One alone - Tel'arato Dagor (FF)

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Adriorn Darkcloak
Posts: 1292
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:11 pm

One alone - Tel'arato Dagor (FF)

Postby Adriorn Darkcloak » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:12 am

I often dream of memories past,
Moments once, all gone too fast.
Of candles gone now without light,
One lone flame against the night.

Darkness cannot hold my word,
Through tired eyes, my will be heard.
An eagle once, now losing sight,
One lone flame against the night.

From Waterdeep to Whistledale,
My Lady do I hope not fail.
A spirit not too weak to fight,
One lone flame against the night.

Three-hundred years of turning stones,
Have given much to these old bones.
With hair of gray and much of white,
One lone flame against the night.

Of innocence had, but never lost,
My hope I hope was not tossed.
Through winds of cold and heavy bite,
One lone flame against the night.

Through all the sorrow I have earned,
I've never faltered, never turned.
One lone Ranger holds on tight,
One lone flame against the night.

Adriorn Darkcloak

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