The EC Road Song

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The EC Road Song

Postby Gurns » Mon Feb 04, 2002 11:44 pm

I haven't forgotten the first time I heard this one. I was sitting quietly by the fountain in Waterdeep, practicing a new tune, and cadging tips from...I mean, gracefully accepting the compliments bestowed upon me.

Off to the south, a noise arose, headed our way. I got up for a better look. There, swinging into view, was a band of half a dozen adventurers, tromping along with an easy gait. They were chatting and laughing with each other, packs full of supplies, clearly off on some grand trip. They stopped at the fountain, filling their mugs and flasks.

You know you can tell a good group, just by watching them get ready? They're relaxed but alert, their equipment is well taken care of, they know what supplies they need, they're eager to get going but not anxious. This was a good group.

"Gurns!" said a gnome merchant, who had somehow gotten attached to the fighters, clerics, and mages. "Want to come along?"

"Of course!" I answered. "Who are you, and where are we going?"

"Who am...Oh!" he said. He did...something, and it was Jalahon!

"Ack, what happened?" I said. "A moment ago you looked just fine, and now! Oh, the horror!" I covered my eyes.

He grinned at me, almost as if he hadn't heard that one before.

"We're just waiting for..." he started, when behind me someone said "A fluffy bunny could look at a king, but I doubt it."

"Eli!" I said happily, and turned around. "Hi, Gurns!" Elisten said brightly.

"Let's go," said the leader. It was Cerlayne. I was impressed: there are a number of songs and stories about her, and the most experienced adventurers will tell you that there should be many more. I looked around and realized that these folks were all from the Eternal Covenant.

We left town, and hiked along. I heard what Jal and Eli had been doing, and told them what I'd been up to. After an hour or so, I started looking in my bag for an instrument. Usually when you're a bard walking with a group, they appreciate a traveling song, a little music to help the miles go by.

But this time... Jal and Eli winked at each other. Jal looked at me and said "F!" Eli looked at me and said "U!" I said "I beg your pardon?" They claim I misheard, but of course they did it intentionally. They chuckled, and fell into step with each other.

Then Jal shouted "If!" as his foot hit the ground, and Jal and Eli started, not quite stomping, but walking more heavily, making some noise. Of course, I automatically fell into step with them. On the fifth step, Eli shouted "You!" By now, the rest of the group was walking to the beat, as well, and also stomping their feet a bit.

On the ninth step, Jal shouted "If!" Tromp. "You!" Tromp, Tromp, Tromp.

I tell you, on the pickup, the whole group roared out "If!" "You!", swung into an easy stride, and they started singing this song!

I got the tune right away, of course, it's quite simple. I got some of the words written down, then and later. No one will ever get them all written down: Those folks keep making up more verses! There are verses about past fights. There are verses that are tall tales, or brags, or boasts. And any long-time Eternal Covenanter might have half a dozen or more verses about him or her!

Well, they all sang the chorus. Then one of them sang a verse, and they all sang the chorus again. Someone sang another verse and everyone the chorus. It went on like that for hours, it seemed, and the miles just rolled by.

After the chorus, sometimes they might march along a few steps or even a few dozen steps before someone sang another verse. There seemed to be no rhyme nor reason as to who sang what verse next, nor what the verse was about. It all depended on who felt like it, and what they felt like singing. Though no one ever repeated a verse, and no one sang a verse about himself or herself.

I guess they've been together long enough, they had a feel for who might want to sing next. It's wasn't often two of them would try to start a verse at the same time.

At the end, well, it didn't really end, it was just that no one sang a verse, They gradually fell out of step, and Cerlayne halted the group for a rest. But we had covered a lot of miles by then!

And it was amazing! You know how, when you're traveling down the road with a group, you get all sorts of different reactions, but mostly they're not good? A few of the peasants, usually those that have fought in battle, will come out and nod a cautious greeting. Most of those working in the fields will ignore you and keep on working, and there's always a few that look up fearfully or even run and hide. Merchants on the road will move their wagons aside, but only as far as they have to, and if they have guards, maybe not even that far. And if you meet up with another group of adventurers, there's always this little staring and posturing contest. Who's going to move aside for whom?

When we were singing – of course I joined in the chorus, perhaps I shouldn't have, but how could I not? – the peasants would wave at us! And shout "Heya, EC!" or "Good luck, EC!" Some of their kids would sing some of the chorus, or march along beside us. Merchants pulled their wagons right to the side of the road – not off the road, of course, but close to the edge. And when we met up with another group – and a nasty looking bunch they were, big, tough, half again as large as our party – we moved a bit to one side, they moved a bit to the other side, and as we passed, their leader...well, he nodded politely at Cerlayne, and I'd swear he looked less grim.

So, here's the song, with just a few of the verses. In no particular order, just as they might sing it on the road. If we're lucky, maybe some of the EC folks will add some verses they particularly like!

(OOC: I've sung this to a couple of tunes. Not sure what the "real" melody is yet. Maybe the EC folks will tell me! But I know that the range of the melody is small, so anyone can sing it; the music line is repetitious, so anyone can pick it up; it's got a steady beat, that goes on and on and on; and it's one of those tunes that get stuck in your head and you can't get it out. I've been using various children's tunes, which fit pretty well, except they're not...well, "martial" isn't quite right, definitely need strong and proud, but martial songs tend to be too stern and serious.)

(OOC: "Crushing" has numerous definitions. Four of them that might apply here: (a) to pound (OK, you knew that one); (b) to overwhelm; (c) slang stylin'; and (d) to hug or embrace, usually hard)

(OCC: The usual capitalization rules are ignored below so as to emphasize the downbeat, at the beginning of the singing line. And I think I've got 'em all right, finally.)

If! You!

Want fun and adventure,
we'll Tell you what to do!
Come along and join us.
the EC Crushin' Crew!
no Other group is like us.
don't Do the things we do!
Come along and join us. we're!
the EC Crushin' Crew!

we Con-quor'd all the pirates,
and Drove them from the sea.
now They're so scared of water,
they Moved to Nizari!


Jalahon's a strange one,
he Keeps changing his face.
no Matter what he chooses,
his Ears are out of place!


Eli is a healer,
she'll Fix you when you're hurt.
Since she married Nilan,
don't Touch, tho you can flirt!


the Moonshae wizards heard us,
Hastily they fled.
they Left a fearsome guardbeast,
we Left it lying dead!


Caullia's a druid,
And a good one, too.
'Cept she has a weakness for
the Taste of rabbit stew.


Kifle fumbles daggers,
Each time she attacks.
why Can't she learn to drop them,
Into someone's back?


Cerly's great at tanking,
She don't miss a bash.
When he stands, she's ready,
and Puts him on his ass!

or, sometimes someone will sing a variation on that, instead:

Cerly's great at tanking,
She don't miss a bash.
we Let her lead us marching
she's Proudest of her ass!

(I'm told that the first time this variation was sung, Cerlayne fell down laughing, and most of the group wasn't in much better shape. It stopped the march rather than keeping it going! The second time it was sung, it stopped the march again, because at the end of the phrase, Cerlayne was ready and sang out "o-ciation".)


For the shadow walk quest,
Jal had things to find.
suc-Cess was so exciting,
he Left the last behind!

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Postby Cerlayne » Tue Feb 05, 2002 12:19 am

OMG.... excellent job gurns... i'm still laughing bout the verses bout me.. rofl... us elf's have cute butts.. nog me... keep up the story telling... hugs gurns..

Cerly 'wiggles the butt' L'ytria
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Postby Gort » Tue Feb 05, 2002 8:20 pm

Nicely done!

Toplack *winks appreciatively at Cerly's bum* Frostbear
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Location: Minnesota

Postby Elisten » Thu Feb 07, 2002 7:01 am

GURNS!! You are a genious. I swear! Thanks for the great post. Keep up the good work!

Eli - "flirt, but !touching" ROFL!
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Postby rylan » Thu Feb 07, 2002 1:05 pm

lol.. thats awesome Gurns Image

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