Madness in Menzo

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Madness in Menzo

Postby Katira » Fri Feb 27, 2004 1:26 am

The silk of the black hood felt cool and familiar. Welcome in this time of unrest and change. It felt cool like a second skin. The cooler skin of a Drow that was was created by the silk of the Spider Queen Lloth. Not one owing allegiance to the Matron Mother of a conquering house.

Silk had cascaded down Katira's face many times over the last 50 years. The first time was easy to remember. Running from the Drider Masters hunters of Menzobarranzan, Katira and her mother had run through the Underdark pell mell. Stopping only to avoid the gates of mighty Gloomhaven. The Pechs in the nearby caverns had succumbed to the fear of Drider Masters and given up her fleeing mother's location. Blinding flames of faerie fire lit the area as the Driders and Mother traded marking spells. Two days after her 50th birthing day - Katira saw her mother fall to the ebon quarrels of the Driders. The last of her house, trained in the histories and ways of 100 generations died in the craggy, smelly caverns of Pech. The end of a house erased from the roles of Menzobarranzan.

Of course Katira attempted to flee, only to be caught and hooded. Instead of killed. Now that hood symbolized a kind of redemption. The unnamed house was dead. At the young age of 100 years. Fifty as a fugitive and Fifty as a student, Katira hoped to do what some would say was impossible in Drow society. To join the Conquering house of her line as a member. To find Redemption and more importantly - survival.

Now kneeling, wearing the tutelage robes of a priestess of Lloth, Katira chanted the lines of lineage from the Queen Mother to her current Matron. The Conquering Matron of House Baenre.

Slowly, carefully with bated breath. Filling her heart with the power of Lloth the Spider Queen, Katira chanted for her life.


Guenthal had been in the room, sitting primly on a chair of jade and ebony long before the young cleric had entered. Yet the disgusting young woman had not noticed or felt her prescence. Deep in the corner of the room she watched the young drow with disgust as she chanted in low moaning tones.

Why Matron Triel kept this filth alive was beyond the comprehension of Guenthal. As High Priestess of Lloth for House Baenre she had been saddled with the education of a female that should be lying dead - lost bones in the Underdark. Yet for many years Guenthal had been asked to tutor the creature in the Holy Ways and Paths. Yes, it was undeniable that the spirit of the Spider Queen was strong in the young woman. She was an intelligent student and was touched by the True God. Yet she should have died. All history of this filth's house had been removed - erased. It was the way of House warfare. Guenthal felt betrayed by Matron Triel. Betrayed because Guenthal's time and energy was important - in both the defense of their great house and earning the radiant protection of Lloth. This one was dead. Was a waste of effort and time - its dirty destiny was to die. All Guenthal's efforts were wasted. Destiny could not be evaded for long.


Guenthal stood as the guardians of the Matron of House Baenre entered the room Waiting for their bows of placation. The young males, nameless before the High Priestess, fell to their bellies inches before the filthy outcast Katira.

Casting her eyes over Katira. Guenthal in turn turned to the deep purple curtains and kneeled as the Matron Mother Triel entered the room. Katira had not stuttered in her prayers as the newcomers entered the room. Unmoving, she chanted the lines of Lineage.

Fifty years of waiting were coming to conclusion this day.

Guenthal could clean her hands of this refuse.


Matron Triel entered the room, followed closely by a elegantly dressed male, following just a few paces behind.

The Elderboy Berg'inyon knew his place. No closer than three paces to a elder female of the House Baenre. Be silent unless spoken to. Do not make eye contact - and always listen. In the halls of House Baenre information was stronger than poison. It felled enemies and could be used to coerce the strong into becoming slaves or allies.

Gliding though the dark purple curtains of a room unknown to him, Berg'inyon felt his throat tighten and his heart race as Matron Triel immediately dismissed the two retainers and guardians out of the room - and out of the entire secret wing of the great house. A portent of powerful and malignant tidings.

"Guenthal, it is reported to me that you have done well in the short time you have been given the task of educating young Katira."

Berg'inyon glanced furtively at the young woman, skin dark even among the Drow, with long sinous hands and limbs - chanted strange words under her breath as if under some spell. Taken by the faith of Lloth.

"It is time we released her to her task. My time runs short and hers has come. You have had a short span to guide her spirit, to aim her desires. Now you must rush through specifics of her task."

"By all means, my Matron.", replied Guenthal in the gravely voice of death. "But what might this young Cleric know to prepare her for this task?"

"Silence Guenthal!", hissed Triel to the old hag of Lloth. Making Berg'invon shiver. "She is a tool we shall use to the Lloths benefit." "We have discussed these many years, the leeching of power by the traitor upstart Vhaerun." "This young woman will be the enigma sacrificed to the Spider Queen, so we might gather the power we once had at our disposal. The power before your debacle at Mithril Hall!"

Berg'inyon could see the rage seething up in Guenthal, and ached to take a single step back from the two Elder Females. His training and experience held him fast to his place. Fear and training.

"You are to train her to travel to Dobluth Kyor. Where she will find a way to rid of us that thorn of Vhaerun. Nilan. Nilan the soon to be fallen. And in doing so, arrange the fall of Dobluth Kyor with him." "Forever ending the scourge of weak Drow that pull us all down with their whimpering attempt to return to the surface world." "No martyr shall Nilan be." "Katira can not be traced to our house by birth or lineage." "Her special skills at survival shall be her shield, and Lloth's word her sword." "Take the Elderboy to help train her. He is loyal beyond doubt to our house and can lend a element of understanding of Nilan that no other can in our house."

"And if she dies?", moaned Guenthal.

"No loss to us Guenthal. No loss to us.", sneered Triel "Glad to hear you care so much for her."

"I know your mind Guenthal, and hold your feelings for the moment." "This girl is not a Matron or Elder female of Baenre." "But she has been shaped by destiny and circumstance in such a way that she will afford House Baenre a palpable leverage in upcoming events."

"A gamble in the future and a small investment."


Guenthal fumed at the posturing of her Matron Mother. In most aspects of House Baenre Guenthal was the Matron Mother's equal. How dare she gamble so much of the House's future on such offal as Katira.

"My Matron, why would you ever trust our future to such a one as this novice of the divine?"

"What secret do you know that you are not sharing?"

"How many attempts has Nilan survived?" "Duergar, the spawn of IX, and the Paladin of the surface?" "Every attempt is a powerful stroke against him. His luck and destiny allows him to survive and dodge the attempt."

"We accept that and offer a counter unparalleled." "We offer a intelligent, faithful woman with as much passion for her cause as Nilan has for his." "A simple novice cleric."

"A cleric with a cause, and fifty years of flight. Fifty years of depending on Lloths gifts to survive."

"The destruction we unleash against the assassin is the same he uses against's Lloth's will."

"Passion, truth, and fanatic desire to find redemption."


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