Rebirth (IV)

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Rebirth (IV)

Postby Sangdraxus » Wed May 04, 2005 12:43 pm

The young man woke to the grinding of metal on stone, and to a pain which he had never felt. His head was throbbing again, but it was not the voice of the cloaked man that caused it this time. As he tried to gather his senses he struggled to free himself, but whatever bound him was to strong. He was frantically trying to see what was happening around him as the room was barely lit now, and there was a terrible weight on his head as if it were full of lead. He moved his eyes up at the ceiling or the floor… he could not tell which it was.

Are you comfortable boy?” The ominous voice echoed from somewhere in the chamber.

A cloaked figure slowly appeared out of the dim light, and it was then that he noticed he was indeed hanging from his feet or the man was on the ceiling. He forced his head against the pain looking side to side and he saw that he was indeed on a cross. He frantically struggled again to try to free himself, but his hands had been bound, and a warm, thick liquid began to trickle down his palms. I would not do that boy, there is still much to do here and I need you alive. The man’s head was no longer cloaked as he approached to stand directly before him, the slightest smile noticeable on his weathered face.

Who are you! Why are you doing this to me?” The young man screamed in agony.

I just want to go home!” He shouted again, as cool tears began to pour down his face red hot from the blood rushing.

The man pushed a finger to the young mans lips.

Shhhhhhh," he made a mocking gesture, “You wouldn’t want to wake the dead now would you?”

He approached closer to the young man’s face cocking his head to one side.

You are the intruder here”, the man hissed, “a common thief come to steal that which is sacred to this city”.

The man’s eyes widened.

No…NO! I…I was just looking… CURIOUS is all!” the young man was evidently sobbing now.

The robed man lowered his head a bit, eyes seeming to glow in the dim light.

Well then…” The man paused, “Take a good look then for this is the last place you will see.” He chuckled ominously.

At least tell me who you are!” The man shouted again amidst his crying.

No need to scream boy, I am right here.” He paused a moment as if in thought.

Alright, not like it would make a difference… for you anyway.” The man took a step back, and made a bowed mockingly to the young man.

I am Kaldrannath the Black, brother to the one you seek to defile!”

The young mans eyes squinted in thought as he tried to recall the books he had read. His eyes became wide again. Kaldrannath was indeed the brother of Sangdraxus though not much was known of him other then being a powerful mage of Waterdeep, outcast with his brother in the first age for practicing the dark arts outside of the knowledge of his masters, or so he thought. He shook his head.

That is impossible!” The boy exclaimed, “You should be…”

Dead?” Kaldrannath finished his thoughts, “you know nothing of workings of death, but you will understand it soon enough.”

Kaldrannath produced a wicked looking blade from within his cloak. The knife was black and red runes pulsed along the blade.

It just so happens that your timing was perfect.” Kaldrannath hissed stepping forward resting the blade up to the side of the boy’s neck.

Please!” The man pleaded, “I don’t want to die like this!”

Kaldrannath’s paused a moment in consideration.

Die? Boy… when we are done here, you will be begging me to LET you die… that, I promise”.

Kaldrannath made a small cut on his neck, right below the ear near the man’s jaw line. He brought out a cup and let the blood flow into it until it was full as the boy began to loose consciousness again…

No no no” Kaldrannath hissed, “not yet.”

He made a gesture placing his finger over the wound which shut with wisps of smoke… wound cauterized.


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