def 2h2_wield = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/set current_weapon=%twohtwo_weapon%; \
/set weapon_type=2h2%; \
get %current_weapon sack%; \
wield %current_weapon
/def water_wield = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
/set current_weapon=%water_weapon%; \
/set weapon_type=water%; \
get %current_weapon sack%; \
wield %current_weapon%; \
get shield sack%; \
wear shield
/def 1h_remove = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
remove %current_weapon%; \
put %current_weapon sack%; \
remove shield%; \
put shield sack
/def 2h_remove = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
remove %current_weapon%; \
put %current_weapon sack
/def 2h2_remove = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
remove %current_weapon%; \
put %current_weapon sack
/def water_remove = \
/if /test "%pack"=~"on"%; \
/then packoff%; \
/endif%; \
remove %current_weapon%; \
put %current_weapon sack%; \
remove shield%; \
put shield sack

;;;In-Combat Triggers (auto-stand, auto-bash, auto re-assist, etc..)

/def -p1 -mglob -t'*avoids your bash, you topple over*' = st
/def -p1 -mglob -t'*sends you sprawling*' = st
/def bashon = /set bash=on
/def bashoff = /set bash=off
/def -p1 -mglob -t'*You*to your feet*' auto_bash = \
/if /test "%bash"=~"on"%; \
/then /repeat -1 1 bash%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {reassist}*' re-assist_toggle = \
/if /test "%rescue_assist"=~"on"%; \
/then \
/set rescue_assist=off%; \
/echo Automatic Re-Assist Disabled!%; \
/else \
/set rescue_assist=on%; \
/echo Automatic Re-Assist Enabled!%; \
/def -p1 -mregexp -t'You are rescued by (.*), you' rescue_re-assist = \
/if /test "%rescue_assist"=~"on"%; \
/then ass %P1%; \

;;;Convenience Macros (Order Followers, Re-edit tool, packon/packoff, etc..)

/def reeditd = /grab $(/cddr $(/list -i - %{L-@}))%; /undef %1
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {of}*' of_alias = o followers %-1
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {packon}*' wear_pack = \
/set pack=on%; \
rem cloak%; put cloak pack%; wear pack
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {packoff}*' remove_pack = \
/set pack=off%; \
rem pack%; get cloak pack%; wear cloak
/def ettercap = \
/load speedwalk.tf%; /speedwalk%; 6ds2w4s3w3sesd6se%; \
open door east%; e%; open door east%; e2s
/def pracall = \
prac bash%; prac bash%; \
prac rescue%; prac rescue%; \
prac double%; prac double%; \
prac dodge%; prac dodge%; \
prac hitall%; prac hitall%; \
prac disarm%; prac disarm%; \
prac parry%; prac parry%; \
prac medi%; prac medi%; \
prac mount%; prac mount%; \
prac switch%; prac switch%; \
prac offense%; prac offense%; \
prac riposte%; prac riposte%; \
prac quick%; prac quick%; \
prac spellcast generic%; prac spellcast generic%; \
prac spellcast heal%; prac spellcast heal%; \
prac spellcast prot%; prac spellcast prot%; \
prac 1h slash%; prac 1h slash%; \
prac 1h blud%; prac 1h blud%; \
prac 2h slash%; prac 2h slash%; \
prac 2h misc%; prac 2h misc%; \
prac blindfighting%; prac blindfighting%;
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {settings}' settings_alias = /set rescue_assist%; \
/set bash%; \
/set autocoin%; \
/set autoloot%; \
/set autosplit%; \
/set copperdrop%; \
/set coppergive%; \
/set copperchannel%; \
/set coppertarget%; \
/set weapon_type%; \
/set current_weapon%; \
/set oneh_weapon%; \
/set twoh_weapon%; \
/set twohtwo_weapon%; \
/set water_weapon%; \
/set pack

;;;Toggleable Autoloot/split

/def -p1 -mregexp -F -t' ([^ ]+) silver coins*' silver_split = \
/if /test "%autosplit"=~"on"%; \
/then \
/if /test "%1"=~"There"%; \
/then split %P1 s%; \
/endif%; \
/def -p1 -mregexp -F -t' ([^ ]+) gold coins*' gold_split = \
/if /test "%autosplit"=~"on"%; \
/then \
/if /test "%1"=~"There"%; \
/then split %P1 g%; \
/endif%; \
/def -p1 -mregexp -F -t' ([^ ]+) copper coins*' copper_drop = \
/if /test "%copperdrop"=~"on"%; \
/then \
/if /test "%1"=~"There"%; \
/then \
%copperchannel %P1 c %coppertarget%; \
/endif%; \
/def -p1 -mregexp -F -t' ([^ ]+) platinum coins*' platinum_split = \
/if /test "%autosplit"=~"on"%; \
/then \
/if /test "%1"=~"There"%; \
/then split %P1 p%; \
/endif%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {as}*' autosplit_toggle = \
/if /test "%autosplit"=~"on"%; \
/then /set autosplit=off%; /echo Autosplit Disabled!%; \
/else /set autosplit=on%; /echo Autosplit Enabled!%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {al}*' autoloot_toggle = \
/if /test "%autoloot"=~"on"%; \
/then /set autoloot=off%; /echo Autoloot Disabled!%; \
/else \
/set autoloot=on%; \
/set autocoin=off%; \
/echo Autoloot Enabled!%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {ac}*' autocoin_toggle = \
/if /test "%autocoin"=~"on"%; \
/then /set autocoin=off%; /echo Auto Coin Loot Disabled!%; \
/else \
/set autocoin=on%; \
/set autoloot=off%; \
/echo AutoCoin Loot Enabled!%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {cd}*' copperdrop_toggle = \
/if /test "%copperdrop"=~"on"%; \
/then /set copperdrop=off%; /echo Copperdrop Disabled!%; \
/else \
/set copperdrop=on%; \
/set coppergive=off%; \
/set copperchannel=drop%; \
/echo Copperdrop Enabled!%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -h'SEND {cg} *' coppergive_toggle = \
/if /test "%coppergive"=~"on"%; \
/then /set coppergive=off%; /echo Coppergive Disabled!%; \
/else \
/set coppergive=on%; \
/set copperdrop=off%; \
/set copperchannel=give%; \
/set coppertarget=%2%; \
/echo Coppergive Enabled!%; \
/echo Copper will be routed to %2!%; \
/def -p1 -mglob -F -t'*You receive your share of exp*' autoloot_trig = \
/if /test "%autoloot"=~"on"%; \
/then get all corpse%; save%; \
/endif%; \
/if /test "%autocoin"=~"on"%; \
/then get coins corpse%; save%; \


/def -p1 -ahCbggreen -mglob -F -t'*tells you*'
/def -p1 -ahCbgblue -mglob -F -t'*clambers*feet*'
/def -p1 -ahCbgblue -mglob -F -t'*rises*feet*'
/def -p1 -ahCbgred -mglob -F -t'*starts casting an offensive spell*'
/def -p1 -ahCbgred -mglob -F -t'*sends you sprawling*'
/def -p1 -ahCbgred -mglob -F -t'*OUCH*'

;;;Commands Executed Upon Loading

/set playername=Wyrel
/set bash=off
/set bash
/set autoloot=on
/set autoloot
/set autocoin=off
/set autocoin
/set autosplit=off
/set autosplit
/set copperdrop=on
/set copperdrop
/set coppergive=off
/set coppergive
/set copperchannel=drop
/set copperchannel
/set coppertarget=none
/set coppertarget
/set rescue_assist=on
/set rescue_assist
/set1h giantbane
/set oneh_weapon
/set2h holy
/set twoh_weapon
/set2h2 broadsword
/set twohtwo_weapon
/setwater scimitar
/set water_weapon
/set current_weapon=holy
/set current_weapon
/set weapon_type=2h
/set weapon_type
/set pack=off
/set pack
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Location: Holland

Postby cherzra » Tue Jan 30, 2001 11:06 pm

Sorry for the SPAM below!

;************************* STANDARD TF MACROS *********************************

;; There are many good standard macro's, let's use those!
;; Screw the non-load and polishing policies...
/load at.tf
/load replace.tf
/load tr.tf
/load kbstack.tf
;;volgende twee regels zijn voor tab completion
/load complete.tf

/set completion_list=ezzallixxell syssok lissrissnak mazzilldorden draakchadra ssnyss thuraneer ssiwwiratu ssolsinorr dromgringita vsrrinaek azzxarrum ossisna nissimmek

;/~loaded alias.tf
;; /alias <name> <command>
/def -i alias = /def -i -ag -h"SEND ^%1( |$$)" alias_%1 = %-1 %%PR

;; My own echo...
/def -i mesg = \
/if (${world_name}=~"") /echo -ah - %0%;/else /echo -w -ah - %0%;/endif

;; For one-world-only macros (macro followed by world name)
/def -i iswmacro = \
/test ismacro(strcat("%0", "$(/escape \(\) ${world_name})"))

;; Ignore colour sequences
/def -i esc = \
/let tmp=%0%;\
/while (regmatch("^[\[[0-9]*m",tmp)) \
/let tmp=$[strcat(PL,PR)]%;\
/echo %tmp

;; Capitalize
/def -i capitalize = \
/echo $[strcat(toupper(substr({*}, 0, 1)), tolower(substr({*}, 1)))]

;****************************** TRIGGERS **************************************

;; Automatic revive-from-link-dead
/def -i -F -ag -h"PROMPT ^Throw the other copy out" auto_revive = y%;l

;; Automatic display mail like other echos
/def -i -F -ah -hMAIL mailincolour

;************************* SEQUENTIAL ACTIONS *********************************

;; The respective commands will call
;; /finished aloot, asell, packsell, hunt, akill or aboard when finished
;; You can use this function like:
;; /seq /aloot%;/walk n 3e%;/akill orc%;/wait akill%;/return
/def -i seq = \
/undef finished%;\
/mesg *CONTINUING WITH %**%;\
/if (regmatch('(%;)?/wait ([a-z]*)(%;)?',%*))%;\
/if (%P2 =~ "") \
/def -i finished = /seq '%PR'%;\
/else \
/def -i finished = \
/if (%%* =~ "%P2") /test $$[seq('%PR')]%%;/endif%;\
/eval %PL%;\
/else \
/def -i finished = /test 1%;\
/eval %*%;\

;; /finished is used in combination with /seq, don't remove!
/def -i finished = /test 1

/def -i search = \
/if ({#} > 1) \
/def -i -n1 -t"(nothing special|You don't find)" searching = \
/search %-1%;\
exa %1%;\
search %1%;\
/else \
exa %1%;\
search %*%;\

;**************************** KEY BINDINGS ************************************

/def -i -b^L Ctrl_L = /cls
;;voor tab completion
/def -i -b^I Tab = /if (moresize()) /dokey page%;/else /complete%;/endif

;; Based on common Linux keycodes
;/def -i -b^[[A Up = /dokey searchb
;/def -i -b^[[B Down = /dokey searchf
;/def -i -b^[[A Up = /dokey recallb
/def -i -b^[[B Down = /dokey recallf
/def -i -b^[[D Left = /if (moresize()) /dokey line%;/else /dokey left%;/endif
/def -i -b^[[[A F1 = /listsockets
/def -i -b^[[[B F2 = /tfshelp
/def -i -b^[[[C F3 = /time
/def -i -b^[[[D F4 = /recall -g 40
/def -i -b^[[1~ Home = /dokey home
/def -i -b^[[2~ Ins = /test insert := !insert
/def -i -b^[[3~ Del = /dokey dch
/def -i -b^[[4~ End = /dokey end
/def -i -b^[[5~ PgUp = /dokey socketb
/def -i -b^[[6~ PgDn = /dokey socketf
/def -i -b^[[23~ Shift-F1 = /dokey flush
/def -i -b^[[24~ Shift-F2 = /myhelp
/def -i -b^[[25~ Shift-F3 = /test more := !more
/def -i -b^[[26~ Shift-F4 = /recall -w 40
;; note; on DOS these are Shift-F2, ..., Shift-5

;; For FreeBSD
/def -i -b^[[F = /End
/def -i -b^[[G = /PgDn
/def -i -b^[[H = /Home
/def -i -b^[[I = /PgUp
/def -i -b^[[M = /F1
/def -i -b^[[N = /F2
/def -i -b^[[O = /F3
/def -i -b^[[P = /F4
/def -i -b^[[Y = /Shift-F1
/def -i -b^[[Z = /Shift-F2
/def -i -b^[[a = /Shift-F3
/def -i -b^[[b = /Shift-F4

;; For SunOS (I think)
;/def -i -b^[OA = /Up
/def -i -b^[OB = /Down
/def -i -b^[OP = /F1
/def -i -b^[OQ = /F2
/def -i -b^[OR = /F3
/def -i -b^[OS = /F4

;; For Indy (M-11/16/88f-beta4)
/def -i -b^[[001q = /F1
/def -i -b^[[002q = /F2
/def -i -b^[[003q = /F3
/def -i -b^[[004q = /F4

;; For DOS (I think) & DEC-2100
/def -i -b^[[11~ = /F1
/def -i -b^[[12~ = /F2
/def -i -b^[[13~ = /F3
/def -i -b^[[14~ = /F4

;; For the Macintosh - will probably conflict somewhere

;; removed, due to too many conficts :( Sorry Mac users!

;******************************* TIMERS ***************************************

;; Somewhere during the next hour (but not in the first 10 minutes)...
;; Some people think this is annoying, so let's just turn it off :(
;/eval /set HOST=%{HOST-$[regmatch("\.",%HOSTNAME),%PL]}
;/eval /repeat -$[rand(3000)+600] 1 /test prompt("%%HOST:~> ")%%;\
; /echo -ab Insufficient user intelligence error.

;; /schedule turns on/off the notification of my schedule
/def -i schedule = \
/set day=$[tolower($(/time %%a))]%;\
/if (!sched_pid) \
/if (day =~ "mon") \
/at 5:00 /mesg *IT'S MONDAY, 5.00 am*%;\
/elseif (day =~ "tue") \
/at 5:00 /mesg *IT'S TUESDAY, 5.00 am*%;\
/elseif (day =~ "wed") \
/at 5:00 /mesg *IT'S WEDNESDAY, 5.00 am*%;\
/elseif (day =~ "thu") \
/at 5:00 /mesg *IT'S THURSDAY, 5.00 am*%;\
/elseif (day =~ "fri") \
/at 5:00 /mesg *IT'S FRIDAY, 5.00 am*%;\
/mesg *SCHEDULER ON*%;\
/at 4:00 /mesg *TIME TO GET SOME SLEEP*%;\
/at 8:40 /mesg *FIRST HOUR LECTURE*%;\
/at 9:40 /mesg *SECOND HOUR LECTURE*%;\
/at 10:40 /mesg *THIRD HOUR LECTURE*%;\
/at 11:40 /mesg *FOURTH HOUR LECTURE*%;\
/at 12:00 /mesg *CHECK FOR KROKETTEN*%;\
/at 13:25 /mesg *TIME FOR INSTRUCTION*%;\
/at 17:55 /mesg *STACK DUMP ABOUT TO CLOSE*%;\
/at 21:55 /mesg *RUN FOR YOUR TRAIN?*%;\
/at 22:25 /mesg *HG ABOUT TO CLOSE*%;\
/set sched_pid %?%;\
/else \
/mesg *SCHEDULER OFF*%;\
/for i 0 9 /kill $$[%sched_pid - i]%;\
/unset sched_pid%;\

;; /idle turns on/off global idle prevention (uses /chkidle)
/def -i idle = \
/if (!idle_pid) \
/mesg *IDLE MODE ON*%;\
/repeat -0:15 100 /chkidle%;\
/set idle_pid %?%;\
/else \
/mesg *IDLE MODE OFF*%;\
/kill %idle_pid%;\
/unset idle_pid%;\

;************************** INTERNET PROTOCOL *********************************

;; /tcp <host> <port> <message>
;; Where message will be exploded on '#' (not on ' '!)
/def -i tcp = \
/let current=${world_name}%;\
/def -i -F -ag -n1 -hCONNECT #tcp1 = \
/def -i -ah -F -t"." #tcp0%%;\
/let str=%-2%%;\
/while ($$(/let i $$[strstr(%%str,"#")]) , i >= 0) \
/send -w%%1 -- $$[substr(str,0,i)]%%;\
/let str=$$[substr(str,i+1)]%%;\
/done%%;/send -w%%1 -- %%str%;\
/def -i -F -ag -hWORLD|REDEF|ACTIVITY \
-t"(22|Hello|Verbose|POP3|PASS)" #tcp2%;\
/def -i -F -n1 -hCONFAIL #tcp3 = /purge -i #tcp.+%;\
/def -i -F -ag -hDISCONNECT #tcp4 = /purge -i #tcp.+%%;\
/def -n1 -F -ag -hWORLD%%;/fg -s %current%;\
/connect %1 %2

;; /expn <user>[@machine]
/def -i expn = \
/test $[regmatch("@([^@]*)$$",%*)]%;\
/tcp %{P1-localhost} smtp helo %{HOSTNAME-%HOST}#verb#expn %{PL-%*}#quit

;; /day <host>
/def -i day = /tcp %{1-zen.stack.nl} daytime

;; /time gets the local time
/def -i time = /mesg $[ftime(%{*-%time_format},time())]

;; /cso <name>[@machine]
/def -i cso = \
/test $[regmatch("@",%*)]%;\
/tcp %{PR-cso.tue.nl} csnet-ns query %{PL-%*}#quit

;; /finger [user][@machine]
;/def -i finger = \
; /test $[regmatch("@",%*)]%;\
; /tcp %{PR-localhost} finger -m %{PL-%*}

;; /whois <name>[@machine]
/def -i whois = \
/test $[regmatch("@",%*)]%;\
/tcp %{PR-rs.internic.net} whois %{PL-%*}

;; /gopher <machine> [port] [file]
/def -i gopher = \
/def -ag -F -hCONNECT #tcp.gopher = \
/set gopherc=1%%;\
/purge -i gopher-[0-9]*%%;\
/set wrap off%%;\
/def -ag -F -p5 -w"%%*" -t"^(.)(.+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([0-9]+)" \
#tcp.gopher1 = \
/def -i gopher-%%%gopherc = /gopher %%%P4 %%%P5 %%%P3%%%%;\
/def -i gopher-b = /gopher %1 %2 %3%%%;\
/mesg %%%gopherc [%%%P1] %%%P2%%%;\
/set gopherc=$$$[gopherc+1]%%;\
/def -ag -F -t"^.$$$"%;\
/def -ag -F -h"DISCONNECT %%*" #tcp.gopher2 = /unset gopherc%;\
/tcp %{1-localhost} %{2-gopher} %{3}

;; /www <url>
/def -i www = \
/test $[regmatch("^http://([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)(:([a-z0-9]+))?/",%*) \
| regmatch("^([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)?(:([a-z0-9]+))?/",%*)]%;\
/tcp %{P1-localhost} %{P3-www} GET /%{PR-/} HTTP/1.0#From: \
root@%{P1-localhost}#User-Agent: Koresh.TFSH/%major_version \

;; /auth <localport>
/def -i auth = \
/let port=%{1-23}%;\
/set tmp=0%;\
/let netstat=$(/quote -decho -S !netstat -tn)%;\
/while (regmatch(strcat(":",port," +([^ ]+):([^ ]+)"),netstat)) \
/def -ag -n1 -hCONFAIL %P1.%P2a = \
/purge %P1.%P2%;\
/def -ag -n1 -hCONNECT %P1.%P2b = \
/def -ag -n1 -w%%1 -t":.*:.*: (.*)" = \
/echo -e -ah $$${world_host} %%%P1%%;\
/def -ag -F -n1 -h"DISCONNECT %%1" = %%;\
/purge %P1.%P2%;\
/tcp %P1 auth %P2,%port%;\
/let netstat=%PR%;\
/list #tcp.auth%;\
/set tmp=

;; /nntp [-m] [newsgroup] [machine]
/def -i nntp = \
/if (!getopts("m", 0)) /break%;/endif%;\
/def -ag -F -hCONNECT #tcp.nntp = \
/def -ag -F -w%%1 -t"." #tcp.nntp1%%;\
/def -ag -F -w%%1 -t"^411" #tcp.nntp2 = \
/send -w%%1 quit%%%;/mesg *NO SUCH NEWS GROUP*%%;\
/if (!opt_m) \
/def -ah -p2 -w%%1 -t"(^From:|^Date:|^Subject)" #tcp.nntp3%%;\
/def -ag -w%%1 -t"211 ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) %{1-stack.flame}" \
#tcp.nntp4 = \
/mesg Information about most recent message \
(total %%%P1 in %{1-stack.flame}):%%%;\
/send -w%%1 head %%%P3%%%;\
/send -w%%1 quit%%;\
/else \
/def -ah -F -p0 -w%%1 -t"." #tcp.nntp3%%;\
/def -ag -w%%1 -t"211 ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) %{1-stack.flame}" \
#tcp.nntp4 = \
/mesg Most recent message in %{1-stack.flame} \
(%%%P1 total):%%%;/undef #tcp.nntp1%%%;\
/send -w%%1 article %%%P3%%%;\
/send -w%%1 quit%%;\
/tcp %{NNTPSERVER-tuegate.tue.nl} nntp group %{1-stack.flame}

;; /pop3 <user>[@machine]
/def -i pop3 = \
/test prompt("Enter Password: ")%;\
/let passwd=$[read()]%;\
/send -w%;\
/def -ah -p2 -t"^From:" #tcp.pop3a%;\
/def -ah -p2 -t"^-ERR" #tcp.pop3b = /send -w quit%;\
/def -ag -p2 -t"^\\+OK ([0-9]+) [0-9]+$$" #tcp.pop3c = \
/mesg %%P1 messages available in remote mailbox%%;\
/for i 1 %%P1 /send -w retr %%%i%%;/send -w quit%;\
/def -ag -t"." #tcp.pop3d%;\
/test $[regmatch("@",%*)]%;\
/tcp %{PR-localhost} pop3 user %{PL-%USER}#pass %passwd#stat

;; /portchk <host> [minport] [maxport]
/def -i portchk = \
/let host=%{1-localhost}%;\
/let i=%{2-1}%;\
/let maxport=%{3-1024}%;\
/set max_iter=0%;\
/unset portlist%;\
/def -i -F -ag -hCONNECT #port1 = \
/set portlist=%%portlist $${world_port}%%;\
/dc %%1%;\
/while (i<maxport) \
/let i=$[i+1]%;\
/connect %host %i%;\
/repeat -10 1 /purge -i #port.*%%;/mesg Ports used by %host:%%portlist

;**************************** SIMPLE ALIASES **********************************

/def -i moron = /set more on
/def -i more = /set more %*

/def -i bank = test change platinum and gold and silver and copper for copper
/def -i new = Destruct %*%;load %*%;update %*%;clone %*

;************************** ADVANCED ALIASES **********************************

/def -i compare = \
/def -i comp = /while (%%#) compare %%1 with $[tolower(%*)]%%;\
/shift%%;/done%%;/undef comp%;\
/comp str dex con int wis dis

/def -i stest = \
/def -i cest = /while (%%#) estimate %%1%%;/shift%%;/done%%;/undef cest%;\
meditate%;/cest str dex con int wis dis%;rise

/def -i stset = \
/if (%# != 6) /mesg *USAGE: stset <str> <dex> <con> <int> <wis> <dex>*%;\
/else meditate%; set%; %1%; %2%; %3%; %4%; %5%; %6%; rise%;\

/def -i ip = \
/def -F -n1 -t"(What?|there is no skill|learn a skill before|\
fail to adopt|don't have enough money)" ip_end = /undef ip_go%;\
/def -F -t"You improve " ip_go = improve %0%;\
improve %0

/def -i akill = \
/if (!getopts("h", 0)) /break%;/endif%;\
/if (opt_h) \
/def -i -F -w -t" died.$$" next_kill${world_name} = \
; The repeat is for possible alooting ;-)
/repeat -3 1 /hunt -r%%%;/hunt %*%%%;/akill %*%;\
/hunt %*%;\
/else \
/def -i -F -w -t" died.$$" next_kill${world_name} = kill %*%;\
/def -i -F -n1 -w -t"You find no" end_next_kill${world_name} = \
/repeat -1 1 /undef next_kill${world_name}%%;\
/mesg *ALL %*s KILLED*%%;\
/if (%opt_h) /hunt -r%%;/endif%%;\
/finished akill%;\
kill %*
/def -i k = /akill -h %0

/def -i go = !wiz afk %* - brb%;!say afk %* - brb%;\
/if (%TERM =~ "xterm") /sys xlock -remote -info "Bugger Off, Loser!" \
-password "\\"I love OuterSpace!\\"" -username "Locked For " \
-nice 0 -mode random%;\
/else /def -i -ag -n4 -hSHELL|RESUME susp%;\
/sh stty susp ^@ ; lock -p%;\
/sys ps -ux | grep 'lock -p' | cut -f'2-5' -d' ' | xargs kill -9%;\
/sh stty susp ^Z%;\

;; ~/bin/crypt does practically the same as crypt() (3)
/def -i crypt = /quote -S -decho !~/bin/crypt %1 %{2-$(/salt)}
/def -i salt = \
/let i=$[rand(54)]%;\
/let j=$[rand(54)]%;\
/echo $[char(i>=28 ? i-28+97 : (i>=2 ? i-2+65 : i+46))]\
$[char(j>=28 ? j-28+97 : (j>=2 ? j-2+65 : j+46))]

/def -i tcsh = /@sh exec tcsh -l

/def -i listm = /list -i \^%*\$

;; This macro depends on the way ed works in the MUD...
;; However it _DOES_ work for very long files like /secure/master.c
;; w/o reason 1,$p aborts on empty files - making this alias useless :(
/def -i vi = \
/if (!getopts("r", 0)) /break%;/endif%;\
/let file %HOME/tmp_$[getpid()]_${world_name}.tf%;\
ed %1%;set nonumber%;\
/def -i -F -n1 -ag -t"::" gagcolon = /echo %%PR%;\
/if (opt_r) \
; Read only
/def -i -F -n1 -t"ed version" endget = \
/log off%%;/sh %{2-%{VISUAL-vim}} %file%%;Q%%;\
/sys rm %file%;\
/else \
; Modify file
/def -i -F -n1 -t"ed version" endget = \
/log off%%;/sh %{2-%{VISUAL-vim}} %file%%;1,$$$d%%;i%%;\
/quote -S '%file%%;.%%;x%%;/sys rm %file%;\
/sys rm %file 2> /dev/null%;\
/log %file%;\

;; For people who don't use a decent editor
/def -i joe = /vi %* %{EDITOR-joe}
/def -i jed = /vi %* jed
/def -i emacs = /vi %* emacs

;; /get and /put are based on the /vi macro
;; /get <mudfile> [<localfile>]
/def -i get = \
ed %1%;set nonumber%;\
/def -i -F -n1 -ag -t"::" gagcolon = /echo %%PR%;\
/def -i -F -n1 -t"ed version" endget = \
/log off%%;Q%;\
/sys rm %{2-%1} 2> /dev/null%;\
/log %{2-%1}%;\

;; /put <localfile> [<mudfile>]
/def -i put = ed %{2-%1}%;1,$$d%;i%;/quote -S '%1%;.%;x

;; ncftp -h<host> -p<port> -a -P -r<remdir> -l<locdir> <files>
;; Requires ncftp version 2.3.0 or compatible
/def -i ncftp = \
/if ({#} == 0) /quote -S -decho !ncftp -H --version%;/break%;/endif%;\
/let opt_h=${world_host}%;\
/let opt_p=ftp%;\
/let opt_a=%;\
/let opt_P=%;\
/let opt_r=\/%;\
/let opt_l=~%;\
/if (!getopts("h:p:aPr:l:")) /break%;/endif%;\
/let ftpcmd=$[opt_P ? "put" : "get -CfR"]%;\
/sys mv ~/.ncftp/macros ~/.ncftp/tmp_$[getpid()]_macros%;\
/log -l ~/.ncftp/macros%;\
/echo -ag macro .open.any%;\
/echo -ag cd %opt_r%;\
/echo -ag lcd %opt_l%;\
/while ({#}) /echo -ag %ftpcmd %1%;/shift%;/done%;\
/echo -ag bye%;\
/echo -ag end%;\
/log off%;\
/sh ncftp -$[opt_a?"a":"u"] %{opt_h-localhost} %opt_p%;\
/sys mv ~/.ncftp/tmp_$[getpid()]_macros ~/.ncftp/macros

/def -i cls = \
/if (%visual=~"on") /dokey redraw%;/else /echo -r \033[H\033[J%;/endif

/def -i xtitle = /if (TERM =~ "xterm") /echo -r \033]2;%*\07%;/endif

/def -i idea = \
/sys echo '%*' | elm -s"tfsh suggestion" %{authormail} \
> /dev/null%;\

/def -i host = /quote -S /mesg !host %*

/def -i redo = /input $[regmatch(": ",$(/list -i - ^%{L-@}$$)),%PR]

;; And does an idle check as well :)
/def -i chkidle = \
/let worlds=$(/listsockets -s)%;\
/let i=1%;\
/let world=%;\
/while (world:=$(/nth %i %worlds)) \
/if (idle(%world)>10*60) /send -w%world%;/endif%;\
/let i=$[i+1]%;\

;; Refresh _ALL_ defines, running processes and worlds
/def -i purge_all = \
/kill *%;\
/unset *%;\
/purgeworld .*%;\
/purge -i%;\
/def -i -F -ag -hLOAD tfshgag%;\
/load %{TFLIBRARY-stdlib.tf}%;\
/load ~/.tfrc%;\
/dokey flush%;\
/mesg *ALL PURGED*

/def -i kill = \
/if (%* =~ "*") \
/quote -S /kill `/ps -s%;\
/else \
/@kill %*%;\

/def -i unset = \
/let keepthose=$(/help special variables)%;\
/test regmatch("/",'$(/set)')%;\
/if (%* =~ "*") \
/while (regmatch("set ([^=]+)=",PR)) \
/if (strstr(keepthose,strcat(" ",P1))==-1) \
/@unset %P1%;\
/else \
/@unset %*%;\

/def -i debug = \
/if (%1 =~ "on") /set mecho all%;/set emulation debug%;/set telopt on%;\
/elseif (%1 =~ "off") \
/set mecho off%;/set emulation ansi_attr%;/set telopt off%;\
/else /echo Debug mode is %telopt.%;\

;; /enter turns on/off automatic resending of last line
/def -i enter = \
/if (!ismacro("autoenter")) \
/def -i -F -h"SEND ^$$" autoenter = $(/recall -i - -2)%;\
/else \
/undef autoenter%;\

;; /resize turns on/off automatic mud notification of screen resize
/def -i resize = \
/if (!ismacro("autoresize")) \
/def -i -F -ah -T"lp" -hRESIZE autoresize = !screenwidth %%wrapsize%;\
/else \
/undef autoresize%;\

;; /wpropt <prompt> uses user defined prompt
;; in which #w will be interpreted as world name, #t time, #p orig prompt
/def -i wprompt = \
/if (%* !~ "" | !ismacro("autowprompt")) \
/set prompt_mode 1%;\
/let myprompt=%{*-#t #w #p}%;\
/let myprompt=$(/replace #t %%{prompt_time} %myprompt)%;\
/let myprompt=$(/replace #w $${world_name} %myprompt)%;\
/let myprompt=$(/replace #p %%{0} %myprompt)%;\
/def -i -F -h"PROMPT .*> " autowprompt = \
/let prompt_time=$$[ftime("%%I:%%M",time())]%%;\
/test prompt("%myprompt ")%;\
/else \
/undef autowprompt%;\

;******************************* WALKING **************************************

;; /walk <path>
/def -i walk = \
/let args=%*%;\
/while ($[regmatch("^([0-9]*)([a-z]+)( |$)",%args)],%P2!~"") \
/for i 1 %{P1-1} %P2%;\
/let args=%PR%;\
/done%;/set back=$(/rev_path %*)

;; /return will return on last walked path
/def -i return = /walk %back

;; used by walk
/def -i rev_path = \
/let rev_p=%;\
/while (%#) /let rev_p=%1 %rev_p%;/shift%;/done%;\
/echo $(/tr nsewud snwedu $(/short_path %rev_p))

;; used by walk
/def -i short_path = \
/let path=%;\
/while (%#) \
/let i=1%;\
/while (%1 =~ %2) /let i=$[i+1]%;/shift%;/done%;\
/let path=%path $[i>1 ? i : ""]%1%;\
/echo %path

;; /trace [leader] will turn on/off logging all steps
/def -i trace = \
/if (!ismacro("trace_leader")) \
/if (%1 =~ "") \
/mesg *TRACING ROUTE*%;\
/def -i -F -w -h'send ^(n|s|e|w|ne|sw|nw|se|u|d)$$' trace_leader = \
/set traced=%%traced %%*%%;/send -w %%*%;\
/def -i -F -w -h'send ^-(n|s|e|w|ne|sw|nw|se|u|d)$$' trace_err = \
/set traced=$$[regmatch(" ([a-z]+)$$$", traced), %%PL]%%;\
/mesg *TRACE: %%P1 verwijderd*%;\
/def -i -F -w -t'There is no obvious exit [a-z]+.$$' trace_aerr = \
/else \
/mesg *TRACING ROUTE $[toupper(%1)]*%;\
/def -i -F -w -t"^$[toupper(substr(%1,0,1))]\
$[tolower(substr(%1,1))] (hops|sneaks|leaves|climbs) ([a-z]+)\.\$" \
trace_leader = \
/let dir=%%P1%%;\
/test regmatch("th([we])[ea]st","%%dir")%%;\
/set traced=%%traced $$[substr(%%dir,0,1)]\
/set traced=%;\
/else \
/set traced=$(/short_path %traced)%;\
/mesg /walk %traced%;\
/mesg Use /eval /map \%traced to get a map%;\
/purge -i trace_%;\
/test prompt("Save this path as: ")%;\
/let name=$[read()]%;\
/send -w%;\
/if (%name =~ "") /mesg *PATH NOT SAVED*%;\
/elseif /ismacro %name%;/then /mesg *MACRO EXISTS: NOT SAVED*%;\
/else \
/test prompt("Give comment for this path: ")%;\
/let comment=$[read()]%;\
/send -w%;\
/if (%comment !~ "") \
/test fwrite(PATHFILE, strcat(";; %comment"))%;\
/test fwrite(PATHFILE, "/def -i %name = /walk %traced")%;\
/def -i %name = /walk %traced%;\
/mesg *PATH SAVED AS /%{name} IN %{PATHFILE}*%;\
/set back=$(/rev_path %traced)%;\

;; /hunt [-r] <creature> will follow creature (-r returns on last hunt)
/def -i hunt = \
/if (!getopts("r", 0)) /break%;/endif%;\
/if (%* !~ "") \
/set hunted=%;\
/mesg *NOW HUNTING $[toupper(%*)]*%;\
/def -i -F -w -t"^(.+) (hops|sneaks|leaves|climbs) ([a-z]+).$$" \
hunt_trig${world_name} = \
/if ($$[tolower(%%P1)] =/ "*$[tolower(%*)]*") \
/let dir=%%P3%%;\
/mesg *FOLLOWING $[toupper(%*)] $$[toupper(%%dir)]*%%;\
/test regmatch("th([we])[ea]st","%%dir")%%;\
/set hunted=%%hunted $$[substr(%%dir,0,1)]\
/else \
/set hunted=$(/short_path %hunted)%;\
/if (opt_r) \
/mesg (recorded) /walk %hunted%;\
/walk $(/rev_path %hunted)%;\
/else \
/mesg (recorded) /walk %hunted%;\
/mesg Use /eval /map \%hunted to get a map%;\
/purge hunt_trig${world_name}%;\
/finished hunt%;\

;; /track <creature> will track creature
/def -i track = \
/if (%* !~ "") \
/mesg *NOW TRACKING $[toupper(%*)]*%;\
/def -i -F -w -t"tracks appear to leave the area \
(right|heading) ([a-z]+)" track_trig${world_name} = \
/if (%%P2 =~ "below") down%%;\
/elseif (%%P2 =~ "above") up%%;\
/else %%P2%%;\
track %*%;\
/else \
track me%;\
/purge track_trig${world_name}%;\
/finished track%;\

;; /map will draw a map of given path; argument must be a valid path.
/def -i map = \
/let cx=100%;/let cy=100%;\
/let mapu=100%;/let mapd=100%;/let mapl=100%;/let mapr=100%;\
/let map_100_100=O%;\
/if (!getopts("f:", "")) /break%;/endif%;\
/while (%#) \
/let dir=%1%;\
/if (regmatch("([0-9]+)",dir)) \
/let n=%P1%;\
/let dir=%PR%;\
/else \
/let n=1%;\
/while ({n}) \
/if (!strcmp(dir,"ne")) \
/let map_$[cx+2]_$[cy+1]=\/%;\
/let cx=$[cx+4]%;/let cy=$[cy+2]%;\
/elseif (!strcmp(dir,"se")) \
/let map_$[cx+2]_$[cy-1]=\\%;\
/let cx=$[cx+4]%;/let cy=$[cy-2]%;\
/elseif (!strcmp(dir,"sw")) \
/let map_$[cx-2]_$[cy-1]=\/%;\
/let cx=$[cx-4]%;/let cy=$[cy-2]%;\
/elseif (!strcmp(dir,"nw")) \
/let map_$[cx-2]_$[cy+1]=\\%;\
/let cx=$[cx-4]%;/let cy=$[cy+2]%;\
/elseif (!strcmp(dir,"n")) \
/let map_%{cx}_$[cy+1]=\|%;\
/let cy=$[cy+2]%;\
/elseif (!strcmp(dir,"e")) \
/let i=$[cx+1]%;\
/while (i < cx+4) /let map_%{i}_%{cy}=\-%; /let i=$[i+1]%;/done%;\
/let cx=$[cx+4]%;\
/elseif (!strcmp(dir,"s")) \
/let map_%{cx}_$[cy-1]=\|%;\
/let cy=$[cy-2]%;\
/elseif (!strcmp(dir,"w")) \
/let i=$[cx-1]%;\
/while (i > cx-4) /let map_%{i}_%{cy}=\-%; /let i=$[i-1]%;/done%;\
/let cx=$[cx-4]%;\
/else \
/mesg -w *WRONG ARGUMENT TO /map*%;\
/break 3%;\
/let map_%{cx}_%{cy}=O%;\
/let n=$[n-1]%;\
/if (cy > mapu) /let mapu=%cy%;/endif%;\
/if (cy < mapd) /let mapd=%cy%;/endif%;\
/if (cx > mapr) /let mapr=%cx%;/endif%;\
/if (cx < mapl) /let mapl=%cx%;/endif%;\
/let i=%mapu%;\
/if (strcmp(opt_f,"")!=0) /log -l %opt_f%;/endif%;\
/while (i >= mapd) \
/let j=%mapl%;\
/while (j <= mapr) \
/eval /set tmp=$$[map_%{j}_%{i}]%;\
/if (strcmp(tmp,"")==0) \
/test $[let(strcat("line=",line,"."))]%;\
/else \
/let line=$[strcat(line,tmp)]%;\
/set tmp=%;\
/let j=$[j+1]%;\
/echo %line%;\
/let line=%;\
/let i=$[i-1]%;\
/if (strcmp(opt_f,"")!=0) /log -l off%;/endif%;\

;; /rush <direction> will speed through linked rooms
/def -i rush = \
/if /ismacro rush_trig%;/then /undef rush_trig%;/endif%;\
/let dirs=,n:north,s:south,e:east,w:west,ne:northeast,nw:northwest,\
/let dir=$[regmatch(strcat(".*,",%1,":([a-z]+),.*"),%dirs) ? %P1 : %1]%;\
/def -i -p3 -w -t"obvious exit.* %dir" rush_trig${world_name} = %1%;\
/def -i -n1 -p2 -w -t"obvious exit" end_rush_trig = \
/undef rush_trig${world_name}%;\

;; /fast <direction> will speed through linked rooms
/def -i fast = \
/let dir=%;\
/let dirs=,n:north,s:south,e:east,w:west,ne:northeast,nw:northwest,\
/if (strlen(%1)>2) \
/let dir=$[regmatch(strcat("([a-z]*):",%1),dirs) ? %P1 : dir]%;\
/let dir=$(/tr nsew snwe %{dir-%1})%;\
/let dir=$[regmatch(strcat(dir,":([a-z]+),"),%dirs) ? %P1 : %dir]%;\
/def -i -p2 -n1 -w -t"two obvious exits: ([a-z]*),? ?(%dir),? ?([a-z]*)\." \
fast_trig${world_name} = \
/fast %%{P1-%%P3}%;\
/if /!iswmacro end_fast_trig%;/then \
/def -i -n1 -w -t"obvious exit" end_fast_trig${world_name} = \
/undef fast_trig${world_name}%;\

;; /sneak - will turn on/off sneaking mode: use sneak for all normal walks
/def -i sneak = \
/if /!iswmacro sneaky%;/then \
/mesg *SNEAK MODE ON*%;\
/def -i -F -w -h'send ^(n|s|e|w|ne|sw|nw|se|u|d)$$' sneaky${world_name} = \
sneak %%P0%;\
/else \
/undef sneaky${world_name}%;\
/mesg *SNEAK MODE OFF*%;\

;***************************** TFSH HELP **************************************

;;; This is awfull, terrible, dreadfull, horrible and slow,
;;; but it preserves a nice layout for this file ;-)
/def -i tfshelp = \
/let match %{1-topics}%;\
/let str=$[regmatch(strcat(";start_of_",%match," ;(.*)end_of_",%match),\
$(/quote -decho -S '~/.tfrc)),%P1]%;\
/echo ************** TFSH INFORMATION ***************** KORESH *********************%;\
/while ($(/let i $[strstr(%str,";")]) , i >= 0) \
/eval /echo $[substr(str,0,i)]%;\
/let str=$[substr(str,i+1)]%;\
/echo *********** All code is copyright 1997, Johan van Selst (Koresh) *************

/def -i myhelp = \
/echo -aB topics, bind, walk, trig, tcp, local, macro, misc, files, new%;\
/test prompt("Enter help selection: ")%;\
/let topic $[read()]%;\
/send -w%;\
/tfshelp %topic

/def -i triggers = /tfshelp trig
/def -i tfchanges = /tfshelp tfchanges

;. Koresh.TFSH Help Topics /tfshelp topics
;. Key Bindings /tfshelp bind
;. Walk and Mapping macros /tfshelp walk
;. Many Triggers /tfshelp trig
;. Internet Protocol support /tfshelp tcp
;. Local Configuration aids /tfshelp local
;. Programming aids /tfshelp macro
;. Other Macros /tfshelp misc
;. Files used by TFSH /tfshelp files
;. New in this version /tfshelp new
;-au Note that some macros in this tfsh require TinyFugue version %{minor_version} or newer

;Arrow Down, Up = next, previous line in history
;Page Down, Up = next, previous world
;Esc Down, Up = save current line to stack, restore last line
;Home, End, Ins, Del = obvious
;Tab = smart tab completion (refer to /help complete)
;Arrow Left = scroll ONE line at the --More-- prompt
;F1 = list active sockets
;Shift-F1 = discard all output
;F2 = list aliases, keybindings and triggers
;-aB Shift-F2 = get /tfshelp menu for help on this .tfrc
;F3 = display "$(/time)"
;Shift-F3 = toggle more-mode
;F4 = review last 40 lines
;Shift-F4 = review last 40 lines from current world

;seq <commands> = execute a list of commands, seperated by %%\59
;| special command /wait will wait until an command
;| has ended (e.g. /wait aloot, /wait hunt)
;walk <path> = e.g. /walk n 3se u 2w
;map <path> = Make a nice ascii map of this path (no up/down)
;| /map -f<file> <path> will save the map
;| /eval /map %%{traced} will show map from last /trace
;rev_path <path> = show the reverse walk of this path
;short_path <path> = short version of the path (w w w -> 3w)
;rush <dir> = walk <dir> as long as possible
;fast <dir> = rush through rooms with no choice
;trace = remember which route you took [off]
;trace <leader> = remember which route the leader took [off]
;track <victim> = track and follow someone who left [off]
;hunt <victim> = follow your victim around everywhere [off]
;| /hunt -r returns on path of last hunt
;sneak = sneak around instead of walking [off]
;return = return on last walk or trace

;intro = beeps on certain events, like intro's [off]
;atrig = login trigger - will say hi [off]
;aloot = looting in several modes [off]
;asell = selling in several modes [off]
;asplit # = auto-calculate share for # people [off]
;aboard = boards an arriving ship [off]
;debug = turn debug mode on [off]
;enter = send last line instead of empty line on enter [off]
;noposs = makes sure nobody possesses me twice [always on]
;autoqueue = gets you safely through the queue [always on]
;autojoin = always join (and buy ticket when leader does) [always on]
;osx = set tile for xterm (OuterSpace/TinyFugue) [always on]
;assist = assist whenever a team member attacks [on]
;idle = prevents character from going idle in any world [on]
;schedule = keeps my schedule (notify for classes etc.) [on]
;resize = change screenwidth when resizing your screen [on]

;cls (or Ctrl-L) = clear the screen (works also in visual mode)
;kill * = kill all TinyFugue processes
;purge_all = refresh ALL defines, processes and worlds
;wprompt <prompt> = use your own prompt
;| #w = world name, #t = time, #p = orig prompt
;go <reason> = go AFK and lock the screen -- works for X!
;xtitle <title> = change title of xterm (osx overrules!)
;idea <suggestion> = mail tfsh suggestions, questions to Koresh
;vi <file> = edit a remote file using %{VISUAL-vim}
;| /joe (using %{EDITOR-joe}), /jed and /emacs also work
;| use option -r for (fast) read-only mode
;get <mud> [<local>] = obvious
;put <local> [<mud>] = obvious
;ncftp <files> = optional: -h<host:${world_name}> -p<port:ftp>
;| (requires ncftp 2.3.0) -a -P -r<remdir:/> -l<locdir:~>
;| Use -a for anonymous, -P for put (not get)
;salt = get a random salt for crypt()
;tcsh = get a decent subshell
;listm <macro-name> = /list only exactly maching macro

;at <time> <commands> = execute commands at specified time
;alias <name> <commands> = _better_ than /help alias
;replace <old> <new> <string> = replace occurences of old by new in string
;tr <old> <new> <string> = replace occurences of old|n by new|n in string
;redo <macro> = change a macro definition

;stest = estimate your stats
;stset = set all 6 stats at once
;ip <skill> = improve <skill> as far as possible
;| --> Use 'improve <skill> max' instead!
;compare <enemy> = compare your stats with someone else
;loot <number> = loot <number> corpses at once
;sell = sell according to the mode set with asell
;packsell = sell all from your pack
;setpack <pack> = set the type of pack you store your stuff in
;| this is used by /packsell, /aloot and /asell
;akill <type> = kill all <type>s in the room, option -h hunts them
;search <items> = examine and search a list of items in a room
;new <file> = destruct, load, update and clone a file
;Send-aliases (refer to /help alias):
;da, ea = drink all, eat all
;whois, whoison = people -LiabdRrsN, people -LiabdRrsl

;day <host> = get remote time
;cso <query>@<csohost> = get CSO information on someone
;expn <user>@<host> = expand an email-alias
;finger <user>@<host> = finger anyone on the net
;whois <name> = get who-is info from rs.internic.net
;gopher <host>:<file> = display a Gopher page
;-au www <URL> = display a HTML page (with header)
;pop3 <user>@<host> = list messages on remote machine
;auth <localport> = look who's connected to a local port
;nntp <newsgroup> <server> = get newsgroup info (from %{NNTPSERVER-tuegate.tue.nl})
;| option -m will display the whole last message
;host <host> = get nameserver information about host
;portchk <host> <min> <max> = check which ports are used by host (1-1024)

;This file should always be saved as %{HOME-~}/.tfrc,
;otherwise some functions (like '/tfshelp files') will not work.
;At startup, your TFSH will try read to some files that come with the
;standard TF distribution and should reside in %{TFLIBDIR}.
;Also the following macro files will be read from %{HOME-~}:
;.personal.tf personal.tf paths.tf (provided these exist).
;The file paths.tf is used by /trace. You can change this filename by
;setting the global variable PATHFILE from your personal configuration file.

;-aB New in version Koresh.tfsh/%{major_version} TinyFugue/%{minor_version}:
;Some bugs fixed and option additions. More function documented.
;Shift-F2 now gives easy access to the tfsh functions!
;Paths (created with /trace) can be saved with comments.
;Removed some settings that are default in this version.
;Use /aboard for Genesis-like ship, for OuterSpace use:
;/board (for a ship), /plane (for a plane) or /space (for a spaceship).
;/space takes an optional argument: the planet where you wish to disembark.
;You can always obtain the latest Koresh.TFSH distribution file
;by mailing %{authormail} with the subject 'Request TFSH'.
;The latest tf can be found at http://ftp.tcp.com/pub/mud/Clients/tinyfugue/.

/def -i tfrc = /quote -decho -S !grep -e '\^;\\*\\*\\*\\*' ~/.tfrc%;\
/echo -au Total #lines: $(/quote -decho -S !wc -l ~/.tfrc)

;; Load extra user-specific files:
/load ~/tch/.personal.tf
/load ~/tch/personal.tf
/eval /load %{PATHFILE}
/undef tfshgag
Posts: 6369
Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2001 6:01 am
Location: Buffalo, NY, USA

Postby Sarvis » Wed Jan 31, 2001 11:35 pm

Err... anyone else having this problem, for some reason this entire topic is appearing blank to me! :( I sort of wonder if my browser might be wierd... but I wanted to tryand enter some of those triggers in right now and I can't see any of them. *grumble*


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