The Call of the Void

Torilites, it's time to announce the first entry in the new campaign system: The Call of the Void. If you're not caught up on the latest »

New Area Features Preview

Soon, we're introducing four new systems that give us more ways to build content. These features open up possibilities for different kinds of challenges and rewards, »

New Zone: The City of Dis

Fan art of City of Dis, by BlackSalander.[source] Slay the diabolical guardians to this ancient and evil city that lies in the very depth of »

Patch Notes 8/5/24: Ranks

Today's fixes are a grab-bag, with some adjustments for high level mobs and a collection of Illusionist fixes. Patch notes Ranks NPC ranks have been restructured »

Wizards: Arrival

The Wizard has arrived. New class: Wizard Wizards are a new umbrella class for existing mage classes Existing mage classes (Invoker, Enchanter, Illusionist, Necromancer, Elementalist, Lich) »

Spellbound: The Wizard Arrives

Overview There's a lot to cover here, so let's start with the bullet points. New class: Wizard Wizards are being introduced as a new umbrella class »