New world?

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New world?

Postby Nyyrazzilyss » Tue May 19, 2015 6:58 am

I've mentioned this on main.

I'm not interested in a pwipe, however, something I wouldn't mind seeing is another image of toril running (not just testmud) with the same codebase/etc, but blank pfiles.

I don't think timing could be better. Zoning has really fallen off with Lilithelle no longer able to do so daily, and it doesn't help a declining playerbase. Efforts are being made to reverse the trend.
Probably the most notable being voting at places like 'The Mud Connector'. It's quite noticeable the number of new players connecting primarily from a high ranking on mud voting sites.
They (and existing players) need to be encouraged to stay.

A new server image would give the opportunity for a lot of low level zoning again: While no-one wants to lead high level zones, there's lots of people who would be quite willing to form a group to lead Jenna, Splitshield, etc.

The most important thing would be not wiping the existing mud, but a 2nd image running along side it. Reasonable advance notice, and advertisement leading up to the date it was to go online wouldn't hurt

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