Escape from Bloodtusk - Legacy Found

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Escape from Bloodtusk - Legacy Found

Postby bimble » Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:07 pm

Arti you scare me! keep posting. Heres a new
chapter - more xp for me.

Evika vowed to neither sleep or eat again until her
goal of finding the weapons cache near Waterdeep was

She was close now. No other creature in Faerun could
do without like an orc. The One Who can Not be Named
pushed his people relentlessly. Sleep and food were
always luxuries to orc.

The need to be quick was on her. These were strange
lands to travel alone, and the events of the last
day weighed heavily on her. She tried to hide the
death of the Archer, but deep down knew that others
of that humans clan would come looking - possibly
were looking for her now.

Her new companions were a blessing in many ways.

Thier boundless energy and ability to run without
any seeming breaks kept her moving beyond her own
limits, they were making good speed towards the
city of Waterdeep. Wolves came and went from the
running pack, scouting, exploring, guarding against
things that Evika no longer had to worry about for
now. For a moment Evika found peace, in the pain
of her aching legs and the burning in her lungs.

Lost in her reverie she barely noticed that the entire
pack save one had disapated like smoke in the wind
and disappeared into the treeline. The area was
deathly silent.

She grabbed the rough furry neck of her last lupine
companion as she stopped to look back down thier
path of travel.

Some news had forced the pack to turn on thier heals
and return the way they had come, that it required
the entire pack worried Evika. Wolves by nature were
secretive, defensive creatures that killed to hunt
and knew no revenge or anger at death. Something
behind had either scared them into hiding, or called
for them to group to battle.

A hard lanky shoulder rippled under her hand as the
male wolf beside her raised its leg and pissed a
steaming stream of urine accross the ground - barely
missing Evika's skin and hide boots.

The message was clear to Evika as if her companion
has yelled the words into her ear. This was now
thier new territory, left unmarked by the others.
Time to run, find the far side and mark it also.

The pair turned and ran, as Evika let out a low long
howl of loss.


Within a day, speed had turned to cunning as they
once again found the trail to Waterdeep. Although
only a youngling would call the wide road a trail.

Heavily travelled it was filled with colorful humans
wearing ridiculous purple worms on rags. These very
strange people walked around puffed up and unaware
of the natural things around them. They were loud
and very strange.

For a moment she longed for the Dark Dancers skills
of hiding. But obviously that was not needed when
the quarry was so oblivious. Still not wanting to be
found out, hiding was the call for the day - as Evika
listened in to several converstations:

"Aye, we pay the robber Barons more tribute than we
make to travel this road." "Private security my big
blue ass!" laughed one human to another.

"Well pay one of the numerous rangers sitting around
fair Waterdeep and avoid all the taxes of the evil

"Bah, I tried that several times. I once hired that
bitch Weylarii to ride my caravan as protector."
"Payed her a handsome some of 200 newly pressed plat
for the job. My thoughts were that no one would
attack a merchant guarded by such reknown, but still
we were attacked." "The bitch killed all the robbers
and 4 of my own men in the process. Claimed they
were aiding the robbers and summarily executed them"
"Not that I cared about the men, the attack came near
the end of the trip so I saved thier pay in my own
coffers." "But when I tried to make good on the huge
amount payed for her services, she balked and almost
cut off my hand as I fondled her fine ass as she
slept!" "200 plat!" snorted the human.

"Well, I must be off. My wagon is full and Waterdeep
is near. Time to fill my purse."

As the talkative human whipped his horse team into
action, Evika began to follow the easy trail left
by the merchant to Waterdeep.

The end was near.


As night was falling that very day, Evika got the
first taste of Waterdeep on the wind. Still miles
away and long from sight, she could taste the variety
of smells wafting along the hills and plains around
the city. Spices, meat cooking, and the fecal stink
that only humans carried about them.

Evika felt her excitment build, her fathers legacy
must be near. Time to slow the pace and look for
signs left by her ancestor or her erstwhile benefactor
- the Dark drow.

Beside her stood the Dire Wolf, snarling almost
constantly as they approached Waterdeep. Evika could
understand the animals distress. Places to hide were
thinning out, and this place was more than unnatural.
Evika tackled the wolf and rolled over the ground in
a tumble of tiny bites and nips, lifting the animals
spirits before she released it to its own devices. It
would be safer and happier on its own now. The rest
of Evika's travels would be at night, and would be
too delicate for such a monstrous wolf to be of aid.

A mere hour after the wolf had loped into the coming
darkness, Evika found herself presented with what
must be the Magical gates of Waterdeep. Much like
gates of her Homeland they stood, the stink of magic
on them. Thier power was obvious, no guard was set
no traps set before them. The magic about them must
be absolute she thought to herself. Only a old human
was around and he was too frail to move quickly, his
time was ending within the year.

"A lesson was learned at the beginning of this trip"
Evika whispered to herself. "Ogre or Drow shall I be?"

Snickering to herself, she chose the way of the Drow.

The gates must have a power word. It was not the same
as Bloodtusk's or these weird humans would be over
running Bloodtusk for its wealth of trading furs and
bone trinkets.

The old man was the key! Ancients always carried
secret knowledge, and this one was as Ancient as the

Evika was terribly careful, she chanted in her mind:
"Bend nature to my will, burn the trees, poison the
streams, all things bring power to me. Bend nature
to my will."

Ambushing the Ancient human was easier than thought.
As it entered a dark copse of tree's to relieve itself
Evika tackled it from behind and smashed it in the
head with her small club. Dragging it further into
the darkness, she found a safe place to talk to her
new captive.

It awoke with a slap to the face. Wide eyed and soon
stinking of fear it cringed as Evika placed her fang
toothed snout near its featureless face and asked,
"Da gate, da word - how to magic for Evika!"

The human ancient finish relieving itself on the
ground on which it sat. "Please dont kill me fell
creature! You can talk I see, you can understand me.
Spare an old man, I have many children and some
little wealth - take my things, and leave my life!"

"Da word da gate" hissed Evika, drawing her bone
knife up its gut to the soft spot under its little

"Please!" replied the man, "WURD!" growled Evika.

The man then pointed at the gates and repeated,


And Evika understood, the word was "puhlease."

The man frowned, "no please, not puhlease."

Evika watched the mans malformed face carefully,
his lips were too mushy as he spoke. She tried many
times to say "please" to no avail, eventually
becoming consumed with the effort. No word in the
orc language resembled please, please had no meaning.

Evika at first didnt notice that the old man, was
starting to struggle, to attempt escape. She grabbed
his head with one hand and forced the knife under
his chin once again.

"Pleese" she said, looking into his eyes as she shoved
the knife home into his throat. Evika felt good that
she could honor the old man so. To usher him into
the next world on the end of a knife, lessening the
burden on his family. He had lived too long.

The night was long as Evika grabbed the mans puffy
fat cheeks and moved his face as she formed the
word, "puhleese" many times over.

Desperately she approached the gates of Waterdeep,
knowing full well she must enter at night.

Dawn was cresting on the horizon as she spoke the
word, "please".

Magic hummed as the gates unlocked on thier own
accord and swung open slightly.

Prepared for her death, Evika almost wept when she
saw that more road, not Waterdeep lie behind the
gates. "Only humans would put a magic gate on a road
and not thier walls." muttered Evika to herself.

Evika ran through the gates.


The sun had almost set once more as Evika sat nestled
in her hiding place. Sitting in stunned silence as
she looked at the city of Waterdeep.

She had found this high ground within a hour of
passing the magic gates east of Waterdeep. As the sun
began its climb into the sky she sat awed by the
sheer size of the city of humans. Massive wooden
beasts with white wings the size of entire raiding
parties swam in the ocean. A tower of dread and pain
shot above the city so its rulers could look down
and administer pain and control over its citizens.
The walls were like mountainous cliffs in comparison
to Bloodtusks, and strange devices sat along them
pointed outwards in a menacing way.

Now as the sun set, the light of fires and lamps
almost lit the entire night. Waterdeep had captured
the sun and kept it within thier gates.

Evika knew her father would never enter that hellish
city on his own, and she also doubted even the skills
of the Dark Dancer to wiggle his way in without dying
in the attempt. Her legacy did not lie there.

Instead she scanned the surroundings. Even young
raiders knew not to attack a foe of greater strength
head on. Bite at its flanks, its weak companions and
lessen the greater strength over time was a well
known rule of strategy.

Such a huge city, no amount of game could feed it.

Only one farm was outside the walls, many fences,
many plots of once cultivated land surrounded the
city of a hundred hells.

Someone had burned thier farms within the last year.


Evika started to move towards the last standing
farm house. Dangerously close to Waterdeep and a
meeting of roads where many humans, elfs and dwarves
stopped to gossip.

It took hours to cover the distance, so slowly so
carefully she moved.

Outside the house two women stood bathed in the
light of lamps from the home. The young woman,
smiling offers a small glass, silver capped bottle
to the older.

"Thank you Elisten, your gift is much appreciated."
"Feel free to call on us whenever you like, please
give us notice when your friend from afar comes for
a visit... its a bit un-nerving, but our trust is
yours. As is our home"

Evika restrained her gasp of surprise as the young
woman spoke a single powerful word and disappeared
from view immediately.

Hours later, as the lamps died out and the noises
of the night increased, Evika approached the house.
She easily spied a human male and its mate sleeping
in a huge nest in one room and two cubs of differing
sex's in another nest.

One thing was perfectly clear. The house absolutely
stunk of the perfume that the drow had only faint
traces clinging to him. It was so strong from the
silver capped bottle, that Evika thought she could
see it rising in the room like smoke. It gagged her.
This was a test. A stinking petal wearing Drow test.

Would she choose brutality over finesse? Ogre power
over grace? Murder the family in thier sleep or gain
her legacy with skill?

In minutes the children were bound and gagged with
a wimper or a sound. Evika then hide in the childrens
room and made soft almost inaudbile whimpering sounds.

The nature of mothers was universal. And soon a tired
droopy eye'd woman entered the room, unaware that
Evika was there to knock her unconcious and bind
her unmoving and soundless with her children.

The male human was a different matter. Killing it
now was the safe thing to do. One stroke to safety.
Instead Evika stole into the room and struck it a
mighty blow its sleeping head. "Let fate and this
stinking foul humans ancestors sort out how hard
to knock it stupid, if not let it die."

Feverishly Evika searched the house. Tearing up the
soft feathery nests, shattering wooden objects and
throwing doors open.

Nothing of her Father's was found.

Finally, after a full hour she found herself standing
near the stinking vial of petals. In a fury she
turned to smash it, and noticed that the corner of
this room alone was bathed in absolute darkness.

"Drow stands in darkness, invited darkness says the
fat wife."

Evika ran to the spot and stood, attempting to draw
the shadows to her like a cloak.

And failed.

She began to move as the floor boards let out a
little squeak.

"Drow wouldnt stand on squeaks."

Falling to her knees Evika clawed and chewed at the
floor boards. Fingers bleeding and lips torn she
tore the floor away to reveal a tattered silken sack
hiden in the space between the floor and the lower
rooms ceiling.

Standing she howled at the top of her lungs,


Evika fled the house into darkness.
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Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2001 5:01 am

Postby Ashiwi » Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:03 pm

I really love what you've done with this character, Evika. She makes for a fascinating read, great thought went into her details and it's obvious.
Posts: 314
Joined: Mon Oct 15, 2001 5:01 am

Postby Baikalisan » Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:22 pm

Yes, i agree!

this is a great story, and i hope you continue it for a good long while..

Baikalisan Terrorforge- Valsharess Elg'Caress - Orbdrin D'oloth

Ellana tells you 'i WISH he was the energizer bunny. all i'd need to do is take out the batteries and duckpond him'
Clan Blindhammer
Posts: 255
Joined: Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:01 am

Postby Clan Blindhammer » Fri Jan 17, 2003 12:32 am


Artikerus barely looked up from the trail he was watching at the sound of the yell, knowing his prey could be anywhere up ahead. He focused on the footsteps, the same bipedal footsteps he had found at his campsite several days earlier. He grumbled to himself as he approached the farmhouses on the outskirts of Waterdeep.

"Damn humans," he muttered, slowly approaching one farmhouse that had it's door wide open. It was deathly quiet inside. Artikerus reached over his back and pulled out his hammer, wielding it in two hands. He concentrated briefly and his muscles bulged with magical strength. He snickered softly and crept into the house.

The floor was bloody and pieces of board were torn up. He inspected the hole, hoping to see a bloody human corpse, or maybe even his prey, the orc, shoved inside. Instead he found nothing but clay and dirt, and he muttered to himself. He looked around the farmhouse and muttered again. Even if he wanted to loot, there was nothing to even take. He heard muffled sounds coming from one of the rooms and instinctively rendered himself invisible. He approached the door and slowly turned the door knob, letting the draft from the outside door push the door open slowly. After several minutes the door creaked open and sitting inside was a mother and her children, bound and gagged, struggling to free themselves. Artikerus snickered and began to chant. Reaching his crescendo, he pointed at the occupants of the room, rendering the entire room into pitch blackness. Even muffled the kids shrieked in terror. Artikerus shrugged and kicked open the second door, finding a sleeping male human - or what was left of one, still lying in bed. He walked over and looked out the window into the ever-deepening gloom of the night. In the moonlight he saw 4 beady yellow eyes facing him.

Artikerus smiled wickedly and turned around quickly. He veritably sprinted through the house and out the back door until once again he faced the two sets of eyes. A growl behind him let him know that they weren't the only around him, and by the sounds of the growls, they weren't small animals. Slowly Artikerus reached around to his belt pouch and pulled out a small potion. In a quick motion, he quaffed the entire contents of the potion and then hurtled the empty bottle at the pair of yellow eyes. There was a muffled yelp as the bottle connected, but Artikerus had no time to hear it, as he heard the oncoming patter of footsteps rushing from behind.

Magically, his skin turned into stone, the magical concoction of the potion finally having its affect on his body. Artikerus turned and opened his hands wide, catching the attacking wolf as it lunged at his neck. Artikerus staggered back as it bit into his neck - or tried to. It immediately let go and began to whimper and wiggle, yearning to be free of the being with skin like stone. Artikerus cackled loudly and raised the wolf above his head to slam it down. Another wolf latched onto his wrist, keeping a hold onto his stony form this time, and Artikerus was forced to release the first canine.

Artikerus grumbled and swatted the second wolf, but was attacked from behind by a third, pulling at his leg in the opposite direction. Artikerus knew his stoneskin spell couldn't take much more attacks - it was through playing with the pups. Ignoring the wolves, he began another incantation, nearly losing his concentration once as yet another wolf leaped at him. He reached his crescendo and reached with his free hand to point at the ground.

The ground began to shake and quiver in a tremendous earthquake, sending the wolves tumbling. Two of the beasts fell down a large open crack that appeared, yelping and howling as they fell into darkness. Then the land stopped and the ground slammed back together, swallowing the canines forever. Artikerus snickered softly as his stoneskin spell fell, ducking under another wolves attack. He grabbed his hammer from the ground and swatted the next leaping wolf, a blast of lightning blackening it's fur and sending it flying. It landed on it's head, obviously quite dead from the blow.

The last wolf growled and backed away, snarling and gnashing it's teeth at the Dwarf. Artikerus growled back at it. He stood up and tossed his hammer to the side and bent down lower to be face to face with the wolf.

"Come' 'ere pup. Bite me now!" he taunted, and indeed the wolf leaped, it's sharp maw connecting and grabbing hold of Artikerus' muscled forearm. The pain was great but Artikerus held on, keeping the wolf at bay. He leaned in and pulled the ferocious animal in closer, looking square in the attacking wolf's eyes.

"Ye're dead." Artikerus promised. He reached around the back of the wolf's head and grabbed at the fur. He then began to force his arm into the wolf's jaw, pushing in with both the arm the wolf had in it's maw as well as the one Artikerus had on the back of the wolf's head. The growls quickly became yelps as Artikerus heard the snap of the canine's jawbone, but still Artikerus continued on. Wiggling to get free, the wolf released it's hold and turned to run, but Artikerus grabbed it by the tail. It turned around to nip at it's attacker, it's bottom jaw hanging grotesquely down, but Artikerus was too quick. He grabbed the wolf's foreleg and began to swing in circles. As he picked up speed, he got closer and closer the side of the farmhouse. With a sickening thud he slammed the wolf into the side of the building, releasing his grasp on the tail and leg. He bent down and looked at the wolf, it's face contorted and smashed.

Artikerus snickered softly to himself as he examined his ripped forearm, deep gashes from the wolf's teeth. He shrugged and walked around the farmhouse, stopping to pick up his hammer and restrapping it to his back. A quick examination of the ground showed the orc's footprints entering, and slightly to the side, much shorter footprints showed the orc leaving in great haste. Artikerus grinned wickedly and followed.

King Artikerus Blindhammer
Patron of Clan Blindhammer
Fallen Priest of Shimmergloom
Posts: 45
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2003 6:01 am

Postby bimble » Fri Jan 17, 2003 2:33 am

As if her howling oath had turned upoun her like a curse, the
name RedTail, once again brought trouble to the life of Evika.

She was away from the farm house and moving fast to a pre-
scouted place of safety, when she heard screams from the
farm house. "Farg!" she whispered to herself. She knew to
return was unwise, but felt that the Drow had a connection
to this human filth. "That Dark one has become my master,
with out my knowing," she muttered.

Again, children's screams in the distance. Screams of terror
not frustration. Evika thought they should be unbound on
thier own by now. Something was wrong. Those screams must
be heard even at the walls of Waterdeep.

Regardless, there was a unspoken promise in the test of the
Drow. "A promise kept is a companion served." The Drow had
said. Strange words with little meaning, but Evika was just
begninning to understand.

Turning she made ready to sprint back to the farm house,
when a pack of wolves rushed past her in a tight group, loping
with tongues hanging and eyes bright. Wolves on the trail,
on the hunt. With them was her new companion, who stopped
to rub against Evika in friendship.

She tugged hard on the wolves ear and said, "We go." Grabbing
a hand full of fur on the thick neck she swung a bony mottled
leg over the creatures back. "Tonight, we need your speed."
"Your legs, not bite will be our weapon." Evika reached into
the sack and pulled a sword of seething darkness, it hissed
with promised pain as it touched the air. Two arrows were
pulled from the sack one hid deep within her jerkin, the
other she held in her teeth. With a wicked smile she called
on the magic of the sack and as if a orchish miracle occured
she retrieved the full length of a bow - which she stuck her
head through fastening it to her thing shoulders.

The Dire wolf rippled in anticipation below her, as she tugged
its huge ear and slapped it on the neck. Evika thrilled at
the speed in which the Dire Wolf moved Covering ground like
the lightest wind over plains of grass.

Evika steered her mount over the same ground she had just
ran. Doubling back over her footsteps, mixing the marks of
her return in with those of the pack that had preceeded her.

Let any enemies trail her away from the farmhouse and lose
that trail amongst the wolves countless feet.

The ground to the house was covered like magic, still dark
as she left it - now a site of murderous activity. The wicked
growls and barks of hunting wolves could be heard on the
farside. As Evika entered the house for the second time that
night. She found little changed.


The darkness in the house was unnatural. Dismounting the
wolf she snuck to the window, hiding on the edge of the new
darkness to peer out the farside of the house, the sounds of
battle were lessening. Still screaming children lost in
fright covering the noise of her crossing.

With a sharp indrawn breath she stifled a scream, a horribly
pale creature of the night was killing the wolves with
abandon and glee. A wicked evil smile lit its face like a
pulsing star in a sky of devoid of light or darkness.

Wolves were out matched, she felt the density and weight of
the deep earth on this fell creature, its strength equal the
stone base she stood. She was outmatched. Even, yes, even
her father was outmatched this night.

"A promise kept is a companion served." she said to the
wolf beside her.

She scrambled into the darkness and pulled both woman and
children to the middle of the room, striking the woman hard
to the face she calmed her instantly.

Evika dropped to the floor and grovelled at the womans feet.
"My masterssss orders usss Orderssss us, now he is outside
killing ussss in fury, in Fury!, Evika moaned. "We are but
slavessss." she whimpered, "savesss us fine lady, call the
RedTail to kill it, kill it and free ussss!"

With a gasp from both children and housewife Evika drew her
bone knife and slit the bonds of her onetime captives.

"Save yerselves, save'em - follow the lightning to the city
of water."

And with those last words, Evika stood and fled the way she
came, out the door. Swinging wildly once again onto the
Dire Wolfs back, she dropped the bone knife and pulled the
bow from her shoulder.

As she cleared the porch at amazing speed she turned over
the wolves haunches, pulling a arrow from her jerkin the
area lit up like a expolsion. Knocking the arrow in the
bow she let loose of the wolf. She took a moment to lick
the carved hollow of the arrow, the whistle - to maximize
it noise.

And fired at the walls of Waterdeep.

Like screaming lightning the magical arrow of light flew
towards Waterdeep, awakening all in the surrounding area
as its brightness and carved whistling shaft streaked by.

Evika then fled into the night, once again covering the same
ground in hopes the tracker on her heals would miss the wolves
tracks in the whirlwind of the nights activity.

As she rode she called to her father, "When presented with
two enemies of greater power than yourself. Let them
weaken or destroy each other."

She knew tonight she had made a horrible gamble.
Clan Blindhammer
Posts: 255
Joined: Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:01 am

Postby Clan Blindhammer » Fri Jan 17, 2003 5:47 am

Artikerus ignored the magical flash as he continued on the trail of the fleeing humanoid, intent on the tracks before him. He turned nearly 180 degrees with the tracks, stopping himself as he realized the foul creature had tried to back track, but had not tried to walk backwards to hide it's own trail. He snickered thoughtfully. Artikerus Blindhammer hadn't been King of the Duergar, King of Gloomhaven, for long by following false trails set by novices, obviously fleeing in panic. He snickered again. He ignored the growing rise of shouts, and the glimmering of torchlight of approaching life - most likely human guards from the nearby Waterdeep. He definitely didn't fear them. In his multitude of years, masked by hundreds upon hundreds of spells of rejuvenation, Artikerus had outlasted many attacks by all sorts of races, magical or not, on this realm. He prided himself on those attacks that he had avoided though, most of all, surprising given his love of bloodshed. He ducked down low, nearly blending in with the grey, moonlit forest, as a pair of Waterhavien guards swept by, approaching the abandoned farmhouse from whence the screams came from the flank. He snickered softly as they left and continued examining the footprints in the ground which were now nothing more than fast-cooling imprints to his infravision.

He noticed one set of wolf prints deepen a few steps away, as if the wolf had gained nearly 100 lbs. in taking two steps...or, Artikerus thought, gained an awkwardly set rider. Artikerus snickered again and knew that, beyond anything, he would be hopelessly out stepped if he continued this pursuit on ground. Having no remaining scrolls to open a mere portal to the Halls of Gloom, where he might order one of his pet quaggoths to hunt out his prey, Artikerus shrugged and continued on, allowing his superior night vision guide him down the trail of the fleeing orc and it's wolf mount.

"Strange," thought Artikerus. "This 'un be knowin that it's followed, but not that if'n I be friend 'er foe." Artikerus stopped as if to correct himself, then snickered softly.

"Stupid goblins," whispered Artikeurs, and trudged on, losing ground slowly but unerringly on the trail of the fleeing orc.

I probably shouldn't post after a night of drinking eh? how bad was that?! Image Image But, if anyone's actually seen Artikerus RP on the mud, you'll know that he pulls bottle after bottle after bottle after bottle of Duergar ale (the BEST!) out of his bag while RP'ing. Like player like character, no?! I think I'm gonna go puke now Image ENJOY!

King Artikerus Blindhammer
Patron of Clan Blindhammer
Fallen Priest of Shimmergloom

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